A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Seasonal Songs

Post 21


>.yikes Can you imagine there being enough snow in one place that you need an actual shovel to shift it!wow <<

Yes, April this year when we, here in Cardiff were in the epicentre of the only Red Snow Alert ever here in the UK.

It was umm... interesting.

Seasonal Songs

Post 22

Baron Grim

Speaking of music during wartime, didjaknow that "Deep in the Heart of Texas" was "banned" on BBC airwaves because it stopped the production lines as workers would smiley - applausesmiley - applausesmiley - applausesmiley - applause repeatedly during the song. smiley - laugh

Seasonal Songs

Post 23

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

~. smiley - bubbly ~

Seasonal Songs

Post 24


Anyway, it's strange to think that 'Jingle Bells' isn't in fact a Christmas song but was written by James Lord Pierpont to be about Thanksgiving.smiley - shrug It was the first song broadcast to smiley - earth from spacesmiley - galaxy


Seasonal Songs

Post 25

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"Can you imagine there being enough snow in one place that you need an actual shovel to shift it!" [Bluebottle]

I shovel snow every. single. year.

Some years I have up to three feet of snow on my roof. I have to lean a ladder against the side of my house so I can climb high enough to remove the snow from the vicinity of my furnace pipe. If snow gets high enough to block the vents, the furnace shuts itself off and my house gets too cold. smiley - brr

There are some years when we don't get much snow, but there's always enough to shovel.

Seasonal Songs

Post 26


What about the Swiss idea put large roundish stones on the sloping roof.
Apparently the weight of the stones will dislodge the stones and the roof is automatically cleared.

At least that is what the Swiss say

Seasonal Songs

Post 27


PS dont put any of the stones in line with any doorways smiley - run

Seasonal Songs

Post 28

Baron Grim

The key is careful alignment of the roof. If it's placed on a house on the Gulf Coast, you never need to clear snow from it. smiley - tongueoutsmiley - nahnahsmiley - laughsmiley - islandsmiley - surfer

Seasonal Songs

Post 29


But you might have to replace it after the occasional hurricane smiley - smiley

Seasonal Songs

Post 30

Baron Grim

Yes, a hurricane smiley - galaxy is likely to carefully align one's roof three blocks away.

Seasonal Songs

Post 31

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"What about the Swiss idea put large roundish stones on the sloping roof." [Bobstafford]

The Swiss also put holes in their cheese. Need I say more?

Seasonal Songs

Post 32


Are the holes to let the snow drain out their smiley - cheese?

Has anyone heard particularly dreadful or brilliant cover versions of Christmas songs? Michael Bubble did a cover of Catwoman's 1953 Christmas song 'Santa Baby', changing the lyrics to 'Santa Buddy'. It really is dreadful. But on the other hand Kylie Minogue's cover of the same song works really well.


Seasonal Songs

Post 33

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"Santa baby" had nothing to do with any Batman characters. Eartha kitt recorded it years before taking the role of Catwoman.

I've been hearing "Santa bay" a lot in the last few years. Somebody must like it now.smiley - smiley

Seasonal Songs

Post 34


Another question is does a Christmas carol have to be about the Nativity to be a Christmas carol? Some would say 'Jingle Bells' or 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas' are carols 'cos they're traditional, but are they simply older secular Christmas songs instead?
Can any song be considered a carol? Does a rhapsody about a Bohemian duke walking on Boxing Day really count as a carol?


Seasonal Songs

Post 35


The Agincourt Carol now regarded as English folk song written in the 15th century.Battle of Agincourt.
Dose this indicate carols were a musical form for celebration and not just for christmas?

Seasonal Songs

Post 36


Well 'Carol' originally meant a dance, however it is difficult now to imagine a group of revellers getting down and boogying to 'Silent Night'.smiley - winkeye


Seasonal Songs

Post 37


And not necessarily Christmassy either.

Watched an interesting programme last night about Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol'which apparently inspired much of the traditions we follow today.

Seasonal Songs

Post 38

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Carols are generally religious, and not just about Christmas.

Seasonal Songs

Post 39


There's a fun analysis of Christmas number ones here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/news_christmas_songs


Seasonal Songs

Post 40

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Question: if you happen to travel to other countries/continents during the Christmas season, will you suffer from culture shock as you try to cope with much different music than you would have heard at home?

Would the top Christmas songs in Germany, France, Australia, Italy, etc., be pretty much unique? If so, would there be a way to select some top contenders form around the globe, for a more global Christmas music experience? smiley - smiley

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