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Young children in the cinema

Post 41


smiley - erm not quite a smiley - simpost with Ed, I just took a long while to post

Young children in the cinema

Post 42


no the communication is definatly mine, would the response to this behaviour been different?

Young children in the cinema

Post 43


communication error I meant smiley - rolleyes and skulks off, don't post in hurry and I'm not sure about how I am spelling different either smiley - groan

Young children in the cinema

Post 44

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

All things considered, another fine reason to invest in some nice home cinema smiley - magic. I've not done the maths, but as most of my kit is 2nd hand/free from ebay/freecycle, I reckon it has cost the equivalent of not that many trips to the cinema.

If you've got a reasonable sized TV and the aforementioned surround sound kit, it really is almost as good as the 'real thing' depending what you go to the cinema for.

I will always go occasionally to the cinema, regardless of how many audio upgrades I make over the years, but I must say due to increasing levels of the sort of anti-social behaviour in the OP,(in my opinion) I visit the cinema less and less. I just wait the stupidly short time it takes nowadays for stuff to move to DVD/Bluray and enjoy the film on my own terms.

I find that more and more folk these days... mainly but not exclusively younger folk, really genuinely do not know how to behave in public and have absolutely no concept of respect for other people's rights to enjoy a film in silence. smiley - erm

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