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How do you order a beer in your country?
Yelbakk Posted Mar 7, 2005
In German: "Ein Bier, bitte." (There is no "standard" ordering formula; some bars seem to have developed their own lingo. This line will always work, though, be it in the dirty bar of your choice or in the Hilton hotel bar.)
How do you order a beer in your country?
I am Donald Sutherland Posted Mar 7, 2005
>> Is there a difference between a bitter and an ale? <<
Bitter is a type of ale the same way the Pilsner is a type of lager.
As for Scottish beers, they are a law onto themselves.
>> some saw tea drinking as effeminate and therefore a negative influence on the local labourers. <<
Nothings changed much then.
How do you order a beer in your country?
I am Donald Sutherland Posted Mar 7, 2005
"Ein Bier, bitte."
I always found it best to say "Ein Grosse Bier, bitte" otherwise you would end up with a piddling little .25l glass that didn't last five seconds.
How do you order a beer in your country?
Yelbakk Posted Mar 7, 2005
0.25 glasses? I turn away in disgust. The places that I frequent would not have that! But you are definitely right: "Ein großes Bier, bitte" is best. However, be warned that while most places define "groß" as half a liter, this order would give you a two liter mug in some places in Bavaria - not that you could not handle that
How do you order a beer in your country?
I am Donald Sutherland Posted Mar 7, 2005
Only ever once had the pleasure of visiting a Bavarian Beer Fest once I know I can handle a 2 lire mug of beer.
I once attended a piss up in a brewery where the beer was served in 1 liter mugs, straight from a 1,000 litre vat. Thats was in Padderbourn and it certainly was a day to remember. All the Paderbourner Pils you could handle with Brockwurst and Kartoffelsuppe. Fantastisch! biggrin>
How do you order a beer in your country?
I am Donald Sutherland Posted Mar 7, 2005
Have a Schultheis for me while your are there!
How do you order a beer in your country?
The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis) Posted Mar 7, 2005
I attended a beer festival a few weeks ago and tried something called Baldrick. It was thick like treacle and claimed to be very potent, so they would only serve you two halves of a pint of it. It tasted like sewer water. Yet these bearded people in sandals with socks were standing around smacking lips saying what a fine brew it was. I have this image of them bellying up to the bar of a Local Wetherspoons pub and asking for Worthingtons or John Smiths.
How do you order a beer in your country?
U1250369 Posted Mar 7, 2005
Well, they'd have to wouldn't they. Fancy calling something Baldrick ! Dirty and smelly in my opinion
How do you order a beer in your country?
Elenitsa Posted Mar 7, 2005
In Greek - Mia bierra parakalo. Mia megali bierra (big beer), mia mikri bierra (small beer). When they present you with an AMstel, refine this to "Mia Mythos parakalo"!
How do you order a beer in your country?
U1250369 Posted Mar 7, 2005
стекло пива пожалуйста
How do you order a beer in your country?
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Mar 7, 2005
I don't know about Berlin, but in Frankfurt, you have to extra mention if you want a small (0.33l)beer, else you'll get 0.5l - they do that since we have the € and people stopped going out for a beer. Then when they did, they ordered a beer and to their surprise, got a large one, so more than they wanted.That's how people make money here
How do you order a beer in your country?
Dea.. - call me Mrs B! Posted Mar 7, 2005
Hello, I'm just butting in with some Southern European versions.
Portuguese - uma cerveja, faz favor(grande for a big one) or uma Super-bock faz favor (just asking for a beer gets you Carlsberg!)
Spanish - una cerveza, por favor.
And in the old home country, Scotland, it goes along the following lines:
Heavy! (no need for quantity, manufacturer or pleases required, you get a pint of what they've got)
If you are smarty pants you can ask for either 70, 80, or 90 shilling. All varieties of heavy, getting darker and creamier the higher the number.
If you are a ponce, you can ask for something in a bottle (and get laughed at!)
If you are effeminate you ask for a britvic(again you get what they've got). J2O has not made it that far North.
How do you order a beer in your country?
BouncyBitInTheMiddle Posted Mar 7, 2005
Well 0.5L does sound about right for a normal sized drink of beer - if you order a beer without specifying in England you'll get a pint which is about the same.
Although in student bars its usually a pitcher . Economies of scale and all that.
How do you order a beer in your country?
You can call me TC Posted Mar 7, 2005
Not had French yet:
Une bière, s'il vous plaît.
And if you're ordering another beer in Germany, it's not "ein anderes Bier" (as I honestly heard an Englishman say once), but "noch ein Bier, bitte".
The first means "other" in the sense of "a different kind".
How do you order a beer in your country?
You can call me TC Posted Mar 7, 2005
And in Czech and Polish, it's called "piwo" - pronounced pea-vo.
How do you order a beer in your country?
mrdaggers Posted Mar 8, 2005
G'Day all,
down here in OZ we locals drink our beer COLD!
not like you poms and your warm vile swill
and before you start up about our beer being cold the reason is that it's usually really hot in Australia, thats also why we drink our beer in smaller glasses! (285ml,it means the beer dosen't gat a chance to get hot) In Victoria we call them pots, but in NSW they drink schooners which are a little bigger.
But in any case, not a single person in Australia drinks Fosters and as for XXXX, well only the banana benders up in QUEENsland drink that vile stuff.
If you want to order a beer in Victoria just walk into the pub and ask for a pot of Carlton, if the don't have it and offer you Toohey's,
run for your life.
How do you order a beer in your country?
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Mar 8, 2005
In Ireland, you say "A pint of Guinness" if you want a pint of Guinness.
You say "A glass of Guinness" if you want a half pint.
Both of these are for draught beer, which doesn't come in any other sizes.
How do you order a beer in your country?
SANCH0_PANSA Posted Mar 8, 2005
melbourne- "a pot of draught"
sydney - " a midi "
south australia " a schooner "
my aussie house mate says these are halves, because aussies are all soft lads and can't take a full pint
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How do you order a beer in your country?
- 21: Yelbakk (Mar 7, 2005)
- 22: I am Donald Sutherland (Mar 7, 2005)
- 23: I am Donald Sutherland (Mar 7, 2005)
- 24: Yelbakk (Mar 7, 2005)
- 25: I am Donald Sutherland (Mar 7, 2005)
- 26: Yelbakk (Mar 7, 2005)
- 27: I am Donald Sutherland (Mar 7, 2005)
- 28: The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis) (Mar 7, 2005)
- 29: U1250369 (Mar 7, 2005)
- 30: Mu Beta (Mar 7, 2005)
- 31: Elenitsa (Mar 7, 2005)
- 32: U1250369 (Mar 7, 2005)
- 33: aka Bel - A87832164 (Mar 7, 2005)
- 34: Dea.. - call me Mrs B! (Mar 7, 2005)
- 35: BouncyBitInTheMiddle (Mar 7, 2005)
- 36: You can call me TC (Mar 7, 2005)
- 37: You can call me TC (Mar 7, 2005)
- 38: mrdaggers (Mar 8, 2005)
- 39: Gnomon - time to move on (Mar 8, 2005)
- 40: SANCH0_PANSA (Mar 8, 2005)
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