A Conversation for Guardroom

The Office

Post 1


*contains one desk laden with paper and unread files. a name plate hangs precariously on the edge, it says 'Col. Creachy'. the PC is on and is currently loading. it has been loading for several years now but they say the best things come to those who wait.

another desk is by the window on the right. it is neatly layed out with a fancy paperweight holding down the 3 files that adorn the desk. the PC is sparkly white and is currently viewing performance charts for the Terranic Army. the name plate that is in clear view and well polished reads 'Col. Reefgirl'. the only tatty thing is the mug 'The Boss' in big bold letters printed across it.*

The Office

Post 2

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Nice work Creachy

*Sit's at PC and starts to rearrange the background to the image of the aliens in Independance Day destroying the White House*

Ahh that's better

*Puts files in In Tray and starts to personalize desk with pictures and things*

Fancy a cuppa Creachy

The Office

Post 3


*wakes up from snoozing with his feet on the desk*

uh? ah, yeah i'd love onesmiley - ok

The Office

Post 4

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Hands him a smiley - tea and some smiley - cake*

Nothing changes does it

*sits down and starts playing a game on the PC*

The Office

Post 5


thats just the way i like itsmiley - biggrin

*puts a portable tv on a crate and tunes it into BBC1*

smiley - smileysmiley - tea

The Office

Post 6

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

What the heck are you watching the bbc for

The Office

Post 7


it's the only channel i can get a good picture onsmiley - biggrin

*flicks crappy coathanger aerial*

The Office

Post 8

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Hmm I'll have to see the supply Sergent and see if we can get digital, I've added Mistress Belinda and Phenom the the front page

The Office

Post 9


smiley - ok

we best get into training for this regiment v regiment battle. spook says the base mp's will ref. that's us 2!smiley - yikes

*stretches toes*

The Office

Post 10

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Better get my red and yellow cards out, I'm not going to volunteer, we'll wait until we get an order

*put's kettle on*

The Office

Post 11


i think we do have an ordersmiley - erm i will go look for it soon.

can i just point out that there is no link to the Terranic Army on our pagesmiley - biggrin

The Office

Post 12


here, use this code for the link:

Join The Zany And Hilarious Terranic Army HERE!!!

if you don't like it, then you don't have to use itsmiley - ok

The Office

Post 13


...and our orders are as follows:

"in the regiment vs regiment battles the MPs WILL be the referees and will be in charge of sorting people out. a battlefield guardroom will be set-up so that in regiment v regiment battles MPs can temporarily put people in the guardroom for breaking the rules."

The Office

Post 14

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I'll direct people to the Army page but won't they be soldiers anyway, well we'll wander over when the battles get going

The Office

Post 15

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

It's all done

The Office

Post 16


smiley - ok

*sitrs back and awaits the first mortar fire. polishes P-90*

The Office

Post 17

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Takes a leaf out of Creachy's book and starts to clean the Walther she was issued with*

The Office

Post 18

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

hello sir and ma'am
how are you two today?

The Office

Post 19

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

tell me what changes you want

The Office

Post 20

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Everythings ok and I've added you to the Guardroom page in temporary quarters untill we get a base regiment page

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