A Conversation for They're not people..they're hippies!HQ

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 41

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Oi! Get back here now!

How bout a nice new job with a desk with windows? You could be Minister for the Environment and tell your boss, who will now be your underling, where he can stick his team building tactics!!

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 42


Excellent choice about the island, now I have two fantastic options for you!

One is a beautiful island in the indian ocean which is currently only inhabited by furry creatures who like to dance alot, a zebra, lion, hippo, giraffe and very unusually some penguins.. All of whom I'm sure would welcome you as their dictactor....

The other one is more of a prehistoric theme to it, unspoiled land and animals that live no-where else in the universe.... Apart from the odd broken 50ft electric fence and unexplained giant footprint its quite beautiful!

Any good for you?

smiley - evilgrin

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 43


wow the sympathy vote worked!

i'll have island number 1 please.

i like to move, it you know... and overthrowing the king lemur can't be that hard. all's i gotta do is get the penguins on my side...

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 44

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Did somebody call for a Master penguin trainer?

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 45


smiley - biggrin

yes Deaks, you can train them for me, please.

*wonders how i can get some people imported to tax and oppress...*

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 46


stu, so where's this code?!

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 47

Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon

smiley - doh the pretending to walk out didn't work. *walks out*

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 48

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

I offered you a new job with a new desk and everyfink! Bad Ferret!

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 49

Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon

Job?! thats almost swearing at me smiley - cry

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 50

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

But you get to be the boss so you can play pooters all day and tell everyone else what to do an' everyfing!

OK what's it gonna take for your support? Or are you just here to spy for the EA?

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 51

Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon

I need time to think smiley - yikes, I don't think... I mean drink smiley - ale

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 52


BF you should join the Lemming party...

but join this one anyway!

smiley - biggrin

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 53


didany one say drink? smiley - alesmiley - redwinesmiley - stiffdrink
smiley - cheers

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 54


ahem - any Friday corruption going?

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 55

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Not too up on the curruption business Spit, but I can offer smiley - redwine! And lots of it...................smiley - biggrin

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 56


I'm cheap - but not that cheap. My vote will cost you more than a glass of vino collapso.

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 57

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Coupla boxes?

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 58


getting warmer

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 59


Couple of boxes and a packet of fags?

Bribery and general plotting room

Post 60

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Make that a carton of cheap duty free menthol fags to go with the wine!


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