A Conversation for Cannabis


Post 21


I thought you might have run away to join a hippie commune! besides I don't think our ramblings are faintly delusional. I think they smack of delusion! But delusion is a whole lot more fun than reality. If you live in reality marijuana is illegal for everybody!!!

yes sir

Post 22


i'm so delusional that I'm not. I just try to avoid the boisterous four arsed monkeys that peck at my eyes. But they are really there aren't they? Hide if you must Mr. Guitar. But if you hide the monkeys may come to you.

bannana skins

Post 23


Bannana skins do not work. It's the white s**t you scrape off the inside of the skin, that you dry and smoke.

bannana skins

Post 24


I think you've been hanging out with monkeys too long.

hate the real world

Post 25


might i suggest magical mushrooms. i always find that they give me a fresh look at the world. i still see it for how scrued up it is, but very differently than usual. it's kind of hard to explain. it's almost like you're seperated from the world; like your in your own world. i usually end up laughing at the world (along with just about everythime else) because of how strange i know it's reality is; and the fact that i am no longer a part of that reality. shrooms are a great experience though and i highly recomend them.

No Subject

Post 26


might I suggest that we get off
this magical mistery tour bus,
and remember that associating
marijuana with mushrooms and
fruit extract and other pleasentries
are one of the reasons the real
world doesn't take the movement
for legalization seriousley.

good point

Post 27


Exactly. The irrelevant and innaccurate argument that there is a connection between marihuana and all these other substances always comes up in this debate and is given way to much importance. It's like saying that shoplifting leads to murder. While some murderers have no doubt shoplifted earlier in their lives, attributing their bad habit of killing people to the fact that they used to sneak out of the corner store with a comic book in their jockeys is ridiculous.

The main connection between Marijuana and other drugs is illegality. I mean if you've decided to break the law and smoke pot, then a little while down the track doing something stronger isn't a big step. Basically the problem is Pot is illegal but easily available (because the crime is victimless and difficult to police), and the fact that people can readily smoke it leads to people becoming comfortable with the idea of breaking the law, lose their respect for the law altogether and once that happens the doorway is open for a whole miasma of recreational hallucinogens, entheogens, narcotics, amphetamines and little scrapings of dried banana peel.

If marihuana was legal, people could smoke and still feel they were an integrated part of society instead of some kind of shameful outlaw addict with venereal diseases and tea shades. They could be content to smoke their little pipes and bongs and Js and never even consider the possibility of breaking any other laws, drug or otherwise. Obviously criminals would still smoke pot, but they're going to anyway so it doesn't make a difference.

Thankyou for reading my little essay. . .

good point

Post 28


Pink, you are correct, Shrroms are the best!! they tend to give me a very happy outlook on life, I agree. Ah, so wonderful.(SO IRONIC)
very nice essay, acid, I agree with the previous three agruments that sprung up. I took a class in american drug policy, basing on the punitive pardigm. It was sick. Just one more aspect of government control. Marijuana is a supposed "gateway" drug that the government rationalizes will lead you into utter despair, criminality, homelessness and crackwhoredom. I think the irrelevancy of the other drugs mentioned on the forum isnt really irrelevant at all. Just another offshoot on the previous topic. because there is not a forum for banana peels, or shrooms yet. Bye the way when i come down off of the shrroms i like the world for about a week. Then it turns into a toilet again. What can I say?

good point

Post 29


also i dont think any government officials are going to read our opinions and take them to heart. But still I voice agreement that the irrelevancies do support its illegality. Sorry if that didnt seem to be coherent.smiley - sadface


Post 30


Yes they are in season here at the moment (it is early winter here) YAY ! ! !

I am very conscious my mood changes resulting from drug-use and yes, it does seem that after awhile the magic wears off and things begin to suck once more. Probably this is because we give life to our dreams while we're on drugs and these are often incompatible with reality. The feeling of the world going to shit is due to a syntax error between your dreams and reality. Well that's what I think anyway. I do know some people who have a superior mental operating system and can live on another planet without ever noticing that the world is completely irrational, unfair, and often ugly (in a breathtakingly beautiful kind of way).

well that probably didn't make much sense

Govt control

Post 31


the government here are a complete pack of incompetent clowns. Here it is illegal to sell "Cigar Afficianado" Magazine, under laws against Tobacco advertising, but completely legal to buy "High Times". But you can buy a cigar (which you can smoke but you can't advertise) and not Pot (so you just have to be content reading about getting stoned in High Times). Here we have Undercover cops who retired ten years ago, who still claim to be addicted to pot (like, just can't break free from the habit!) and who are not only allowed by the government to do so, they are actually paid a pretty decent allowance towards it. Annnnd, they've just passed a law to make all bongs pipes and other pot smoking implements illegal to sell. Of course, because our country is known for it's DIY approach to everything, I don't think people are going to quit smoking pot because they can't buy a three coned four chamber precision engineered flying purple penis shaped bong!!!!



Post 32


No no, it made perfect sence to me. I know what your talking about.

I also know some people with this "superior mental operating system" you're talking about. It really makes me angry some times that people can be like that. But then I think 'ahhh hell, good for them, maybe they have the right idea'.


Post 33


Atleast when the magic wears off you get the wonderful experience of thinking about the next time you will do them, and reminiscing about your past times on them. Quite wonderful. Especially when you take them on a bright sunny day when nothing in the world can bother you. But anywho shrooms are always around here where I live. I think they are a definite blessing. And though it may sound flaky, I think they help me reassess my life situation on occasion. (SoRt OF lIkE THerApY) My favorute trip was at these beautiful water falls, a very breath taking place(even when sober)! So it ends and i know the world sucks again. (I always recall that ill trip again, and once again the world will be better.) ALL the ironic experiences on shrooms, (people say the moment you start drinking and doing drugs you stop emotional development. I beg to differ. Not that I trip too excessively , but it seems i live most of the time waiting just to trip againsmiley - sadface


Post 34


People say a lot of things, most of which are wrong. I think that a new type of emotional and personal development begin when you discover alcohol and drugs. I know that it did for me. smiley - smiley Well maybe some drugs aren't good for any development at all (I couldn't say persolally) but I know that shrooms and marijuana were a great help for my development. smiley - smiley


Post 35


Agreed. Being stoned right now may be shading my views a bit. But i feel like Ive had some comsiderable life experiences using illegal things. A few of my "trips" were experiences that changed me so much that i could not imagine life with out them (so many users say these things, that i wonder how it has to be dubbed as so bad!) Recreational use is great, i love it, i wish all people did. But i have seem some tradgedies, as all people have seen and heard, even in my own family (my disowned half brother is a crack fiend) I think watching him made me really consider which drugs i shoud not be using (although i did try a few them, just to you know... see.) How exactly far i was willing to let myself go.


Post 36


I agree. I have had periods earlier in my life when I rebelled against everything and spent all my time drunk, stoned, tripping out and completely out of it most of the time, and I suddenly saw through all of it that I hated the whole situation because I was using drugs as an escape from my stinko reality.
Now I try to use them in a far more conscious way, not just to pass time or something but to discover why I think and act the way I do.
I do Acid because i have always had good experiences on it but I have friends who hated their first one and won't do it again, which is cool with me.
The drugs I hate worst are alcohol (mainly because I'm hung over at the moment), and nicotine because it does nothing for me, it smells bad, and allows big corporations to take all our money while killing us and our friends with horrible cancers. I also hate bad drugs like heroin and crack, but I have not had much experience with these because they are very undergound in New Zealand.

P.S working hungover REALLY sucks


Post 37


You don't have to tell me that working hungover sucks. smiley - smiley I think that most of us (unfortunately) know what that's like. I've worked hungover way too many times, and each time I swear that it will be the last time I ever do again. At least I can take comfort in knowing that being drunk out-weighs the hangovers (most of the time).

I've never smoked though. I never saw the point in it. I'd be interested in hearing why you (anybody) started smoking.

Smoking and etc

Post 38


I started smoking for no reason at all. At the time with my friends that just happened to be the direction we were heading towards together. no peer pressure at all, suprisingly enough. The first time i smoked i was 14 and i did not feel anything and i was sort of pissed cuz my friends were all stoned and giggly( and i was sober) A few of them told me later that they were pretending. But after a while i really started to get into it. When i got to college in my freshmen year i was a full fledged stoner. I smoked to eat i smoked to go to class, to go to work, to go to sleep/ All occasions became a time to smoke. (that was the beginning of my drug fiend phase) I smoked and took XTC, and other crap(i even tried crack, gross) so much that i had no idea what was going on. I only remember snippits of my freshmen year in college. Which pisses me off because it was one of the greatest times of my life. Dont get me wrong i still smoke a lot of pot but its different now. The tolerance has set in. You never forget the first few times you get REALLY REALLY stoned. It so much different. I still get really high but its not the same. Even if you dont want to smoke pot i would reccommend smoking a few times *like 10) because it will be really awesome. Smoking is really a great thing though, you have the most interesting discussions when you are messed up. And if you do shrooms a lot i would reccommend smoking when you come down off of them because it really smooths it out. My favorite thing about smoking though is that my older sister, (shes 27) smokes alot, so i get to smoke with family.And you are correct working with a hangover sux. I lost my job last week due to a hangover. I was totally nonfunctionalsmiley - sadface so now im poor ack! hangovers...

Smoking and etc

Post 39


Sorry, i meant smoking cigarettes; I don't understand why anyone would start smoking cigarettes. I totally agree with you about smoking pot. It's great to smoke with family. My sister used to smoke pot. The first times were the best for me too. I think it might be because your not quite sure what to expect, then your overcome with happy wonderful feelings. =) But after you've gotten high a few times you know what to expect, so it's not quite as good. I haven't smoked pot in long time, I'm starting to really miss it. None of my friends smoke either ... hmmm ... maybe I should do something about that. I prefer hash to pot though - anyone else feel the same?

Smoking and etc

Post 40


never tried hash, maybe i should. Oh so i basically blabbed on like blithereing idiot about smoking pot and you meant cigarettes??? oh, boy.. Well, i started smoking cigarettes when i started drinking more (it helped me get the BAD beer down) But im not really sure why i started smoking...my parents smoke cigs, actually my dad quit as a present to me for my 8th birthday. I think i may have started to make them angry, you know the infantile rebellion thing., maybe thats why....and i just kept on smoking. I also have a tremendous fixation(eek oral fixations, (i got a tongue ring piercing because of that and now i cant bear to get rid of it) with it. SAFETY! Although i know cigarettes are terrible for my health, im not too concerned. I like cigarettes they feel like a close friend sometimes. Comforting. its hard to explain. When you dont like the surroundings (people, places and things ) you just light up.. Youre never alone. Exhalation is a wonderful thing too. I think maybe i just like to see the smoke come out.9i should have just stuck to pot)

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