A Conversation for cactuscafe

Daydream Journal

Post 2381



smiley - laugh

Daydream Journal

Post 2382


ok still smiley - laugh to myself

Last time I simposted with Dmitri I gave him a big smiley - smooch

this time I complimented him on his curly horns...

yep, I know all the best lines in Klingon smiley - whistle

Daydream Journal

Post 2383


Hullo darlin'. You're a Capricorn eh? smiley - kiss

Definitely Klingon. Or Terence McKenna language. smiley - rofl. You got it. heheh. Nice one. Because Terence reckoned that mushroom spores came from outer space.

I love Terence McKenna. smiley - rofl. I had this book once, entitled The Archaic Revival, Speculations on Psychedelic Mushrooms, The Amazon, Virtual Reality, UFOs, Evolution, Shamanism, The Rebirth of the Goddess. I must find it again. It was quite a strange read.

I felt afterwards like I wanted to give it all up, take up knitting, and raise goats on a farm very far away from everything. smiley - rofl.

It was illustrated by Wilfred Satty. Satty was an extraordinary artist. I love Satty, quite dark pictures.

Goats! I said goats. smiley - rofl. Capricorn is watching me.

Daydream Journal

Post 2384


Oooh you did? A big smiley - smooch eh?

Nice bit of simposting. smiley - rofl. smiley - rofl.

Daydream Journal

Post 2385

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snork Thanks, Peanut. smiley - hug I think...

I haven't been accused of having horns in at least a week. Although there's this strange Lithuanian superstition Elektra goes on about...smiley - whistle

Daydream Journal

Post 2386


Which we need to know about immediately, please. No getting out of it now. smiley - rofl The Lithuanian superstition.....

Daydream Journal

Post 2387


oh, share Electra, fellow Capricornian?? smiley - galaxy

Daydream Journal

Post 2388

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl I should have seen that one coming.

Okay. As you might not know, Lithuania was the last pagan country in Europe. Or, as Elektra says her relatives put it, 'devil worshippers'. Just as Lithuanian is the reference language of choice for those studying Sanskrit, so the Lithuanian religion until a couple of hundred years ago was the ancient Indo-European mythology.

So, they have a lot of, er, traditions...read superstitions.

One was that any handsome or charming guy might actually be a sort of demon in disguise. Not allied to the Christian devil, you understand, just sort of, well, alien...

The sure-fire giveaway was the little horns under the hair. Which led to the courting custom of stroking said hair, feeling for little horns...smiley - whistle

Daydream Journal

Post 2389


Apparently I am not a Capricorn but a Unicorn.

Daydream Journal

Post 2390


>> One was that any handsome or charming guy might actually be a sort of demon in disguise. ... Which led to the courting custom of stroking said hair, feeling for little horns... <<

The first part seems entirely reasonable but the second part seems a tad affectionate ...

Daydream Journal

Post 2391


You are a unicorn smiley - cool can you unicycle?

I hate to ask but feel I know you nearly well enough, please can I have a hair for my rowan wand smiley - grovel

Daydream Journal

Post 2392


hey Unicorn smiley - rofl

smiley - redwine

mmm, glad we asked now. heheh. Nice superstition, brings me out in a blush. smiley - loveblush A blush? Hush! I blush. I never knew about things Lithuanian. Interesting superstition.

(heads out to check husband for little horns, as it were, mind you he's a Scottish Highlander, and a Taurus, so ..... )

Daydream Journal

Post 2393


er, yes well, as cc heads out to check out her husbands horns

would anyone like perculiar smiley - tea

and to avert their eyes to the lovely jasmine garden, the peonies and smiley - petunias

Daydream Journal

Post 2394


Depends what you are planning to do with that rowan wand. I have a reputation to maintain, ewe nose.

Daydream Journal

Post 2395


smiley - roflsmiley - huh What??

smiley - teasmiley - teasmiley - tea

Ah, the petunias. smiley - petunias

Daydream Journal

Post 2396


If you gave me a unicorn hair, I wouldn't do anything with my rowan wand that Molly Weasley wouldn't do, does that sit ok with you smiley - wizard

sorry cc smiley - kiss, Harry Potter again

what you doing in the smiley - petunias, dare I ask...

smiley - tea

Daydream Journal

Post 2397


That's strange, I was just checking into hootoo, and lo! me darlin' Peanut appears, like an guardian angel from out of the petunias.

Don't ask what I'm doing in the petunias.

What am I doing in the petunias???

Don't answer. smiley - rofl

I'm being at one with the petunias.

smiley - redwine

Oh, Harry Potter! So that explains the rowan wand. If I read HP, I'd know what my fellow peoples are talking about. Has the Unicorn, aka Stone Aart, read Harry Potter? Confess, ye wandering philosopher. smiley - rofl

smiley - redwine

I've had an amaaaazing day. A really special day. I'll try to cryptically express it later on. Yes, it did involve visions of haunted poets in trench coats, standing on bridges, watching rivers of white light. Sort of.

smiley - redwine

Today I had two fried eggs for breakfast. smiley - friedeggsmiley - friedegg Actually, I didn't. I had strawberry yoghurt and two slices of rye bread at 5.30 am. Is that interesting? No! smiley - rofl. I'm practicing for when I have to do a journal entry every single day of November.

I won't manage more than this. My journal entries won't be interesting. I don't know how to format it. Can't I just drop in my NaJoMoPo (? I forgot the spelling) entries here, I won't cheat, honest I won't. Then Peanut can give me cups of Perculiar tea. smiley - tea. I might get weird away from the Perculiar brew.

Today I saw a curly orange Autumn leaf and a squashed snail. I thought about marbles and marzipan, and wondered how many people in the world are cutting their toenails right at this moment.

I'm away for the first few days of November, in Brighton, of course, at the FMBS. After the FMBS it will be 'today I had fried eggs for breakfast. smiley - friedeggsmiley - friedegg. They were green and pink, and brought on dreams about astrology, astronauts and all words beginning with astro.'

Daydream Journal

Post 2398


Hair today, woebegone tomorrow.

Just had a comment vanish into the ether - I was going to add it to the darkins thread for the attn. of Mr Noggins on the subject of biblical geography ... but it all vanished as I was adding a final picture link ... related to the mythical Tower of Babel (ziggurat of ur) ... so was this Fate (a greek minor god) or was it He (the big cheese)? I wanna know smiley - wah

Daydream Journal

Post 2399



Is that a yes?

Or possibly a definitely not. It's more than likely a wisdom, but of course it could be the holographic paw print a thin, yet keenly intelligent striped cat-concept. smiley - cat

smiley - rofl

That's interesting, very interesting. I just channelled my past. For breakfast on 5th October, 1965, I had three fried eggs smiley - friedeggsmiley - friedeggsmiley - friedegg ... haha, no ....

We used to run a café in the local weekly market, called The Striped Cats Café. We mixed up a rye dough at home, packed it up on our bikes, with a camping gas cooker, and made rye chapatis on site, adding all sorts of things to the mix, including the dark green leaves of local wood garlic that we picked from the erm... woods.

People began to depend on us for their lunch, but then they changed the laws, and you weren't allowed to cook on site any more, and so the Striped Cats Café had to go the way of all things stripy and transient. Meeeeeow. smiley - cat

Daydream Journal

Post 2400


Practice posting for NaJoPoMo (see if I can get interesting by November haha)

We are going to see Rush tonight! A racing car movie! I love stories about racing cars, and speed challenges.

You wouldn't think I would, because I'm a girl, and I drive a three speed bicycle, smiley - rofl, but I do.

Rush is about the legendary Formula One rivalry between James Hunt and Niki Lauda, in the 70s.

Has anyone seen Rush?

And I didn't even mention fried eggs smiley - friedegg, for breakfast. Except I just have. smiley - rofl.

smiley - friedeggsmiley - friedeggsmiley - friedegg

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