A Conversation for cactuscafe
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Sep 29, 2013
Oof no,
I reading , posting to NaJoPoMo journals and that it is a community event that researchers return too
I think Create is an amazing part of h2g2
Selfish I am, I like being an active researcher in the audience
I will obviously make myself helpful, nay indispensable, by making everyone perculiar
Daydream Journal
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Sep 29, 2013
Okay, can I make a suggestion? The NaJoPoMo journals are a great idea.
Last year, I found that the best way to do it was to make an entry for each day, post the A-number in the journal space, and keep an archive page.
This makes it a lot easier for Create, too.
Besides, that way, your November journal becomes a permanently findable feature of h2g2. ,whistle>
Don't believe me? Look here: A87775924
I'm planning something different this November.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Sep 29, 2013
Yes please luv! I'll share journal space with you. Teamwork.
How will NaJoPoMo affect my trying to cut down on computer time? .
My GuideML destiny draws closer. Help! I repent, Mister D, and Magwitch. heheh.
I don't think you can post a photo in a journal, though, I'll just have to post the writing, but describe the photo also, which could get interesting and quite unintelligible.
Now I have to find out what NaJoPoMo is. . Is it writing a separate journal entry every single day of November?
Now where was I. Ah yes, Mrs Meadowbrook.
What??? Who is Mrs Meadowbrook?
My eureka moment, from the last posting. Because I can't write stories and become the characters, I tend to write overviews, looking in from the margins. I just realised that. And what mvp said about characters brought out Mrs Meadowbrook.
Next posting for Mrs Meadowbrook.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Sep 29, 2013
Hullo Mister D! You were posting the answer while I was asking the question, about NaJoPoMo. How strange.
Which is also very clever, I think you're psychic. Well, I know you are. heheh. So I'll consider your posting after I've posted Mrs Meadowbrook, and sleep on it, and wake up very wise and deeply enchanted.
Daydream Journal
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Sep 29, 2013
Okay, here's the deal with pics: you'd have to have some lead time, if your Ed here were to load them.
Here's another suggestion: Put your pics in a blogspot space. I do it all the time. Then post the link in your journal. That would work, I think.
Then, of course, we could put the photos on h2g2, in or whatever...
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Sep 29, 2013
Mrs Meadowbrook
My friend Mrs Meadowbrook is a writer. She creates stories of intricate design. Her page is a stage upon which many a drama unfolds, acted out by her characters who become as real to her as the people on the bus.
In fact, I'm sure her characters travel with her on the bus, when she goes into town for groceries.
'And I'll have a homity pie for Tom please, he's feeling low right now because Jeannie has left him. Not that homity pie can cure his pain. I'll have to find a way to bring Jeannie back, eventually,' she might say, to the bemused girl at the counter.
Mrs Meadowbrook understands human nature. People turn to her stories for company and guidance.
I rarely visit her while she's in the process of creation. The room is just too crowded. All her characters are present in the atmosphere.
On one memorable visit, I became entangled in some strange strands running across the room, like an invisible web.
'Don't worry' said Mrs. Meadowbrook, as I tried to describe my experience. 'They are just the emotional ties that connect the members of a certain fictional family whose surname I cannot disclose right now. A very tangled web, indeed, and the tension gets so strong you can cut it with a knife.
She smiled in a mischievous way, and handed me an imaginary penknife.
'It's not a murder story is it? I asked tentatively.
No no! said Mrs Meadowbrook, as I pretended to cut my way out of the tangle. 'That would be a very unoriginal plot.'
I love Mrs Meadowbrook, with her eccentric ways, and her peculiar stories of intricate design. I think about her often.
And only she knows how to end this account, so I won't even attempt to try, I'll just say goodbye and goodnight, and if Mrs Meadowbrook is watching over us, everything will be somehow alright.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Sep 29, 2013
Hey Mister D, my friend, that's a great NaJoPoMo page, and good to see the freebie film tips, all laid out like that, and easy to access!
What are you planning for this November? You can't tell me??? Can I wait till November? No! hahah. But I'll have to. Sulk. Massive sulk.
OK, so now I'm starting to get the picture, and I'll consider it all more in the next few days, thank you!
Daydream Journal
minorvogonpoet Posted Sep 30, 2013
Dmitri, As you're interested in ancient cultures, I wondered if you'd seen this story about the oldest bog body http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24053119.
Being king in ancient Ireland was obviously a hazardous occupation!
Daydream Journal
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Sep 30, 2013
Wow! Thanks, MVP! That is fascinating.
Making politics a hazardous occupation might keep out the riff-raff, but that's sad. Poor kings.
It reminds me of a beautiful novel I read a long time ago...well-written. Darn. I can't remember the author. I can only remember the title - 'Wotan' - which is hopeless for searching.
This historical novelist had a bang-up tale about a Greek merchant on the lam from the Romans. He ran into a mysterious god at a lightning-blasted tree, and ended up interfering with a Germanic tribe. Turned out his was Loki. Well, he had to hot-foot it out of there when the place caught fire, so he ended up in Celtic Britain. Where they wanted him to marry this pretty girl...oops...he was the king sacrifice.
He escaped from there, got back to the continent, found the blasted tree, and gave back the 'destiny'. He ended up back in Roman Vienna, all safe and sound. I wish I could find that novel for you. It was fun.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 1, 2013
Scary bog bodies! Bog bodies could have me reaching for the brandy.
(reaches for the brandy).
Clonycavan Man was said to be wearing a type of expensive, imported hair gel
Old Croghan Man had finely manicured nails
The history of the world is very peculiar to me.
Meanwhile, yay yipeee! Just confirmed that I'm getting to go to the Festival of Mind Body Spirit in The Brighton Centre, first weekend of November!!
I'll try to get that Kirlian photo for you, Mister D.
I hope to eat a lot of salad.
I love the FMBS. I used to go in the 80s, when it was at Earls Court, in London. I enter as an open minded sceptic, prepared to be surprised, surrendering to the kitsch and the kooky, the inspiration and the indigo insights. I don't know what indigo insights are.
mvp, I see the Brighton Buddhist Centre will have a stand there. I don't know if they are running any meditations or anything.
I don't know what Clonycavan Man would make of it, although his hair gel might go down well, very organic and natural. . Old Croghan Man might like it, he could do manicures for people.
Daydream Journal
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Oct 1, 2013
That sounds great.
Let me know if you see any Brightling folk there. We'd love hte Kirlian photography, of course.
Daydream Journal
U14993989 Posted Oct 1, 2013
I am daydreaming that I am continuing a conversation with Peanut: I mean askh2g2 - I'll try to confine myself to peer review & non askh2g2 threads. My finger is still not out of the woods - the nurses gave me this removal thermoplastic cast but my finger seemed to swell up, so I am back on the ice lolly sticks and plaster (microporous tape). The "Hand Fellow" at the clinic said it would take 8 weeks to self-heal. > slightly injured smiley goes here <
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 1, 2013
I'm very pleased to hear that you will be still around to have a conservation with
Sorry to hear that the finger is back on the ice lolly sticks, I hope the self healing goes well
*leaves healing perculiar for the slightly injured one, and anyone else who might need it*
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 1, 2013
Yes please! Some healing Perculiar for meeee!
Peanut, you should have a stand at the FMBS. Peanut's Perculiar Tea Shoppe. You'd be a sensation. .
Awwww SA, hullo! Good to hear from you! Welcome back. What are you thinking about these days? I'm still into the maths, dividing improper fractions in fact, for no apparent reason.
Uh oh, back on the ice lolly sticks then. Whatever did you do to that finger, and how? Or don't we ask. heheh.
I think the Brightling crowd will be there, Mister D. in their Gheorgheniplex T shirts and lime green All Stars trainers. .
I don't know, I just saw that.
I'll send them your love.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 1, 2013
Interesting new book out by Jonathan Black. Not everyone's sort of thing, but I saw it in the bookshop the other day, and it leapt out at me.
Except it was 25 quid, so I put it back, but ...
It's called The Sacred History. How Angels, Mystics and Higher Intelligence Made Our World.
I'm going to ask Santa for it. Even though, in our household, Santa has been on strike for about ten years. .
Daydream Journal
minorvogonpoet Posted Oct 1, 2013
I tried meditation at the Brighton Buddhist Centre, cc. That was good but you need to do it regularly to make a difference.
Perhaps I should go to the Festival of Mind Body Spirit, as a sceptic looking for indigo insights.
But in the meantime, I'm going to France for a fortnight, to resume my battle with the triffids and live without broadband internet. I might come back loaded with quinces.
Daydream Journal
U14993989 Posted Oct 1, 2013
Jonathan Black: not quite certain of his back story, he has published an eclectic range of books, he is listed as a publishing director at Century ... a division of Random House and his real name is Mark Booth. He seems to have done some lecturing at Oriel College, Oxford & elsewhere and he seems to be educated to Masters of Arts level in the subject of Philosophy and Theology. http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/mark-booth/27/a67/183
There is a utube clip taster of his book & it does seem interesting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApZBb2QpFoQ
Also he seems to have moved from Century four years ago: http://www.thebookseller.com/news/mark-booth-joins-hodder-stoughton.html
I have also found a review of one of his previous books that seems to be extremely negative: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/damianthompson/3682821/The_worst_book_I/
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Daydream Journal
- 2321: Peanut (Sep 29, 2013)
- 2322: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Sep 29, 2013)
- 2323: cactuscafe (Sep 29, 2013)
- 2324: cactuscafe (Sep 29, 2013)
- 2325: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Sep 29, 2013)
- 2326: cactuscafe (Sep 29, 2013)
- 2327: cactuscafe (Sep 29, 2013)
- 2328: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Sep 29, 2013)
- 2329: minorvogonpoet (Sep 30, 2013)
- 2330: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Sep 30, 2013)
- 2331: cactuscafe (Oct 1, 2013)
- 2332: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 1, 2013)
- 2333: U14993989 (Oct 1, 2013)
- 2334: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 1, 2013)
- 2335: Peanut (Oct 1, 2013)
- 2336: cactuscafe (Oct 1, 2013)
- 2337: cactuscafe (Oct 1, 2013)
- 2338: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 1, 2013)
- 2339: minorvogonpoet (Oct 1, 2013)
- 2340: U14993989 (Oct 1, 2013)
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