A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 101


W**king smiley - grr

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 102


Sneezing, coughing, feeling sorry for self.

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 103

Researcher 556780

*hands box of tissues and lemsips to Aga*

Trying to get 5yr old to eat the crusts. smiley - cross

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 104


Supposedly w**king, but actually staving off the black hole of depression by not w**king at all and floating about here instead.smiley - sadface

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 105


Watching Italy v Bulgaria on the telly, listening to Denmark v Sweden on the radio, and typing this message all at the same time.

Who said blokes can't multi-task smiley - tongueout

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 106


Trying to find a picture of my dragon on the w**k computer...and not having much luck...

(I know I have one *somewhere*)

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 107

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

>>Who said blokes can't multi-task <<

I did, just the other day smiley - blush. But I stand corrected smiley - winkeye

Shame about the Italians today? (or does it not really matter).

Waiting for Monarch of the Glen to start (oh yes I have such an exciting life).

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 108


I'm just home from my first class of the day, have just finished brekky and am going to take a bike ride before it gets TOO HOT.

smiley - smiley


What's everyone doing right now?

Post 109

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'm dealing with a request from a friend for advice on how to manage her love life. Considering the car-crash that is *my* love life, I find this quite amusing.

smiley - redwineIvan.

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 110

Ivan the Terribly Average

Further to that - never mind the email, now she's on the blasted mobile asking direct questions. I foresee an evening of repeated text messages. *mutters something about crying out loud*

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 111

Fish's Freak

Supposedly researching.

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 112


Waiting for it to stop raining so that I can go and buy some food. Creative as I am, there's only so much culinary delight I can get out of one cabbage and a tin of tuna. I guess that that's Wimbledon done for for the day! Ha!

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 113

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

cabbage and tuna smiley - yuk

I just watched a documentary on MRSA and antibiotics, and am toying with starting a conversation about it.

Waiting for my Lemon Balm smiley - tea to brew.

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 114


Workingsmiley - groan

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 115

Researcher 556780

Feeling quite sorry for myself.

Lemon balm, I love that smell...especially when you rub the leaves inbetwix your fingers ..mmmmm...


What's everyone doing right now?

Post 116


I think something's eating my lemon balm plant. The leaves are full of holes, alas.

I've come home with some strawberries and cream and am looking longingly over at them. But they're for later. I have a will of iron.

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 117

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

smiley - hug

*hands mv sprigs of Lemon Balm*

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 118

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

I'm listening to sneaky little mouse in the kitchen.

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 119

Researcher 556780

Slugs n' snail things love lemon balm, put gravel around the bottom of the plant and dust with salt - the gravel that is...hopefully then your lemon balm shall be well smiley - ok If you have it in a pot, check under pot and under the rim for stealthy snails n' slugs.

Thanks Kea - a nice gesture smiley - hug I was just informed that I didn't get the job I wanted, so now off to fill in more applications for something else.

smiley - tea

What's everyone doing right now?

Post 120


Poot, eh, Vix? I'm applying for jobs too - oh how I ache with empathy.

Thanks for the gardening tips. I'm going to have to get fiance to do it as I have a slug phobia (of all things to be phobic about! I even quite like spiders and snakes).

smiley - tea all round, I think.

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