A Conversation for Apollo Conspiracy Theory

Apollo Conspiracy Theory

Post 1


Apollo Conspiracy Theory.

Apollo Conspiracy Theory

Post 2

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

One of The Main hox facts on the moon landing is that there are no stars in any of the films or phots not a glimer now try to explain that !

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Subject: Fake moon landing website !!!
Posted 22 Hours Ago by Austin Morris
This is a reply to this Posting Posting 6

Hi there,
Stars not in the Lunar surface photo's are one of the oldest bits of evidence from the ‘There were no moon landings’ brigade and one of the easiest to explain. Anyone with a little knowledge of photography can give you the answer. It was simply a matter of the time exposure necessary to record a pinpoint of light (a star) on film.
If you try to photograph a star on a dark/clear night you will need an exposure time of many seconds, even running into minutes just to get it recorded on the film. The photographs taken on the lunar surface were taken in bright sunlight and used exposure times of less than a second (down to 1/500 second) to record other subjects. The stars didn’t have time to register on the film.
Easy no? All the best

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Subject: Fake moon landing website !!!
Posted 21 Hours Ago by Researcher 17948 (paulsimpson)
This is a reply to this Posting Posting 7

oh thanks but what about the shawdows

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Subject: Fake moon landing website !!!
Posted 21 Hours Ago by Austin Morris
This is a reply to this Posting Posting 8

Are you referring to the shadows not being in line with each other or the 'fill in light'. Or both?

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Subject: Fake moon landing website !!!
Posted 21 Hours Ago by Researcher 17948 (paulsimpson)
This is a reply to this Posting Posting 9

when they get out of the lande it casts a shadow and yet they are full ilumnated as they get out and the others you menstiond

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Subject: Fake moon landing website !!!
Posted 21 Hours Ago by Austin Morris
This is a reply to this Posting Posting 10

Conspiry Theorists say that anything in shadow (out of the Sun)in the lunar photo's should be 'black' and unable to be seen. This proves that there was another (artificial) source of light and therefore the photo's could not have been taken on the moon.
They ignore the fact that there was indeed two other natural sources of light that would easily 'fill in' the shadows. The moon's surface itself reflects light. It reflects about 7 and a half percent of the light it receives. You will probably know that on a dark night (again-sorry) you can read a newspaper by the light of a full moon. On top of that at the lunar equator the Earth is always 'full' and being approx six times larger than the moon appears bigger. The Earth also reflects a higher percentage of light than the moon, you therefore have more than enough light to show some detail in some of the shadows.
CT's also refer to the photo's that show shadows diverging which they say proves another light source, as with a single light source (the Sun)the shadows should be parallel.
That's simply a matter of perspective. If you were to stand in the middle of a long straight road the edges would appear to converge in the distance, yet you 'know' that the sides are parallel. That's all that's happening here.

Right I thought I should bring the older questions and answers so we coul use them .

Now for some Questions !
1) but what about the radation barrer around the earth , in the early days astronorghts with exterme radtion burns

I will have a look around the conspircy websites and make some more questins .

Apollo Conspiracy Theory

Post 3


And then there's the flag which seems to flap in the wind, and the cross-hatching on the photos which goes behind the image...

Apollo Conspiracy Theory

Post 4

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

and the cross hairs on the photos witch go behind the imiges?

Apollo Conspiracy Theory

Post 5


Hi there Paul and Mund,smiley - smiley
Sorry I haven't been back for a while but a bit of 'research' and real life got in the way. Plus, the 'puter's going on the blink at the moment so it may be off for repair for a while in the near future.
Anyhow, I've put some of the 'answers' up on the page if you want to look there. I'm also still researching some more of the answers. Any further comments welcome.
BTW, What happened with the 'space' entry?
All the best,
A.M.smiley - crescentmoon
(2nd try)

Apollo Conspiracy Theory

Post 6


And then there is the stone with an C on it.

Apollo Conspiracy Theory

Post 7


Hi Frood...smiley - bigeyes
The 'C' rock. Supposedly left in the camera view by stage hand 'Whistle blowers' who dressed the film set, to alert the world to the hoax being perpetrated by NASA.
All photographic film taken on the lunar surface was copied and the original film stored under controlled conditions. These copies were used to produce further 2nd and 3rd generation copies and the photographs seen in most media reproductions are at least 3rd or 4th generation reproductions. The original of this photo and those in NASA archives do not show the 'C'.
Analysis/enlargement of the 'C' shows it to be a hair or piece of lint which got onto the photo during one of its many reproductions. CT's copy the reproduced photo with the flaw to 'prove' a point. Unfortunately it just doesn't hold water as referral to the archived prints would show. As a proof of a conspiracy its a pretty dismal bit of evidence.
All the best A.M. smiley - rocket

Apollo Conspiracy Theory

Post 8


Radiation IS a problem for any long-term lunar base or for interplanetary travel such as a trip to Mars. While there is a steady stream of cosmic rays from outside our solar system, the chief threat comes from our sun. Occasionally a very large solar flare can eject large clouds of hot gas and high speed charged particles. (Several forms of radiation consist of fast moving charged particles that can tear molecules apart when they hit the body.)

These ejections don't always hit the earth. But when they do, they can cause unusually bright auroras and wreak havoc on electricity networks, pipelines and communication satellites. They would also subject any astronauts outside the earth's magnetosphere (e.g., on the moon) to potentially large doses of radiation.

This was one of many calculated risks that Apollo astronauts had to take; theirs has never been a "safe" job. Fortunately no really large solar flares occurred during any of the Apollo missions. Most of the radiation they did receive came from the background cosmic radiation.

Astronauts are classified as radiation workers, like those in nuclear power plants. The Apollo astronauts carried dosimeters (radiation meters) that showed doses much too small to cause any health effects. A typical two-week lunar mission gave them no more radiation than you or I might get on the ground in a couple of years.

Interestingly, many of the astronauts saw light flashes during their missions that were most likely the result of cosmic ray particles. But they were never frequent enough to cause noticeable health effects.

Of the twelve men who walked on the moon, nine are still alive. One (Shepard) died of leukemia, one of a heart attack (Irwin) and one in an accident (Conrad). Of the 12 who flew to the moon without landing, some more than once, 9 are still alive, one (Roosa) died of pancreatitis, one of a heart attack (Evans) and one from cancer (Swigert).

Considering that about 13% of the general population die of cancer, these numbers are not bad. Obviously their radiation exposures didn't cause a massive die-off from cancer. Nearly all those still alive are now in their late 70s.

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