A Conversation for Guardroom

The Torture Room

Post 1


*this room is located down some stairs that manage to look like they are trying to stay out the way. or perhaps it is best not to notice them. the room is dark, funnily enough. lit only by the flickering of a few torches situated on the grey stone walls. the many contraptions of twisted metal and wooden harnesses leaves a bitter taste in the imagination. from the corner of the room you hear giggling. if you venture further you will see Mistress Belinda and PHENOM deep in conversation, sat on the stretching rack.*

The Torture Room

Post 2

Mistress Belinda

*Mistress Belinda whispers something to Phenom who nods and moves into the shadows*

The Torture Room

Post 3

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

*pokes her nose into the room*

Hi everyone!! smiley - biggrin

What's this do?

*jabs a random button*

The Torture Room

Post 4


*a trapdoor opens up beneath werekitty revealing an underground pit of alligators*

The Torture Room

Post 5

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose



*after a few minutes a makeshift rope of alligator hide is flung up and wraps around a convinient hook in the wall.

Werekitty scales it*

Hi! Sorry about the alligators. But you still have three out of the original seven left smiley - biggrin

The Torture Room

Post 6


oh well. i'm sure PHENOM has some more. i'm going back to the office cos i don't fancy having to arrest myself for never leaving itsmiley - erm

The Torture Room

Post 7

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

smiley - laugh

*continues to play with gadgets*

The Torture Room

Post 8

Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees

*swirls into the room as a dark mist and coagulates in the corner*

mmm.... torture machines. Who created these art-works?

The Torture Room

Post 9


twas me and my mistress. would you like a, erm, demonstration smiley - devil

The Torture Room

Post 10

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose


Yes. Yes, I'd love one. Especially this one.

*points to a machine with unpleasant spinning rusty things, that is going 'PING' every minute*

The Torture Room

Post 11


*shadows engulf werekitty and strap her in the device. the spinning rusty things...spin.*

as you can see the blades move close to the body and will eventually slice the skin in a parrallel motion so as to peel it off the muscle beneathsmiley - biggrin

*the straps loosen and a panicked werekitty drops to the floor*

silver encased straps, of coursesmiley - winkeye

The Torture Room

Post 12

Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees

*swirls around the PING machine oozing in and out of it's straps*

Very nice.... how does it work? This werekitty seems fairly happy to try....

*glows slightly blue in anticipation*

The Torture Room

Post 13

Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees

oooh... my perception of time seems distorted....

I hate it when that happens!

The Torture Room

Post 14


you get used to it.

The Torture Room

Post 15

Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees

*nurses incorporial head and rests in an iron maiden*

mmm.... pointy.

The Torture Room

Post 16

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

meany smiley - tongueout

Wouldn't have hut me TOO much anyway.
I'd just have been chopped up and then reformed.
Unless the BlAdEs were silver of course. But they clearly aren't as silver doesn't rust.

*sulks in a corner besides an corpse with an unpleasant look on it's face*

The Torture Room

Post 17

Mistress Belinda

would you like to try the 'Embrace of Pain' I picked it up from a commander of the Vong, you wrap the arms around the body and tighten the screws in the back until the other submits or............something else smiley - laugh

The Torture Room

Post 18

Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees

*coalesces into a caped, thin, pale creature*

I will try it.... if there's refreshments after.

The Torture Room

Post 19

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

*gets some popcorn*

Go right ahead smiley - biggrin

The Torture Room

Post 20


*comes in with a tray of smiley - oj in one hand and 2 deckchairs in te other. tosses one deckchair at werekitty and sets up the other and sits down.*

this should be funsmiley - biggrin

smiley - popcorn

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