A Conversation for Cannabis

legalisatation arguement

Post 21


I seem to remember a programme maintaining that if someone were to try and market pre-rolled joints after legalisation, the probable cost of them would be about £50 for 10!!! There were compelling business-like reasons for this which I can't remember.....I think the least they could do would be to actively permit home growth...this way people who need weed for more than recreational purposes are more self-sufficient and don't have to feel like there a law breaker.

legalisatation arguement

Post 22


Also the reason they are called a roach is ummm due to their um resemblance to the common cockroach. . .

legalisatation arguement

Post 23

Johnny Guitar

Ac-id, please stop doing the drugs for a week. I am worried for your brain cells.

legalisatation arguement

Post 24


Funnily enough I had just made a decision to do that as my head has lately been feeling remarkably like a large lump of wood.
It's nice to know you care, Johnny. Thanks.

legalisatation argument

Post 25


of course

frustration - the basis of society

Post 26

The Naked Catfighter

Several weeks ago in the UK a first time "offender" who claimed he used canabis for alleviating the symptoms of MS was jailed for 18 months.
A repeat burglar who had carried out a 4 month campaign in my neighbourhoood was sentenced to 10 months, was released after approx 6 months, reoffended within two weeks of release and was then sentenced to a further 10 months. I was among his many victims

I have tried to equate the penalties here but just cant get my head round it. Can any one help?

frustration - the basis of society

Post 27


Pot smokers are guilty of more than just a crime - they are also guilty of having a good time that cops and judges will never be able to experience, and therefore should be prosecuted with extreme prejudice, whereas normal crimes like burglaries well no one really gets hurt, right? I mean except the victims of the crimes.

Here is a simple breakdown:
Crime: Burglary Victim: Public Cost: thousands of dollars Sentence: coupla months
Crime: Potsmoking Victim: Prosecution's Egos Cost: nil Sentence: throw away the key

got the point

Post 28

Uncle Al 2000

Hey, Sister!
Whats with the non-hippy stuff. Nothing wrong with the Hippies, we just wanted to live without interference and with righteous feelings while looking for a better way. Of course it didn't work because the world wasn't ready and the movement was usurped by attention-seekers.
By the way - do you know where the name came from?
When the Chinese smoked opium they lay on their sides on hard wooden 'stools' (which are more like coffee tables and that's what I use mine for) and because of the analgesic effect they didn't feel the growing pain in their hips until they were sober again when they became very sore.
Anyway, maybe the Hippies did succeed - we don't work as hard as our parents did and had more freedom than our children will. And more people than ever in the Occidental world have embraced the 'culture'.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" - just don't do it to others.

legalisatation arguement

Post 29

Al Miesel

i think...sorry... i know you are right. i by myself did almost every drug and i just got stuck with this "kraut" because its the best for me and my friend we even have a little grwing plantage so we do not have to pay the dealers. legalize the hemp(ing) fields.... = )

legalisatation argument

Post 30


what's that about not reading books? personally i find that mildly stoned is the best state of mind to read, not so wasted i just want to do the aforementioned eating of marsbars & quavers but just sufficiently that i can really focus my whole consciousness onto one task to the exclusion of all others.

it's the best time to read, and the best time to think about what you're reading smiley - winkeye

.......i bet smileys annoy you smiley - smiley :P smiley - winkeye


Post 31


I belive every vital fact hase been repeted at least 3 times in the discussion above, so I only want to ask one question!
You can discuse the sence of smoking dope, but if we are doing something, in know whay threatening the lives or life styles of the people opposed to it, then why can´t you just let us do it?

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