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Does your modern fridge make weird noises?

Post 21

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Mine is a definate 'cow in the fridge', I can't say I've noticd the 'crak' noise... or the bees... well, I do get the cheese bees, but they're outside, of course, in teh trees... smiley - alienfrown

Yeh, its just the top drawer in the freezer bit, that seems to ice up; the other* jsut a freezer, freezer which is ... about fifteen years old, sitting in the utility room, that has been defrosted once in fifteen years... and no, isn't iced up again yet smiley - huhsmiley - erm

I might have a roper investigation of the inside freezer/fridge; problem is I rarely get it empty, to defrost; so it just ends up being left on, and hacking off the ice I can... just to let the drawer close for a while smiley - laughsmiley - dohsmiley - erm

Does your modern fridge make weird noises?

Post 22


The ice had formed within the air ducts in mine, out of view. It didn't look like it needed defrosting, but I could tell something was up.

Does your modern fridge make weird noises?

Post 23


There were strange voices coming from my fridge, it were quiet like, not full blast. On closer inspection my ear got stuck to the freezer box.

Does your modern fridge make weird noises?

Post 24

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - laugh

Yeh... I think waht I really need to do, and its probably a better idea than how I guess most of us defrost them by the scraping method, is try* to get the fridge empty, one day, (or just have a few things in it, that can happily sit out in a cupboard over night), and run the freezer down enough so I can fit it all in the other secondary freezer in the utility room; and actually* turn the fridge/freezer off for 24 hours plus, do the useual chip out what I can, and get that out of the equasion (avoiding too much water on floor), and then let it clear entirely of water, so the ducks are all clear and the otters can move freely, (perhaps releasing the trapped cow in the process), .. get all teh water mopped up, and out of the fridge and freezer, then try let it 'air' a bit to clear what is left in terms of water in the ducs, and then re-fire it up again <zen Mind... ther's about as much chance of that happening as there is of my remembering to clean underneath the new washing machine, before* it dies in forteen years or more time smiley - blush

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