A Conversation for cactuscafe
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 18, 2013
What??? What's been going on around 'ere then???
Morning me luvs
So, (takes a large gulp of Peanut's Perculiar, with added ginseng) (followed by another). To prepare for daydream catchup.
Starts with Daniel Craig in swimwear. . Okaaaay. (takes another gulp
Funny thing, we were watching Daniel Craig the other night, in the film Sylvia, where he plays Ted Hughes. Gwyneth Paltrow plays Sylvia Plath.
He was great at playing an intense and brooding poet.
What a troubled and complicated story that all was. Ted and Sylvia, Assia Wevill, and it all. Sheesh! Makes my past seem simple. heheh. I thought I'd had complex relationships in my youth. I feel like Bambi in comparison. .
Bambi? Cue Bambi debate. .
I never did see Bambi. What about Bambi then? At the time I was preferring incomprehensible, flickering black and white arts movies, with incomprehensible flickering subtitles. I think I missed out. I should watch Bambi.
Hullo SA! So, you're derailing hedgehog threads eh??
. I have no idea of this, of course, most of hootoo is gloriously surreal to me.
I tend to shyly lurk here in my journal, only venturing out at dusk to check and to buy a packet of crisps
and a jar of marmalade, from the hootoo grocery store.
The hootoo grocery store? Yes, I've been there, but I can't remember my route.
Thanks so much for the info, concerning Jung's collective and personal unconscious, and the noosphere! My little brain began to spark a bit there, with sparkly stars. It does that when it's registering something.
Brain sparks are good for illuminating a room if there's a power cut, and if you can't find the candles.
Guided only by sparkly brain stars, , she stubbed her toe on something sharp and unforgiving, and briefly saw her favourite Radiohead lyrics displayed as Egyptian hieroglyphs on the ceiling.
Ants, bees, birds, badgers, crocs, dinos. All are welcome on this curious and lurching ark. .
And then there are those Other Birds. Fake Birds. Well, in fact, I think they're real birds, but a recording. MP3 birds? Or a CD? Digital birds.
Like, in the doctor's waiting room. Yesterday. I heard the birds! The birds! They come out of speakers on the ceiling. Just the sound. But I tend to see feathers. And claws. And beaks. Scrabbling out of the air con units and speakers. .
And you get them in Little Chef roadside cafes, also. The bird sounds! . They're supposed to be relaxing.
To me they're herald of some other curious dawn. Which I would go on about, because it makes for my type of story, but I've run out of time lucky you
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 19, 2013
I'm crazy about Susan Blackmore at the moment. Taking her book about consciousness to Brighton, end of next week, good holiday reading, a huge textbook. Yay yippee!
She lives in South Devon, near to where we do, but we've never met. She studied parapsychology for twenty five years or so, but now she's an intelligent sceptic. heheh. Quite an interesting essay title, Why I Have Given Up.
ooops an external link, ah well, I don't see any weird comments, although she does stir controversy.
I wonder what I'd write, under the title Why I Have Given Up.
Daydream Journal
U14993989 Posted Oct 19, 2013
I can transfer my thoughts to others across the world. It's a miracle. But some people lose the sense of miracle by breaking the miracle down into labels - silly things such as "speech", "telephones", "electricity", "microwaves", "cables", "satellites". And once they have labelled it they no longer see the miracle and get bored and eat a doughnut or listen to the latest Justin Bieber song or check out their star signs or something.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 19, 2013
Of course, I don't agree with everything she says, although I have no idea what I think about it all, parapsychology and things, I don't have worldly expression.
Best just to be me, and breathe in the pattern of moment, with all its loops and curious glory.
That's my missing piece by the way. . The blank place of no answers. Used to be a hindrance, not good in debates.
. Now I like it, I can add my own buttercups to the pasture, which then get eaten by imaginary cows.
It does sometimes scare me, the thought of having nothing to hang on to. What if this is it, just this life. Although I am allowed a few imaginary spirit guides. . And perhaps an Archangel or two. hmm.
Although it's not a nihilistic feeling, not at all. In fact it makes me care more about everything, and gives me a big beating heart. .
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 19, 2013
Hullo SA! Yes! I really like your miracle posting, that's very puzzling, in a good way. I like the word puzzle. I just somehow saw it for the first time.
Who's Justin Bieber? don't worry, I'll find out. .
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 19, 2013
I do trust you, and I just found out who he is, so now I trust you even more. .
Perhaps if I was thirteen or something? hmm. maybe not.
Hey, Mister D, do you like the music of Mary Chapin Carpenter?
I always knew her name, but never heard her till I just watched last night's BBC 4 Transatlantic Sessions on iplayer, (which you probably can't get in the US? wah, sorry, but maybe YouTube,) and it starts with her singing a beautiful song called Jubilee.
Now I'm obsessed with MCC singing Jubilee. I shall hear it in the afterlife. Oops, this life.
Daydream Journal
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Oct 19, 2013
Wow. No, dear, I'd never heard that song before.
But now I have. How incredibly beautiful. Spoke right to my condition, this rainy evening.
Thanks so much.
In case others don't have it from the BBC, here's a Youtube with words:
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 19, 2013
Nice, with the lyrics printed out. I just listened to it all over again.
Now I'm a mess. A good mess. A weepy, yearning mess. Funny how amazing poetry mixed with beautiful melody can do that.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 20, 2013
And that's the beauty and the mystery, for me, that feeling brought on by music.
Worldly and otherworldly at the same time. A wellspring.
And it takes me to that place in my brain where all the paradoxes can coexist in a state of poetic harmonious chaos. .
Where Angel can have a coffee with Angel-Concept.
Cue black and white photo, with funny light effects.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 20, 2013
Hmm, yes, been thinking about SA's miracle paragraph.
The miracle paragraph! . I was visited by it. An illuminated puzzle. heheh. Neon.
. Don't mind me.
Yes, speech and telephones and electricity, miracles all! I'm going to stand up for them!! . Just turn on your desk light! That's a miracle.
I can see how they get eclipsed by the lure of miracles unexplained.
What is the part of the human brain that yearns for the unexplained? hmm. Is it to do with a different kind of light in a dull and mundane world? Perhaps just the yearning for a cure for the pain of existence.
It is the same part of the brain that creates myth, and folklore and things? I'll have to delve deeper.
Mind you, faith is precious I think. I know many people who put their faith in things that I secretly am a bit sceptical about, but I would never crush their faith, because that wouldn't be pure scepticism, and it would hurt my heart. And because their lives are tough, and painful and their faith is pretty much all they have, to get them to get through another day.
I'm sensitive at the moment, there's a tough situation going on in my family, people getting hurt, I'm not happy about it. Wah. When my heart is hurting it usually shows in my postings, even when I'm being stupid. But I'm OK, just a transparent human right now.
Cue photo through psychedelic/fantasy filter, with peculiar light effects, and perhaps some insect trails through lime green grass.
Daydream Journal
Willem Posted Oct 20, 2013
Hi Cactuscafé and everyone! Me, I love science and even studies physics and chemistry. And still everything is a miracle to me! I do think there are still many mysteries in the world and not necessarily in the realm of the supernatural or the paranormal. As I see it, we still don't know what awareness and life are. However many scientific theories and laws we come up with, we can't explain why the universe actually obeys any laws at all, why it is indeed so regular, why we are even able to know its rules, why we have come upon the scene and are able to ponder things way beyond what evolution would seem to have equipped us with. What is time? What is the present? What is the nature of the past and the future? Why does anything exist at all? What is the full potential of existence - what can we become? What are the limits of knowledge and experience?
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 20, 2013
Hullo Willem!
This is another miracle paragraph! Splendid insights, indeed. Inspiring. Thankyou!
Now I'm going to daydream about miracle paragraphs, written in golden italics.
Daydream Journal
U14993989 Posted Oct 20, 2013
I practise telekinesis (now called pyschokinesis) everyday. With the power of mind I can move salt cellars, knives, forks, spoons ... all sorts of things. My mind somehow links up with muscles of this body here, the muscles contract or extend, tendons pull against them here bones, these bones swivel around other bones via joints and push off against surfaces, then this here hand thingy stretches out and makes contact with that there salt cellar ... and there did you see that? It moved. It's a miracle ... but is that good enough for some?
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 20, 2013
Hello Daydreamers with your miracle paragraphs
*offers CC a posy of healing herbs and ladles out a hot a cup of spiced apple wine with for her hurting heart*
if anyone else fancies a spiced apple wine help yourselves, have left alcoholic and non-alcoholic
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 20, 2013
both made with , it is the secret ingredient of course
that is why it goes without saying *taps side of nose and gives knowing look*
Daydream Journal
U14993989 Posted Oct 20, 2013
This is a heavy thought that might prove a little troubling for some ...
I am wondering why some people fear death yet the fact that they have only recently been born after 14 billion of their earth years* have passed does not appear to bother them. *[an estimate of time elapsed since the beginning of this Universe].
That ancient Greek bloke Epicurus said something along the lines of - Don't fear death, because when you're dead you can't think and therefore it is not possible to think about death.
TS Eliot said something along the lines of: life is the music while the music plays.
My thoughts are: if you fear death why don't you fear sleep? When it comes to sleep - it's something we find pleasure in - Shakespeare: "To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub".
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 20, 2013
mmmm thanks darlin'. These herbs are lovely, and soothing my ache.
(Drinks several goblets of delicious hot spiced apple wine , aye I do like a virtual goblet, a pewter one please,
, feels very much renewed, and returns to the considerations of the miracle paragraphs.)
Ah yes, the secret ingredient, , without which ...
Back in seven billion years, haha, oh, OK then, a minute.
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 20, 2013
My thoughts are: if you fear death why don't you fear sleep?
For me sleep is a state of being alive, I'm sleeping, dreaming and crucially I 'wake up. I can even go to states inbetween, waking, sleeping, dreaming, daydreaming, tripping
I have never got too dead
I don't live in fear of it, and expect there is nothing after it, doesn't make me sad
because I'm here, 14 billion years after the universe was born
on this
feck that is amazing enough, philosophically and spiritually for me
after that I don't like to over analyse it, the timelines make my head spinney
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Daydream Journal
- 2441: cactuscafe (Oct 18, 2013)
- 2442: cactuscafe (Oct 19, 2013)
- 2443: U14993989 (Oct 19, 2013)
- 2444: cactuscafe (Oct 19, 2013)
- 2445: cactuscafe (Oct 19, 2013)
- 2446: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 19, 2013)
- 2447: cactuscafe (Oct 19, 2013)
- 2448: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 19, 2013)
- 2449: cactuscafe (Oct 19, 2013)
- 2450: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 19, 2013)
- 2451: cactuscafe (Oct 20, 2013)
- 2452: cactuscafe (Oct 20, 2013)
- 2453: Willem (Oct 20, 2013)
- 2454: cactuscafe (Oct 20, 2013)
- 2455: U14993989 (Oct 20, 2013)
- 2456: Peanut (Oct 20, 2013)
- 2457: Peanut (Oct 20, 2013)
- 2458: U14993989 (Oct 20, 2013)
- 2459: cactuscafe (Oct 20, 2013)
- 2460: Peanut (Oct 20, 2013)
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