A Conversation for Cannabis

Govt control

Post 81

Researcher 26444 Fenchurch

Where are you Ac-1D, which country has made the selling of bongs/pipes and other "decorative" curios illegal?

Johnny Guitar and Bananas

Post 82

Johnny Guitar

Highly recommended if you are aware of when it was made and why. Joan Crawford plays me, natch. You're the only person who has guessed where it comes from!


Post 83


Yeah much as I enjoy having a good rant about the stupidity of those who rule the planet, the one thing that saves them from a good smiting at the hands of my omnipotent wrath is that they save me from having to do it (oh my is that an irresponsible attitude I hear).
The world continues to turn, Mic continues to smoke (well will do after the lifting of his June Pot Embargo) and the government continue to mope around bemusedly, too stupid to find their own arses.

Next, let's go save some whales, Johnny m'boy.

Govt control

Post 84


Sorry - didn't see this thread. . .

The answer to your query - Fair, Green New Zealand. . .

There is a loophole to this insane law. You can market bongs etc as implements for smoking tobacco. Like, who is going to have a toke of tobacco through a penis shaped bong when out to dinner??? Ridiculous.

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