A Conversation for Don't Panic

Silver spoon

Post 201

Cheerful Dragon

The 'knife' is a 'sgian dubh' or 'skean dhu', depending on whether you're speaking Gaelic or writing for Sassenachs (people born outside Scotland - usually the English). The literal translation is 'black knife', and most that I've seen have a black hilt and/or a black scabbard. Traditionally they're worn tucked into a sock.

I haven't seen the price of one recenly, but I did see one some years ago for the princely sum of £45.

Silver spoon

Post 202

Mostly Harmless

II know I risk returning to something vaguely relevent to the original thread. For which I appologise.
Do females wear kilts traditionally? Or is it just for men?
And what about kids. Was it a status thing, or is it just to keep your bum warm?
I was at a friends wedding last w/e. A few wore kilts. They cut the cake with the old skeen dooo. (sorry 'bout the smelling pistake)

Did somebody say "who cares"?

Silver spoon

Post 203

Cheerful Dragon

No, women do not wear kilts, although you can buy 'kilted skirts' for women in various tartans. (The skirts are in various tartans, not the women, before anybody says anything!smiley - winkeye) Kilts were a 'men only' thing. The present form is a much tidier version of the original 'wrap a long piece of cloth round your waist, with the bottom edge at knee level and the top over your shoulder'. The modern version, for those that haven't seen one, is neatly pleated at the back.

According to my father, a kilt should be worn such that the bottom edge just brushes the ground when you kneel (thighs vertical, rather than resting on your calves). As my father served with 'The Royal Highland Regiment The Black Watch', I think he should know.

Silver spoon

Post 204


TTFN see you all at the end of the month.

Silver spoon

Post 205

Trillian's child

When I started grammar school in 1965, we had to kneel down and have our hems adjusted to 1" above the ground. Now I know where the idea comes from

Women, etc.

Post 206

Micheal Jay Mole

As a matter of fact Mr. Mole is a man through and through and I have dug enought holes to know the difference between men and women. Its just plain and simple: what you sincerely love is always right. Now some knuckle draggers might replace "I'm sorry you were right." with a box of candy or a bunch of flowers but that is pure blackmail and any man who does this is prostituting his own emotions and demeaning his woman. If you love her, she is right. I guarantee it will leangthen your life span to accept this. Let's have a drink over this Csmiley - emptysmiley - smiley


Post 207

Micheal Jay Mole

St. Galaxy Babe, its not understanding women but understanding yourself. I know what I want and it's easy to extrapolate that my mate probably wants the same thing: respect. I think the whole gender debate overlooks the fact that we, men and women, have one basic thing in common: we are people, human. We have the same needs. If one wants to "figure" out the opposite sex, figure out one's self first. I wear a 7 and a half (damn, where is the half key?) hat. But you don't need to give me a hat. Let's try out the new "drinkies". smiley - coffeesmiley - smiley


Post 208

Micheal Jay Mole

Aurora, I couldn't make out what you said above the maniacal laughter. Yes, some of us are aware that women rule the world (please?). I love the old bbc cartoon where god gives fire to man who then blows up the world with an H-bomb after which god ponders a bit and says, "Ithink next time I'll give fire to woman." That made me laugh! hee hee. Explains why I'm always so thirsty or why I (man) love to cook out so often. Which may, perhaps, be a subject for the forum: just why do men like fire so much? Drinkies kid! smiley - coffeesmiley - smiley


Post 209

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

MM, call me GB please!
I am looking forward to having a long conversation with you when h2g2 gets back on its feet, as it were.
That was a very old posting of mine that you just responded to, I totally forgot what I was like when I first started posting here! Don't you get here {in h2g2} very often {I rephrased the old chat-up line...smiley - smiley}? Do you mind if we start a seperate thread on my {or your} message centre for these discussions? One to one with interesting people stimulates me more than nothing else. {I should put "mentally" in there somewhere, but this may not post anyway, so what the Hell!}
Mine is a PGGB smiley - tongueout

Silver spoon

Post 210

Cheerful Dragon

At one time, female members of St John Ambulance (a first aid organisation) had to wear uniform dresses. The rules stated that the hemline should be a certain number of inches from the ground. This totally ignored the difference in height of the various members.

I suspect this rule originated in the days when skirts were floor-length, or nearly so, and hadn't been updated. The uniform is now a blouse and skirt - much more sensible.


Post 211


Hee hee hee... Maybe we rule the world because we haven't been destroyed with an H-bomb yet! And I never said I knew the answers...


Post 212

Micheal Jay Mole

Hi GB! Yeah, I posted my comment a long time ago when I was still learning, a never ending process. I don't get much free time because I am a teacher and much of my time is filled with students' questions and grading exams. I'm still learning on the computer, so you might have to show me the ropes. How do we start a separate thread? I should let you know I'm from one of the colonies (US of A) so am about 6 hours behind UK time, assuming you are in the UK, so It's been hard to get real time conversations going with h2g2 researchers. Let me see if I can find your home page and start from there. My home page is, obviously, Micheal Mole (the spelling is intentional). I don't know how to give you my email address without giving it to everyone. So, look for my page and I will look for yours. I'll ge looking for 'ya!smiley - smiley


Post 213

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

To start a new thread you simply click on the "new conversation" link on the left. To get to someone's homepage, click on their name at the top of the posts.


Post 214

Micheal Jay Mole

Sorry bloke, I am truely ignorant of proper procedure and am still a novice. Amy the Ant can testify that I have a bad habit of not reading instructions and lack the intelligence to understand just what a "thread" is. I just jump right in both feet first. I meant no offense and thought I was replying to a posting on "women". I didn't want to start a new thread. Honestly, I wondered how my posting wound up in silver spoons. So bear with me and offer a fellow time traveler some beer and peanuts. Amy warned me to look before I leap; that I might upset some folks. So, I'm begging your pardon and patience. Being a mole I don't see well and my tunnels tend to pop up where they are least wanted. You will probably see me again in the wrong place at the wrong time but I don't do it intentionally. I'm learning and one has to make mistakes to learn what NOT to do. Hey mate, the first one is on me! smiley - coffeesmiley - smiley


Post 215

Cheerful Dragon

You were in the right place for posting to a conversation on women. However, H2G2 threads (or conversations, if you prefer) have a tendency to drift, just as spoken conversations do. Something somebody says will start a train of thought in somebody else, and that train of thought isn't always obviously connected to the previous line of conversation.

So, if you want to drag us, kicking and screaming, back to the original topic, feel free!smiley - bigeyes


Post 216

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

MM is doing OK, he found me!
We can go back to talking about women now....smiley - bigeyes


Post 217


Welcome to H2G2. Have a Brownie from the cotTB.


Post 218

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

Y'see now I'm really confused.Everything normal then.


Post 219

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

"Normal"? smiley - winkeye


Post 220

Micheal Jay Mole

What a riot! Leave it to a colonial to get things all turned around! Thanks GB,Aurora, and others for the support. I did get the feeling that postings tend to drift. I have refered on my home page to a doppler affect and I think that may be what we are all are experiencing. Kewl! Anyone got any motion sickness pills? Here is a case in point where women are always right: so far since I joined h2g2 I have recieved most help and kind words from women. Mac, Redbeard, Peregrin and bluebottle, are some of the guys who have had nice words. bloke, are you going to accept my apology or do we need a court of arbitration? Hey, get yourself a keg at the Forum & Firkin and put it on my tab. I'll bet I can "drinkies" you under the table! smiley - smiley

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