A Conversation for Ask h2g2

short cut wanted

Post 1

Prof. Rem

I hate computer mouses. I'm bothered about switching from keybord to mouse and back, so I use short cuts as often as possible. But I can't find the short cut for minimizing application windows to the task bar (perhaps the wrong expression, mean the thing at the lower edge) at Win95. So, is there such a short cut or can I create one?

short cut wanted

Post 2


Just use [Alt]+[Space], that will do it.

short cut wanted

Post 3

Prof. Rem

Thanks!- Something different: I've just noticed, that the plural of 'mouse' is 'mice'. Is it the same for a computer mouse?

short cut wanted

Post 4


Er... Alt-Space will bring up the menu with 'minimise' on it, but it won't actually minimise the window...

What you need is Alt-Space followed by 'n'. Also useful is Alt-Space followed by 'x' to maximise the window.

The plural of 'mouse' (the computer type) may or may not be 'mouses'. There are arguments either way. Personally, I use 'mouses' and 'mice' pretty much interchangeably with regard to computer mouses/mice.

smiley - smiley


short cut wanted

Post 5

Is mise Duncan

To get back to the one you just minimized ALT+SHIFT+TAB


short cut wanted

Post 6

Prof. Rem

ALT+TAB is enough, I think.- Shall this be your spear? What means HTH?

short cut wanted

Post 7

Is mise Duncan

HTH = Hope this helps

ALT+TAB goes forwards through the task list, ALT+SHIFT+TAB goes backwards. The act of minimizing an app puts it behind the current one in the task list so going back one stpe brings you to the app most recently minimised.

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