Hello and welcome to my little bit of h2g2...

<BODY> My name is Nathan (aka The Geez) and i'm currently doing an MPhys degree at the University of Warwick (England).
Naturally my primary field of research involves the expansion (and testing) of the <A HREF="http://www.h2g2.com/A71614" >http://www.h2g2.com/A71614">Universal Alcoholic Table,</A> a more than worthy cause to which I am entirely prepaired to sacrafice my liver (in the name of the guide, of course).
<H3>The best in the world EVER!</H3>
I thought i'd include a short list of what I think are the best things in the world ever! If you have any better sugestions for these catagories (or some new catagories) tell me!<BR/>
<UL><LI>SONG: The Beatles; Something.
<LI>CAR: Ferrari 250GTO
<LI>AIRCRAFT: Concorde (or the Harrier, difficult choise)
<LI>COMPUTER GAME: Wingcommander II (or CIV II, again too close to call)
<LI>BOARD GAME: Monopoly
<LI>FILM: Batman
<LI>...more to come later.

<BR/><H4> Now, in the absence of anything better to put here, I've decided to include a list of (some) of my likes and dislikes....</H4>
<H3>I Like....</H3>
<LI>Cool music; By this I mean RADIOHEAD, Smashing Pumpkins, R.E.M, The Beatles, OCS, the Manics, Stereophonics, Nirvana etc...etc...
<LI>Sci-fi books/films; Particuarly the books of the late <A HREF="http://www.philipkdick.com" >http://www.philipkdick.com">Philip K. Dick</A>. Must-reads include, "The Man in The High Castle", "A Scanner Darkley", "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", "The Eye in The Sky" and "the Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldrich". As for films, some of the best, in my opinion, include "Batman", "The Matrix", "Alien", "Videodrome", "Blade Runner" and "Total Recal" (the last two are actually based on PKD books).
<LI>Technology; computers CD-players, DVD, Mobile phones etc..etc... I just cant et enough of them. If only i could afford more!!
<LI>Cycling; "Healthy body, healthy mind" or summut like that....
<LI>The Hitch Hickers Guide; (obvious)
<LI>...i'll ad some more when I get time...
<h3>I Dislike (very-much shorted list)...</H3>
<LI>The French; I'm English, need I say more.
<LI>Stupid People; Belive me there are a lot of them out thier simply being stupid and getting in the way of everyone else.
<LI>Obserdly fat people. i.e. most americans
<LI>People without mobile phones
<LI>Arts Students; All I have to say to arts students is "wake up, stop windging, you don't actually have any real work to do. Your degree is useless and your not gonna get a job in the end anyway!" (i'm planning to write an article on this eventually).
<LI>The Spice Girls, STEPS etc..etc...
<LI>Belive me i could go on but i've got other thinks to do (because I'm not an arts student, I actually have work to do).


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the Geez

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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