A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 1

Master Yak 157854

I Along With Gads Of Other "Yakologists" The World Over, Have Been Struggling With An Idea That Most People Think Mad, But We As "Yakologists" Feel Simply Makes Sense.

Why Oh Why Have Yaks Not Been Used To Replace Cars And Carpets? Imagine Instead Of Setting Inside Of An Unfeeling, Unresponsive Chunk Of Metal, To Perch Atop The Gigantic Frame Of A Hairy Tibetan Land Mammal, The Horns Of Which Would Insist That Others Follow The Laws Instead Of Simply Blaring Loudly In The Wind. The Yak Will Also Save You Loads Of Money, A Yak Eats About 10 Lbs Of Hay A Day Which Only Costs About $60 A Ton. So Instead Of Paying The Stupidly Inflated Prices For Gasoline, Buy Hay!...And Instead Of Carpets, Have Wall To Wall Yakpets!


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