A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Active SETI members

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

I have been a member of SETI before which did not last as I changed my computers several times. I have rejoined this time in May of this year and I have a total credit of 75,823 with an average of 484.26. I wonder if there are any active members of SETI on H2G2.

Active SETI members

Post 2

Icy North

How secure is SETI?

I imagine that today’s cyber-security risks must be, well, astronomic, compared to what they were when SETI was founded.

Active SETI members

Post 3

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Due to computer changes, I too lost track of the SETI stuff. Maybe as much as 20 years ago. My current laptop is no speed-demon by current standards, but with 4-core processing? It might do something

I don't recall any scoring or point systems though.

Active SETI members

Post 4

Reality Manipulator

It has all changed now as it is now Seti@home v8. I have had no security problems as I have a full internet security protection.

Active SETI members

Post 5

Baron Grim

If you're looking for something you can actively help with, rather than just your CPU downtime, you can help look for cosmic objects or craters.

Active SETI members

Post 6

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant


smiley - evilgrin

Agnes Angst's parents: Where are you going?
Agnes Angst: You wouldn't want to know!

smiley - biggrin

Active SETI members

Post 7

Reality Manipulator

Thank you Baron Grim for the cosmosquest website link.

Active SETI members

Post 8

Baron Grim

Yeah, I tried moon crater hunting for awhile, but at the time I was currently scanning some Apollo mapping film and staring at the moon for 10 hours a day already. It was just too much for me.

"Ya wanna know what the moon looks like up close...

IT'S ALL smiley - bleepsmiley - bleep GREY! ALL OF IT! NOTHING BUT GREY! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE! smiley - runsmiley - sillysmiley - headhurtssmiley - runsmiley - steamsmiley - nursmiley - runsmiley - nur

smiley - zen But I'm feeling much better now... smiley - zensmiley - erm

Active SETI members

Post 9

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Another illusion dashed! smiley - sadface

I was looking forward to my first moon walk so I could taste the green cheese.

smiley - tongueout

Active SETI members

Post 10


If there is anybody out there SETI are bound to tell us all.smiley - smiley

Active SETI members

Post 11

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

If there *is* anyone else out there, we can enjoy the radio waves from their TV and radio shows. smiley - winkeye

Active SETI members

Post 12

Reality Manipulator

If I could make first contact, I could employ the extraterritorial for DIY, help with my computer, be my own personal doctor, befriender and vet for my pet cat Simba.

Active SETI members

Post 13

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Or - - - you might be their dinner? smiley - winkeye

If your Sunday afternoon drive takes you maybe 26 light-years out of the way, you would be peck'ish too.

Active SETI members

Post 14

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Damon Francis Knight's "To serve mankind" was adapted for an episode of "The twilight Zone"

Active SETI members

Post 15

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

The BOINC application is installed and running. Except for when I am out of town for full days, my laptop is alive and connected 24/7 - so maybe some fair numbers will be crunched.

Active SETI members

Post 16

Baron Grim

This week an American Christian "missionary" took advantage of a loosening of restrictions and tried to "convert the savages" on an island off the coast of India. He was killed on approach to the island by the natives using arrows and a rope around his neck. He should never have been allowed to so closely approach this small island. The people living there have expressly indicated they want nothing to do with outsiders and more importantly any contact with others would put them at risk of a myriad of diseases. Therefore their small island was designated as a protected preserve, prohibiting anyone from approaching. 7 of the fishermen that abetted this missionary have been arrested.

Which brings up the possibility that the answer to the Fermi Parodox, why in an infinite universe with a high likelihood of intelligent life, we've never been visited or made contact with other intelligent life in the universe...

Could it be that we are in a designated protected preserve? Are we the "savages" too simple and vulnerable to be approached?



Active SETI members

Post 17

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I agree with: "our current scientific understanding of the nature of the universe itself is quite incomplete."

I have a friend who has read all the books in the series that started with "The Twelfth Planet," by Zecharia Sitchin. He's what you'd call a true believer. Aliens came here thousands of years ago, gave us info and technology that moved us ahead much faster than we would otherwise have moved, and then returned to Nibiru, their home planet, which will conveniently be back in around 3,500 years if I remember correctly.

By then, we may have advanced enough to visit their planet and get to meet them directly.....

Or not. The orbit is quite elongated, not unlike that of a comet. It gets mighty cold in the outskirts of the Solar System. How would they stay warm enough to have any kind of civilization>

Active SETI members

Post 18

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Suppose a planetoid was populated long ago by a particularly advanced civilization? And then this Planet X was affected by some massive astronomical event that dislodged it and sent it on a new path? People advanced enough to settle another piece of rock would probably have enough technology to keep them warm enough, fed, and propogating.

Active SETI members

Post 19

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I would hope so. Alas, I'm not advanced enough to imagine how they would do it. smiley - blush

Active SETI members

Post 20

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

I don't know what chemical reactions, and molecular changes, happen in the making of a proper bearnaise sauce - but it works. No doubt a recipe left by ancient aliens, without explanations.

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