A Conversation for Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

A753806 - Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

Post 61

a girl called Ben

I aspire to being a high class gal, here, Dr T

smiley - winkeye

A753806 - Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

Post 62

Trout Montague

Not an high class gal?

A753806 - Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

Post 63

a girl called Ben

Point taken!


A753806 - Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

Post 64

Mu Beta

Ben, seeing as this entry has largely been amalgamated into A845930, does it still have a place in PR? Can you take it out please? smiley - ok


A753806 - Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

Post 65


It appears that this is a second major thread on the topic that I missed. Still it bears mentioning here:



It's still a bizarre enough concoction that its appearance could have meaning.

Perhaps we have looked at it all wrong? The production of mayo is certainly not intuitive, and absBen was correct that it was not an evolutionary step from some other culinary product.

Perhaps, given time travel, Occam's Razor gives us a clue? Perhaps the simplest answer is that concoction that we have come to refer to as mayonaisse is the result of a complex computer program that could predict the final product and then reverse engineer the solution as to its production. This would probably take the form of a more complex version of the Nutrimatic Drink Dispenser.

Imagine some future person, low in weight and cholesterol, needing additional acids in their stomache and roughage in their diet, goes up to a 'Lithe & Portly Lunchomatic Salad Maker' that scans their anatomy, etc., etc., and invariably delivers a salad topped with a substance that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Italian Dressing?

smiley - towel

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A753806 - Hellmans' Anachronism: an hypothesis about historical proof of future time travel

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