A Conversation for Don't Panic

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 1


If there is, please let know. I have yet to discover it. (Ever read the instructions on the back of the toothpick packs? Or the McDonalds coffee cups that say "CAUTION! CONTENTS HOT!"? Then you should probably know what I mean.)

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 2

Ming Mang

Define 'intelligent'.

Pack of peanuts with a notice on it saying 'Warning! Contains nuts'


Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 3


hmmm...or the cooking instructions on tins of beans which say 1. Open can...

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 4


Isn't it all to do with the difference between "law" and "justice"?
There is no justice involved when some dizzy woman drives off with a carton of coffee clamped between her legs and is awarded $huge damages when she is scalded.
Some legal nicety.

Mr. Bumble had it about right:
"If the law supposes that, ... the law is a ass - a idiot."
(Sits back & waits for free legal advice.)
smiley - bigeyes

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 5

Sir Chan Rescew

Yeah I know what you mean! what kind of life form requires information on the back of shampoo bottles(wet hair, apply, rinse and repeat?)or on match boxes!?
Who is Prometheus and why does he think fire is so difficult for us to achieve,or ,as I believe has been said before, "the secret is guys to bang the rocks together!"

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 6


... seen on a pet blanket : "Remove pet before machine washing" .... I mean, c'mon ...

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 7

Ming Mang

Uh, there was a note on a matchbox saying 'wet hair, apply, rinse and repeat'??

Yeah, apparantly when the Microwave oven came out to public use, some person in America (hey guys, information on this??) put their dog in one after washing it to dry it out and it died. So they successfully sued the firm for not saying that you shouldn't put dogs in Microwave ovens...


Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 8

Researcher 132642

I know this story...

Another one is that this company put a sign on their microwaves
that said "Don't dry your Dogs in microwaves", and somebody
succesfully sued them, because they tried to dry their cat in
it. They said cats were not forbidden...

Ok... maybe a bit hard to believe, but i saw it on TV smiley - winkeye


Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 9


Hey People,
Are you familiar with the expression "Urban Myths" or "Urban Legends"?
Perhaps you may wish to consult http://www.h2g2.com/A2250
and/or http://www.h2g2.com/A184457
just for starters.
smiley - winkeye

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 10


I haven't quite made up my mind on what I think about the inhabitants of this little planet. One question I do have however ....

What happens when my bottled water is past the expiration date printed on it?

I emailed the company to ask them about it. They said to blame it on New Jersey.

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 11


I think that the Sweater Shop has a lot to answer for, as has Gyles Brandreth, but I fail to see how either could be held responsible for bottled water; much as I should like to blame them and Microsoft for all the ills of the world.

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 12

Ming Mang

Errrr, blame New Jersey for what?

I find Britney Spears is quite a good scapegoat too...


Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 13


Surely the fact that the question is raised proves that there is(or isn't!)?

So...you wet the hair, right?

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 14

Jumbo Shrimp

How about those food packages inwhich you could win (x) .... No purchase necessary details inside!!!!

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 15


Without consulting the sites you advised although I will in a minute Don't you think Urban Myths and Legends have to have stemmed from somewhere or is that just another example of the nonexistence of intelligent life on Earth. Still I have to say I won't eat sushi, and I never flash drivers without their lights on at night time yet another example!

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 16

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

if aliens came from another planet and met the average person,you think they'd come back?I mean I saw on the side of a van "pull handle to open"....it was serious too

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 17

Ming Mang

Errr, who said anything about the people raising the question coming from Earth??

I like the explantion in 'The Restaurant at the End of the Universe' about life on Earth... but then that could be because I'd already thought of that explanation before I read it and I was glad that I wasn't alone...

I saw a notice on a door in my school the other day: 'FIRE DOOR please keep locked at all times'!! I mean, what's the point of having a fire door if it's locked??


Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 18

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

does the school have insurance on you?...bit suspect isn't it?...but I know what you mean.

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 19


Working in a pizza shop, I encounter the lack of human intelligence on a daily basis, both on the road and when working with people. Apparently there is an extreme problem with literacy, because no one really seems to be able to understand the large, colorful, clearly labeled road signs. When a sign says "Center Lane Turning Only" or something to that effect, I was under the impression that you weren't supposed to use it to pass... boy was I wrong. And the people that have their 4 year old kids call! I hate them! "I want pizza!" What kind of pizza? "Hold on..." (2 minutes later) "Pepperoni!" Anything else? "Hold on..." GAH! DIE! DIE!

Is there intelligent life on Earth?

Post 20


I answered the phone today after the office had closed.
Woman's voice: "Is anybody still there?"
Me: "Hang on a minute while I check in the mirror. Yep I'm still here."
Woman: "Oh I thought everyone might have gone."
smiley - bigeyes

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