A Conversation for They're not people..they're hippies!HQ

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 21

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Ferret, darling, sweetie, honeychild! Stop playing hard to get! You know you're mush when there's one woman around. Now you've got 3 dancing to attention! Sign up, there's a good boy!

*waves smiley - ale in front of Ferret*

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 22

Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon

smiley - laugh

Anyone? Does that include air-fares/hotels? Who lives in the best country?

Hmmm.... smiley - biggrin

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 23


erm what do i do?!

deaks said there was booze...

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 24

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Hey hon, just write your U number here and I'll get you a pint. Genie will be along in a little bit to bribe you some more!

Ever fancied being in government?

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 25


Who's my free date with?

And when do we get flashed?

And can I have a tea spoon too?

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 26


U850137 is my U number.

*waits for the pint*

erm, i've always fancied being a benevolent dictator of a small tropical island if that counts...

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 27

Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon

Hold out for more guys smiley - winkeye

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 28


i didn't realise we were waiting to see what we get...

we get flashed?!

smiley - yikes

no one tell Duck, ok?

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 29


benevolant dictator..hmm thats my job smiley - tongueout

how about minister for travel ?smiley - laugh

we still need a minister for beer and funny named stuff that gets you really drunk! any takers?

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 30


i'll take it!

and use it to gather my army for my military coup.

no offense to you and all that... sure you'll do a lovely job

smiley - biggrin

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 31


perhaps ill just keep you as a supportive voter for now smiley - winkeye

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 32


foiled my own plan already? i'll never have a small tropical island.

smiley - cry

*is going for the sympathy vote now*

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 33

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Stu, you signed up for a barrel of Magners, remember! No hanging out waiting for more stuff!

*flashes Ferret - very briefly*

There you go! Sorry, you missed it? That's not my fault if you aint looking in the right direction.smiley - laugh

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 34


good job Morty and DDD aren't about!

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 35


Damn it.

Note to self - hold out for better offer next time.

Ah well, smiley - cider anyone?

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 36


smiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - drool

There, he's here is spirit!

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 37

Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon

smiley - doh

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 38

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Acktcherly, if you look at the Party home page, DDD has signed himself up as Minister for Pizza! He gives out free pizza to those who pledge support! He's even got a nice spinach and egg and anchovy one for Ermie!

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 39

Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon

*Starts to wander off in search of more bribery*

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 40


I've fiddled about with the campaign badge.

The spacing's a bit better and added a link to the campaihn HQ!

Check out my PS or the Disco for the code.

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