A Conversation for Don't Panic

Up your kilt, Paddy, if that;s all right with you.

Post 241

Trillian's child

That's no excuse.

Up your kilt, Paddy, if that;s all right with you.

Post 242

Walter of Colne

Is it an excuse if your'e an Aussie and you live on the South Island?

Up your kilt, Paddy, if that;s all right with you.

Post 243

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

I think it's a fair excuse when I have to go to Uni almost every day and it's in the middle of Mid-Semester Test time

Up your kilt, Paddy, if that;s all right with you.

Post 244

Trillian's child


Up your kilt, Paddy, if that;s all right with you.

Post 245

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

just explain that you have to go to the olympics and can they please give you full marks now,to save time.

Up your kilt, Paddy, if that;s all right with you.

Post 246


ok so just stay up all night watching it on T.V. like me.

No excuses for missing the olympics

Post 247

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

Our business teacher that we had when the race was on has a TV in his room-But it wouldn't work,so he said "Back in a sec"And went into the room next door to watch it!!So,not to be left behind,we all followed him into some 3rd year class!The teacher didn't mind (Not that it would have stopped us!!)

No excuses for missing the olympics

Post 248


Oh dear me,
That will never do.
We can't have this continual disruption to the entire educational system every four years.
Please join me in writing to complain to:

Minister for Education & Science
13 Kilbarrack Grove,
Dublin 5
Tel: 832 3357
Fax:832 5222

and keep these kids and their idle teachers in check.

No excuses for missing the olympics

Post 249

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

I was looking at the Monday and Tuesday medal tallies (because my brother reckoned Australia hadn't won any medals on Tuesday) and I noticed that among places four through seven on the tally, one hadn't won any medals (Italy, sixth) and the other three had only won a single bronze (Australia, France and Netherlands). Surely we can do better than that. Okay, I know we did yesterday but still...

No excuses for missing the olympics

Post 250

Walter of Colne

Two golds today already. Is that better?

No excuses for missing the olympics

Post 251

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

Oh, I wasn't aware. I haven't been home since 9:40am. Which sports?

No excuses for missing the olympics

Post 252

Walter of Colne

Sailing, the 470s I think.

No excuses for missing the olympics

Post 253


When is the egg and spoon qualifying going to start?

No excuses for missing the olympics

Post 254

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

Is it true baseball is really an olympic sport?

No excuses for missing the olympics

Post 255


Yep, but they don't give medals for spitting.

No excuses for missing the olympics

Post 256


No medals for SPITTING? We'll have to have a REVOLT! We'll PROTEST! Raise HELL! Re-incarnate CAIN! Spitting is one of the most ancient and honorable of human sporting events!

smiley - fish ptewie! <<------------------------*smiley - smiley

"I hear there's no medals for Pidgeon-bombing, either!"

No excuses for missing the olympics

Post 257

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

Why isn't computer games an olympic sport?
Now THAT would be good...

No excuses for missing the olympics

Post 258

You can call me TC



Post 259


i am a woman and there is nothing more to it

No excuses for missing the olympics

Post 260


If computer game-playing was in the Olympics, they'd have too many entrants and it'd be too easy to cheat!


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