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Should I wote for the euro?

Post 21

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

I think instead of crawling into the euro, we should turn around and run. The unified Europe might be a good idea, but I think the EU has shown that it is not the right one to do it. And why should a unified Europe not have any wars? Unless we blended it all into a homogenous mass.

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 22


I fail to see why anyone would be hesitant to trade in their life savings in their native currencies for a EURO. It is certain to be at least as successful as the previous attempt to unite Europe through a common language - ESPERANTO!

Just look at America's example; after 80 years and a civil war, the DOLLAR was finally accepted nationwide.

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 23


Actually, Denmark is the one making all the trouble if you go into it.
We wan't all our regulatives pushed onto the other countries, and none of the cooperation.
As for the wars; if a country, even an EU contry, attacks an EU contry, then the idea is that all of EU declares war against the attacker.
Protecting peace by extreme power, much like when the atomic bomb was put into use.


Post 24

JK the unwise

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Should I wote for the euro?

Post 25


Almost right, in Denmark people vote for the ones they've always voted for... Social Demokratiet.

How sad

At every poll they say they're going to vote for Venstre, but they lose their guts and vote for SD

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