A Conversation for Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Questions only (game one)

Post 521


How many fingers am I holding up?

Can you walk a straight line?

Questions only (game one)

Post 522

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Can I thank Salohcin for the Old English Ale, May I have another one?

Is Ox holding up 17 fingers or haven't I had enough yet?

Is the straight line waving at me?

Questions only (game one)

Post 523

Metal Chicken

How many fingers do you want to see Ox holding up?
Isn't 17 fingers of ale about 2 pints?
Is it fair to hold up 2 pints of ale and not give them to Granny?

Questions only (game one)

Post 524

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Can Granny jump high enough to reach the beer? Is the Pope Catholic?

Questions only (game one)

Post 525

Paladin of the Lost Hour

~staggering to the bar from a dark corner~
*hiccup* Who spilled water in the lavat'ry?
I was out for..for how long was I out?
Did somebody pour my drink down the drain?
Has anybody got some aspr'n 'n' coffee?
**smiley - bigeyes**

Questions only (game one)

Post 526

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

You want coffee at this time on a FRIDAY night?, Are you a man or a mouse?

Questions only (game one)

Post 527

Paladin of the Lost Hour

Mouse, I suppose. Anyone else have to work at 11 o'clock on a Friday night?

Questions only (game one)

Post 528


You would't want to drink alone while at work, would you?

Do we agree then that the only fingers worth seeing are pointing the way to the free drinks?

Has anyone ever been injured while drinking a flaming cocktail?

Questions only (game one)

Post 529


Have you ever gargled a flaming dr. pepper?

Questions only (game one)

Post 530

Paladin of the Lost Hour

Doesn't that burn? ~summons courage~What the hell, Bartender? Make me a flaming Dr. Pepper, please?

Questions only (game one)

Post 531


What part of the drink is flaming?

Is there alcohol in it?

Will you make me one of those, please?

Do I look funny now that my eyebrows are burnt off?

Questions only (game one)

Post 532

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

Isn't this the forum where you're only allowed to speak in questions?

Questions only (game one)

Post 533


Were you asking a rhetorical question or were you needing an answer right away?

Questions only (game one)

Post 534

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Haven't you had enough to drink yet? Is it Saturday? Any chance of a really large drink to celebrate the weekend after the wedding?

Questions only (game one)

Post 535


Have I missed something?

Who's getting married?

Questions only (game one)

Post 536

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Did I not tell you Ox? Was that my son in church? Was it only one week ago, was Granny sober?

Questions only (game one)

Post 537


Will you accept my congratulations?

Should I have brought a gift?

Can we drink a toast to the happy couple?

Questions only (game one)

Post 538

Metal Chicken

Isn't toast a bit crunchy to put in a beer glass?

Questions only (game one)

Post 539

Yeliab {h2g2as}

A flaming Dr. Pepper for.... hwo was it again?

Was that spelt right?

Can I use Champagne for the tost so that it's soggy enough to put in the glasses?

A toste to the happy couple, no?

Questions only (game one)

Post 540

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

Yes, but if you put toast in a pint glass, will it not be difficult to drink the pint?

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