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Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 61

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well we are told in canon that Lily and James got together at Hogwarts in the sixth form. They were 22 when they dies so must have been 20 when Harry was conceived; meaning they would already have been together for at least two years.

That would mean that for Snape to be Harrys dad he would have had to be having an affair with Lily as an un-repentant death eater outside of school. Sorry that just doesn't wash with me.

Also there is the prophecy. You know about being born to parents who had thrice defied the Dark Lord.

Now surely this means Jame *has* to be Harrys father, otherwise the prophecy cannot apply to him and it would have to be Neville. It clearly isn't Neville ergo James *must* be Harrys father.

Also JKR has confirmed both on her website and in interviews that Snape does not have children. Whilst she does have a tendancy to sometimes change her mind I really doubt she has going to do this on this one. She has said it enough for it to have near canon status.

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 62

Jim Lynn

And so many characters have remarked on Harry's strong resemblance to his father. That can't really be explained away.

I'd agree that it's unlikely for Snape to be Harry's father - it seems too crass a plot twist given everything we've been told.

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 63

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master


However that Snape had a thing for Lily, and possibly even a big thing now look like a very realistic possibility.

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 64

Jim Lynn

I've thought Snape had a thing for Lily since we saw that memory of the Marauders tormenting Snape (was that OotP?). The potions clue here makes that much more likely.

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 65

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I am a little bit dubious of that memory though. I think Snape *meant* Harry to see it.

Especially given the news that Pensive memories can be altered. I imagine if Snape were to do it then he would not have done a botch job al la Slughorn.

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 66


Thanks FB! smiley - oksmiley - smiley

Been doing a bit more trawling for "Regulus Black is R.A.B." clues; have to say that I totally missed this one, I'll have to check up on it when I get home:


The first reply to the original post - what a great hidden clue! smiley - winkeye

smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - wizard

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 67

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

smiley - cool

I picked that up when reading the book for the second time but forgot about it until just then.

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 68


Ooo, I just finished it too! smiley - erm
I have to say that I really liked it! Surprisingly I might add because I found the 5th book I a bit of disappointment. But I was just thinking now how well JKR tied up so many loose ends! smiley - ok

I am a bit upset we need to wait sooo long for the next book! Are you all sure it will come in 2 years time??? That's cruel! smiley - sadface

Going through your posts (my friends are still reading and no one to discuss!) I was very happy to see that many of you believe Snape will turn out to be good at the end! I have to say that till now I didn't like the guy. But when everybody is pointing finger at him at the end of this book I suddenly really, really want him to turn out to be a good guy!
I have to agree with Ferrettbadger here - it's not like Dumbledore to plead for his life! I think he was just asking Snape to finish the job as they have previously agreed. I think that's why Hagrid heard them arguing previously - knowing what Draco's task is, Dumbledore was trying to convince Snape that that would be the right thing to do.

Ooo, I so much want to know how it all ends! May be I should just go back to the last book to keep myself busy smiley - winkeye

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 69

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well the pleading thing is the biggest point for me. I just cannot see that Dumbledore would ever plead for his life in the face of an enemy.

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 70


Exactly! And when we know how great he is, and how learned and experienced, it's still hard to imagine that he was deceived about Snape!
I think you are also right about Snape getting too angry at being call coward...
I have to say that I didn't expect Dumbledore to die though! I haven't heard any hints about that and honestly believed that the .. just next page will show it was all a trick! Sad really (even made me cry, but don't tell anyone!).
But I guess it was necessary. Now Harry is really on his own and has to show what he has learned from all these great people around him.

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 71

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well on my personal reading of the series it has been quite clear from very early on the Dumbledore would either bite the dust or become incapacitated in some way that would prevent him from being helpful to Harry in book 7.

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 72


Oh, one other good thing in this book was that Gryffindor house didn't win the competition - 6 times in roll would have been a bit too muchsmiley - winkeye

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 73


> I am a bit upset we need to wait sooo long for the next book! Are you all sure it will come in 2 years time??? That's cruel!

It was two years between books 4 and 5, and two years between books 5 and 6. I'd rather JKR finished it off the way she wants to in her own time... so if that takes two years, then so be it.

However, if I was a cynical marketing type smiley - erm, I'd want to get it out just before Christmas next year. This is unlikely to happen though... sorry, but you will just have to wait.

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 74

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Who won?

I must have missed that.

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 75


"We still don't really know much background to the "Werewolf Caper" specifically how it came about, and crucially the circumstances in which James saved Snapes life. We already know that saving a wizards life creates a bond and a debt. It could well be that Snape is still in debt to James, and therefore Harry."

But I'm sure Dumbledore said that when Snape tried to stop Quirell getting Harry thrown from his broom in book 1, it was becasue he thought it would make him and James even - though that doesn't mean that they are now even, I suppose.

I also think that Dumbledore may have been pleading Snape to kill him. I thought he would die, but I thought probably in book 7.

I was glad to see Tonks and Lupin get together, that'll make the fanfic shippers happy! But it was a shame that Tonks had to be so dull when she was such a vibrant character in OOTP. Maybe she'll be back to normal in book 7.

I can't believe Harry, Ron and Hermione aren't going back to Hogwarts - it changes everything!

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 76


Hang on, Gryffindor won the Quidditch tournament though; that was where the Harry-Ginny thing finally got going (after far too long waiting...) - somehow they managed to win their last game by a huge score.

I guess the inter-house competition was probably called off after Dumbledore died, though.

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 77


No, you didn't miss it - no winner was announced. With Dumbledore dead and all the terrible things happening around nobody would think about the competition!
What I meant was that it would have been a bit too much if this year AGAIN Gryffindor was given the cup as all previous times...

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 78


Tonks was back to normal already here Elentari - she had pink hair for the funeral...

Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 79

Mu Beta

I personally think the sex between a werewolf and a metamorphmagus would be FANTASTIC. It almost inspires me to write some dirty fanfic; something I've never considered before.

"And I still think there's an outside chance that he's Harry's father, although that is, indeed, too Star Wars for words."

Ah! Jim Lynn agrees with me. Therefore, on this site, I am right. QED. smiley - winkeye


Harry Potter 6 - the Spoiler thread

Post 80

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master


Go write your dirty potter porn.

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