A Conversation for Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

Alternative Writing Workshop: A753806 - Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

Post 1

Trout Montague

Entry: Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel - A753806
Author: a broad called Ben - U148580

Time to give this a bit of an airing I reckon ...

A753806 - Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

Post 2


I really like this smiley - smiley

I admit I had a strange reaction when you conclude that mayonaisse is an anachronism smiley - laugh

Well done Ben. Also looks like it had an interesting ride in PR

smiley - blacksheep

A753806 - Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

Post 3

a girl called Ben

Well, the logic seemed faultless to me at the time!


A753806 - Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

Post 4


I'm not faulting the logic smiley - smiley I agree with everything you say!

I can't stand Mayonaisse either... too hard to spell smiley - winkeye

smiley - blacksheep

A753806 - Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

Post 5

LL Waz

smiley - laugh - like it!

It reminded me of the floating egg test used in making alum centuries ago. Another use of eggs that defies logic. Apparently smiley - smiley.

A753806 - Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

Post 6


"Bring out the Hellman's!" smiley - biggrin

Hang on, this must be some kind of anomaly in the space/time continuum...

I'm sure i've seen this before somewhere! Maybe they just changed something in the Matrix...

smiley - winkeye


Post 7

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(Not that you didn't already know all that, Ben)

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Alternative Writing Workshop: A753806 - Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

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