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Should I wote for the euro?

Post 1


The danish referandum regarding the euro is taking place tomorrow.
I like my crowns but Denmark is small we make all our mony trading with other nations.
Can I get any help or coments on that one.

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 2


I personally feel that the Euro should be allowed to become strong before allowing other countries to join.

The countries that joined originally are making sacrifices now. And it seems to me that it's a little unfair to allow other countries to skip the hard part.


Should I wote for the euro?

Post 3


No country has ever succeeded by putting another country first - think of Denmark and vote NO - you wont' regret it.

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 4

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I have grave reservations about the sucess of the single currency and that's before you start considering things like sacrificed sovereignty and it's seemily unwavered descent against other currencies. Vote NO if you are at all unsure.
I'm backin' Slug on this one.

Clive smiley - smiley

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 5

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

I personally haven´t yet heard any arguments from the yes-sayers. All I have heard is threaths. Which make it seem to me there really isn´t a reason to vote yes. Besides, I think we have seen recently how weak the euro really is. If it was as strong as the dollar, it could be considered, but not after this. And the thing with the companies that trades with other companies doesn´t work either, they all use dollars or punds anyway. None of them ever change their money into kroner. But the real question is if you want Denmark to be economically independent of other countries. If you look at the danish economy compared to the economy of many other european countries, ours is better and more stabile. So we really have everything to loose and nothing to gain by it. And I also think the EU has showed that they´re not the right ones to govern Europe, we should try and get out. Just my two cents.

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 6

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

So, according to BBC online, it was a NO then? 53% or so they reckon. Is there much fall-out over there?

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 7

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

yeah, 53.1% said no. I don´t know wether there´s any fall-out since I can´t remember what it means. But since the last ratings was shown at 23:30 danish time, nobody has had time to do much. Except for the politicians who of course has started blaming each other.

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 8

Researcher 154824

No, absolutely not, never, nada, nein, non, ne and so on. Voting for the Euro would turn the cultural melting pot of Europe into the United States of Deutchland and nobody wants that...Except Germany France and just under hlaf of Denmark but nobody really cares about Denmark anyway.

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 9


Well Done Denmark!! It's wonderful to see people can think sensibly despite being bombarded by propagander from all sides.

We are still laughing at the amazing bearded gentleman official, who was interviewed last night - I don't know how you spell his name, but it was pronounced 'Mogens Lickitoff' - obviously everyone in my household has the mental age of 5!!

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 10

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

Ahh, we danes don´t quite pronounce the name Lykketoft that way. But an interesting thing about him is that he is our minister of taxes, and has some resemblance with the Devil smiley - smiley

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 11


The English interviewer obvsiouly didn't know how to pronounce the name properly - or just wanted to give everyone back home a good laugh. However, we felt that with a beard like that, he should really be called 'Brushitoff'!! smiley - smiley

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 12


Just my point-of-view:

It came out a NO, how sad.
But the saddest thing about it is that the politicians didn't have the guts to tell the truth:

We WILL get the EURO!
Danish companies are already trading in it, more companies wil begin trading in it.
The tourism shops accept euro, and more will start accepting.
So euro will become more and more visible in Denmark, and at some point we WILL enter the cooperation!

So what did we turn down? Influence!

Don't make the same mistake as us

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 13

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

Influence? What we said no to was having other ppl control our economy, a major part of any country´s sovereignity. But the bad thing about saying no was that you got put together with Kjærsgård in the foreign medias. smiley - sadface

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 14


Quite right about Kjærsgård smiley - smiley

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 15

Is mise Duncan

What the 70s oil crisis and the 90s far east collapse showed is that no country controls its own economy.

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 16


BTW: You got it backwards.
without doubt, i can say that we WILL be part of the euro someday.
At that time, everybody else have decided how things is, and we will just have to walk that way!
is that controlling our own economy?

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 17


So you think the government will just keep holding referendums till they get the result they want?

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 18

JK the unwise

The eruro
is a route to a united
Europe.(no more wars!)
and so that we can
beat of America.
If we dont make a go
of it America will soon
control everything!
smiley - sadface

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 19


That might happen, but that's not whatn I mean.
As statet somewhere above, the euro will slowly ooze into Denmark,So why not step forward, insteed of crawling behind as we're used to?

Should I wote for the euro?

Post 20


As you're part of the ERM then quite possibly. But why is saying no not a step forward in a different direction?

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