the homepage thing

the problem with homepages is that they tell you an awful lot of things that you don't want to know about. most people have some notion of some nugget of info that they want on someone but go to their homepage and you'll find their name, their pet's name and their pet's friends' names. also their starsigns, just the crazyest thing that ever happened to them on a tuesday and some deeply sad photos of people and pets stood next to a giant blurry thumb.

this isn't my idea of fun, entertainment, information or pornography and that's all i'm looking for on the internet.

so..... if you wanna know about me, read my guide entries or get in touch and say hi. hopefully by the time you have read this i will have figured out how to get an email address on h2g2 or some other contact thing that won't get me fired for clogging up the office mailserver with crap. try icq in the meantime, i'm on in uk office hours # 61431346.

and that's it for now. so long and thanks for all the ><>

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