A Conversation for They're not people..they're hippies!HQ

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 81


Minister for discipline could be funsmiley - winkeye

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 82


Would like to people that the Hedgemonies have joined in a battle against Reddyfreddy smiley - tongueout


And here is a picture of our our stunning and illustrious leader smiley - diva


Bribery and general plotting room

Post 83


smiley - blush

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 84


that first link should definately go in our part broadcast smiley - winkeye

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 85

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Seconded (if it's not too late).

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 86


Cool pictures ect! smiley - ok

I'm going to scout for more people to corrupt...smiley - evilgrin

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 87


so have I got a job then?

I really really need a job and one with a red box and a black limo would be ever so useful just at the mo

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 88


Just waiting for you to decide on a title smiley - smiley

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 89

Skankyrich [?]

Oh, is it just titles on offer smiley - sadface

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 90


Nope not at all... you get a title and the bribe(s) of your choice smiley - biggrin

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 91


Did someone say bribes? smiley - bigeyes

smiley - evilgrin

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 92


no, voters A5889261 Vote!
and dont froget to list 2legs smiley - cidersmiley - cheers

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