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The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 81

Baron Grim

That's the wrong attitude... I'm usually pessimistic (I figure that means your less often disappointed) but I'm going to be blindingly optimistic with this one... I have to be... George Lucas as hurt my fragile little soul too much already. smiley - wah

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 82

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

I'm pretty confident. A lot of the forework was done by DNA, so it shouldn't be too bad.

The head was probably done the way it is because it looked downright silly in the Beeb version. It was always asleep, unless it was pretty obvious that there was a guy behind Zaphod for the other head. And let's admit it. If Zaphod was like the announcer in the podrace scene of SW: TPM, we'd all throw up.

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 83

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I admit I was dissapointed with the double-headed alien in Men In Black II, but then I just figured that's because it came out out of a stalk on his back and wobbled about with a very unconvincing cut 'n' paste Jonny Knoxville on top.)

I feel a bit the same about this to be honest. I suppose I'll see how it plays on the day, and I'm willing to be pleasently surprised but I have always imagined Zaphod with two heads and an extra arm grafted onto his body. Hiding it under his head might be innovative and in keping with Hitchikers rule that nothing stays the the indenticla between versions. All the same I wonder if it will be MIB II all over again.

Meanwhile, Star Wars ROTS, my faith is almost completely restored, I geeked out and read Labyrinth of Evil*, the novel that leads into Episode III directly.

It develops more the manipulation of Palpatine and Dooku and Grievous outside of what we have seen and will see in the movies. Also been watching the Clone War cartoons of Nickleodeon. smiley - biggrin

I've picked up snippets of the story from forums and wotnnot and I am convinced that this will dispell the dissapointments of TPM and to a lesser extent AOTC. In fact I'm starting to appreciate those movies in a new light, in terms of who Anakin is, why he falls, and why he is ultimately redeemed by Luke, the underlying themes of TPM are rather important.

Nevertheless ROTS is what is going to seal it, the moment The Emperor rises to declare the creation of the Empire, The battle between Obi-wan and Darth Vader (pre-suit) that will make the "I've been waiting for you, obi-wan...you should not have come back" from ANH seem all the sweeter. The moment he is sealed in the suit!

From the moment Vader walked into Leia's ship in the first scene of ANH he missed a backstory, he was an annoymous hatefigure, a black hat - litterally! ROTS will complete that arc, this is the moment that will complete the ending of ROTJ - why he finally betrays the Emperor.

Okay exuberence aside, I'll see how it goes on the day, but I am offically looking forward to this. smiley - popcornsmiley - biggrin

* a speed read, took me about a day and a bit most fun I've had in a while smiley - booksmiley - geek.

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 84

Baron Grim

I am going to try really hard... NOT to see SW ep II in the theatre...

I am that PO'd at the first two (4th & 5th) episodes... seriously there is too much there for me not to like. I am ruined on SW... I'm so happy I bought the widescreen VHS releases of the (almost) original theatrical versions. That's the only ones I want to own. (As far as I know the only thing changed on them was giving the first (ep IV) a title of "A New Hope"). No Jabba, no Greevo shot first, no Saturn-like explosion.. no F'ing with it. And they will never be seen that way again. (Lucas now wants to reshow them in 3D Imax.... they weren't shot that way... LEAVE THEM ALONE!)

I will wait and see Ep III on satellite TV where I will not be paying an extra dime to see it.

HGG I think will be very good... I kinda like the head switch... Sam Rockwell IS Zaphod. (I think the Arthur-Trillian kiss might be a bit premature, but I can live with it).

I'll say it again... Hitchhiker's will have to be seriously messed up for me not to like it.

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 85

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

I sincerely hope they're approaching HHG in a similar fashion to LotR.

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 86

mazie (returning soon...)

i got empire magazine the other day (may issue at the start of aprilsmiley - ermwhy?) and it has a really good review of the hitchikers movie

they give it smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

smiley - wow

but this is what caught my attention

"In one scene, we see the main cast transformed into Clangers-style knitted dolls. In another, a queue of bureaucratically trammelled extra-terrestials are shamelessly presented like Doctor Who rejects."

i guess we'll just have to wait and see...

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 87

mazie (returning soon...)

actually you can read the whole thing here


wish i'd realised this before handin over nearly 7 quid for the magazine smiley - sadface

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 88

Baron Grim

smiley - ta

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 89

Zak T Duck

And you can see it for gratis!


The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 90

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

I'll check that out when I have time.

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 91

Baron Grim

I'm so jealous! smiley - envy

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 92

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - laugh

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 93

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Anyone else see the ad for the movie on TV? It was on the Discovery Channel the other night.

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 94

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

No, didn't see it. What was it like?

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 95

mazie (returning soon...)

yeah i saw it on living tv last night smiley - wow

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 96

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

It was just a short 30 second version of the trailer. It was on at around one in the morning though.

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 97

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

No, definitely didn't see it then.

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 98

mazie (returning soon...)

the one i saw had bits in it that weren't in the trailers on the web
i only kinda half saw it though as i was doing the washing up at the time smiley - sadface

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 99

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - laughhas to be done, I suupose.

The Hitchikers Movie Trailer is online!

Post 100

mazie (returning soon...)

"The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy movie is bad. Really bad. You just won't believe how vastly, staggeringly, jaw-droppingly bad it is."


smiley - wah i hope this guy is just a miserable git and that this isn't true smiley - sadface

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