A Conversation for cactuscafe
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cactuscafe Posted Oct 10, 2013
hey . Nor I, nor I! have heard of Trilby, said this little red hen. The word in all its meanings and contexts. That's interesting.
I like these facts. I collect them, keep them in my pocket like precious gems, and pretend I know things. . I've collected a lot from you, these shiny seeds of knowledge. I appreciate it.
Hah! The ancient Mayans! That's strange. This almost-psychic lady once told me that I was a Mayan in some previous incarnation. . I keep an open mind on these matters.
I'm obsessed with Mexico, though. When I was about eight years old I was drawing peculiar Mexican type imagery all over my jotter pad, which was strange because I'd never seen anything Mexican amongst the rose gardens of olde England.
I always blamed the orange flavoured vitamin C tablets that were supposed to be good for 60s post-war freaked out kids, , but perhaps I should blame the ancient Mayans?
So, what about the ancient Mayans then? Are you going to write a Guide Entry? I hope so, please???? When you have a moment.
The etymology of cocoa? The world is a labyrinth of knowledge. One seed of knowledge adds shine to another, which is somehow related to another and so it goes on.
It does? It is?
Daydream Journal
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Oct 10, 2013
What I want is some blache. This is definitely perculiar tea Stuff. It's made from fermented honey and the bark of the blache tree. Sounds yummy.
I would NOT want to be ancient Mayan. Too much work, too many bugs, and the ever-present danger of being sacrificed, forced to play deadly ballgames, or eaten by a stray jaguar.
Of course, you were among the only people in the ancient world to consumer more hallucinogens than the crowd at Timothy O'Leary's pad.
Oh, and they filed their teeth. Must've looked like Ferengi with Moe Howard haircuts.
If stranded in that time period, I will pass on all that, and head north to my ancestors in the Appalachians. There might be bears, and no mushrooms, but nobody would be likely to suggest you mount a pyramid in the interests of world peace.
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 10, 2013
well I was ready to run the risk of being an ancient Mayan
until I got to the part about mounting a pyramid, blimey
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 10, 2013
heheh, I'll quote those last two paragraphs, Mister D classics.
In fact I reminded the almost-psychic lady about the sacrifices. I'd heard that the Mayans were into this kind of thing. This sounds worse than your average ancestor! I suggested. Or maybe it doesn't. haha.
That's weird, I just saw all these peculiar portraits on a stairway. Ancestor portraits. Scary dudes. Bearded. Half Mayan, half kilted. What??? That is a very weird daydream, I need vitamins immediately. Or a nice cuppa Perculiar Blache.
. I think the trippy shroom gods were more her thing. Who's thing? The almost-psychic lady.
mmm Perculiar Blache for me please. Take my mind of reincarnation. The same lady was into the Cathars also. If you weren't a Mayan you had been a Cathar.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 10, 2013
heheh, hullo Peanut! Which would you sooner, mount a pyramid, do some sacrifices, or reincarnate as a Mayan in a kilt, like I just saw.
How are you love? And your family folks, who were a bit ailing?
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 11, 2013
Hey beautiful I'm ok
mmm, I'd reincarnate as a Mayan in a kilt, although in your original first post you said half-kilted, I am worried now this will get all mixed in the ether and I will come back in a tartan bra I don't even like bras
Probably get over it after perculiar and a shroom omelette
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 12, 2013
I hope this link works, it is interactive letters which caught my eye, who doesn't like a good letter ...
So far I have only read the one,as I have nearly peed myself laughing reading Spikes
I thought I'd be a dear and pass it on
Daydream Journal
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Oct 12, 2013
Sorry, folks, I put a story into the AWW A87813093 and forgot to put a title in the subject line.
It's called, 'No Weather for Lederhosen'. It's a noir story set in Munich.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 12, 2013
No weather for Lederhosen. A noir story set in Munich.
It's the way you tell them, my friend. . And I haven't even read the story yet.
No weather either for tartan underwear. . Peanut, you just started a fashion trend. It's the way to go. I'm going there. I'm getting ahead of the queues.
Classic letter from Spike. Thanks! . So funny. What a comic genius was Spike. And so afflicted by depression. So often the way, with these brilliant minds.
Funny coincidence. I was reading my flaky book today, Inner Paths to Outer Space, and this guy was writing about how one time, in an altered state, he saw a lot of little cartoon dogs trotting around the room, and they looked kinda Mayan. Oh no! Not Mayan. .
And not a mention of tartan underwear.
Although tartan underwear will also take its place in the collective unconscious, Autumn collection 2013. .
Is Jung's concept of the Collective Unconscious the same as Teilhard de Chardin's concept of the Noosphere?
Is that the most searingly intelligent sentence you ever read?
My Dad always used to try to explain to me about the Noosphere, because he was reeeely into Teilhard. I never did figure it. . I used to see it sort of like a psychic circle of energy around the world, a bit like the ring of Saturn, made up of all the thoughts ever thought.
I don't think that's what it is at all, though, so I might as well go read a noir story set in Munich.
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 14, 2013
Holy Moses
I have googled Noosphere
and checked out tartan underwear to see what is already out there
still trying to purge a certain item from the mens wear section from my mind because it keeps randomly make me and
like when I getting cereal for my step dad and saw Scottish Porridge oats
How are things going daydreamers?
and perculiar
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 15, 2013
Hullo luv!
(considers Scots Porridge Oats, and strange by-products of own imagination, , and all at after midnight, and cup of Perculiar much needed.)
I like that cdouble smiley. It's like that, for me, trying to figure concepts like the Noosphere etc. I feel I need a degree in quantum physics or something.
. Ahh, I wish.
However, I think I'm designed for a different kind of quantum leap more like a hopeful boing, , or a splat. Splat? I thought there was a splat smiley. (searches for splat! smiley).
Remember that TV show, Quantum Leap? Sam. I remember Sam, he'd time travel into a different situation in each episode, and help someone out. He was very heroic. Ahh, Sam of my dreams, , where were you when I needed you?
I saw this BBC news article today, about how it's raining diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter. .
Yes, the article is called Diamond Rain falls on Saturn and Jupiter.
Now I gave up posting external links, I have to describe them the long way round, , and it sounds like crazy poetry, as if I would post crazy poetry, haha, but it's true, diamond rain.
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 15, 2013
Hey Sweetheart
I'll check out the diamond rain , never ceases to amaze me
Quantum Leap was great, watched re-runs with Hiccup on lazy Saturday mornings when she was younger she remembers it fondly and Due South, Paul Gross, phwoar, that's me phwoaring not a young Hiccup, she loved Diefenbaker most , in a non-phwoar way obvs,
Wonders when mvp is back,
heheh, diamond rain, the Noosphere, defective detectives and tartan underwear, lovely to come home to familiar normality I always think
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 15, 2013
I've never heard of Due South. Where was I? Hmm. Been checking your handsome Canadian Mountie.
Talking of defective detectives, did they ever show re-runs of Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased)? That was such a great show.
They were private detectives, except Marty Hopkirk was murdered whilst on an investigation, so he appeared as a ghost, in a white suit, and helped Randall with investigations. He was visible only to Randall, of course, plus all the geeky viewers like me .
Nothing like a weekend afternoon re-run. Snugged in on the sofa. (stares into a flickering memory space.) Especially if a Columbo movie was about to begin, that was the best!
I have the Columbo box set now, all the movies . RIP Peter Falk
you were amazing.
It's good to select a DVD, but not as good as catching it on afternoon TV. Funny that. Must be a certain poetic relationship to context.
Ahh, yes, I like to return to the familiar normality of hootoo-home as well. . So funny, our definition of normal. I love it.
Been thinking about missing pieces. . No, I'm not doing a jigsaw. At the moment.
Damn, where is that fragment of olde-cottage chimney, that should have a tiny piece of cloud on the top left.
I just remembered not to do any more jigsaws. .
I remember one jigsaw I had as a very young kid, it was a tree with birds in it, big chunky wooden pieces. Except all the bird pieces were whole! Complete birds. Marvellous! You just found the bird to fit the bird space. I remember the owl particularly. It had tufty ears.
So now I digress. Waylaid by complete birds. What was I going to say about missing pieces?
Next time. . When I remember.
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 17, 2013
I have just caught up with diamond rain, I thought this was a great line "Diamonds aren't forever on Saturn and Jupiter. But they are on Uranus and Neptune, which are colder at their cores," says Baines.
Pretty diamonds, chemistry, physics and outer space, fascinating
and cue Bond music and images of Daniel Craig in swimwear...
I didn't watch Randall and Hopkirk <deceased), I'm not sure what I was doing then either. I haven't seen any re-runs
I'll let you know if there are any Due South re-runs, probably, if you promise not to snaffle my Canadian Mountie from under my nose
How things going, found yer missing pieces?
perculiar with ginseng <---- good for memory apparently
Daydream Journal
U14993989 Posted Oct 17, 2013
#2430 >> Is Jung's concept of the Collective Unconscious the same as Teilhard de Chardin's concept of the Noosphere? <<
Where did this sentence spring forth from - it seems like a non-sequitor ... from Tartan underwear to this in one or two quantum leaps …
Anyway me has heard of Teilhard de Chardin sew I wood like to answer the question please Miss – look I have my hand up … in some symbolic gesture to attract attention.
The answer is “no” and here is my working out for someone with the red pen to deliberate over:
Jung’s Collective Unconscious: That part of the human mind that causes same thoughts & same thinking within all humans … caused by every human having the same basic brain structure.
Jung divided the unconscious mind into two parts: the “collective unconscious” + “personal unconscious”.
The personal unconscious is that part of the human mind that causes the differences in thinking between humans … caused by differences in brain structure (associated with the “recording” of personal memories & learning).
Teilhard de Chardin’s Noosphere: that part of the Earth (or universe) that is “mind”. It follows from the idea of splitting the Earth into zones or “spheres”, such as “geosphere”, “hydrosphere”, “biosphere”. It can be considered simply as the “sum” of all minds on the Earth. When these minds interact then that can lead to the “hive mind” concept.
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 17, 2013
oh good grief there is workings out and sums to do as well
that is definately me done for
Could one could lead into another, Jung's Collective Unconscious to Teilhard de Chardin’s concept of hive mind
that sounds perfectly plausible if you have no idea what you are talking about
Daydream Journal
U14993989 Posted Oct 17, 2013
We seem to have gone from ants to bees ... and I have a story about birds ... but maybe I'll post it on the hedgehogs thread as I seem to have derailed that thread with my badgering about Climate change. Did I mention badgers? ... from ants to badgers ... strangely badgers are in the news cos they are failing to die to 70% of target as sett out by the Environmental Secretary, Owen Paterson the former managing director of the British Leather Company (crocodile hand bags etc) ... crocodiles? ... from ants to crocodiles ... will this never end!
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 17, 2013
we have gone from to bees, to hedgehogs to
what without any mention of tartan underwear *gasp* what is this thread coming too
you didn't derail the hedgehog thread SA (sorry everyone else who doesn't have a clue what we are talking about), it just went the way it did
here we do do real life, not so much newsy, mostly personal recollections, observations, where we are at in the scheme of things, with a heavy dose of daydreaming, story telling, poetry, streams of consciousness
and I provide
if that is any help...
I was though just reading about the
could do with a and some daydreaming as a tonic
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 17, 2013
I forgot the crocodiles, I'm sure they are just a hop and skip away from dinosaurs, then we'll be on to astrosaurs
then CC will dress up in a stunning outfit and my Canadian Mountie will only have eyes for her
Key: Complain about this post
Daydream Journal
- 2421: cactuscafe (Oct 10, 2013)
- 2422: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 10, 2013)
- 2423: Peanut (Oct 10, 2013)
- 2424: cactuscafe (Oct 10, 2013)
- 2425: cactuscafe (Oct 10, 2013)
- 2426: Peanut (Oct 11, 2013)
- 2427: Peanut (Oct 12, 2013)
- 2428: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 12, 2013)
- 2429: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 12, 2013)
- 2430: cactuscafe (Oct 12, 2013)
- 2431: Peanut (Oct 14, 2013)
- 2432: cactuscafe (Oct 15, 2013)
- 2433: Peanut (Oct 15, 2013)
- 2434: cactuscafe (Oct 15, 2013)
- 2435: Peanut (Oct 17, 2013)
- 2436: U14993989 (Oct 17, 2013)
- 2437: Peanut (Oct 17, 2013)
- 2438: U14993989 (Oct 17, 2013)
- 2439: Peanut (Oct 17, 2013)
- 2440: Peanut (Oct 17, 2013)
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