A Conversation for Ask h2g2

A New Radicalism.....

Post 21

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

P.S - and is it me or did Justin just completely fail to answer 2leg's question? smiley - erm

Clive smiley - smiley

A New Radicalism.....

Post 22

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

No he answered it totally, Thanks.
So, basically, I shouldn't worried, I'm dalmed anyhow, and so are all of us, as we don't suscribe to your 'brand' (for want of a better word), of religion. I cna't see the evil in TV/films, because I am evil, and I won't be able to see the evil or why it is evil, untill I surrender my soul over to God. That bit makes sense. Why I would want to do this I do not know.

PS; How do you know these films/moovies etc., are evil, unless you yourself have watched them? If you have watched them, then you are responsible of the same 'sins' (for want of a better word) as the rest of us in watching them. Or are you 'protected' (again for want of a better word), from this 'evil of the TV/media, by your having taken god into your heart, and in abiding by the rules as you have set out for yourself in your 'version' of religion?

A New Radicalism.....

Post 23


hi Clive,

Oh gosh, I remember that! Was it just as little as two weeks ago that Justin was still replying to my postings? Ah, the ol' days.


A New Radicalism.....

Post 24

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

He does answer, if I may say so, in a way not totally simular than I hear regularly of polititions on radio interviews. I wouldn't of course, for a minute, suggest that he persue a career in politics, if TV/moovies are 'evil', then heaven knows what his view of politions much be, even I view them as being satans little helpers...

A New Radicalism.....

Post 25

Researcher 195767


That is roughly it, yes. No one wants to do it, as you point out, until they see the problem. You won't want a saviour until you see how much trouble you are in. That is His work in your life, not mine.

I was not always the Lord's, you know! God dragged me out of filth and evil, and I know what those films are like. It is IMPOSSIBLE for someone who is not the Lord's to make a film with honuors Him. All that does not honour Him and is line with His nature is corrupt to some degree. That is their problem, you understand, and nothing to do with me. It is the way of the world. When you saved you will find such instructions as this, in Scripture, are the norm in you, automatically:

"Love not the world. If any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him." Love of the Father is the first commandment under the OT Law, and what happens the moment you are born again. If someone loves this world and its ways they are not saved. They are non-Christians, though they may be nominal Christians and keen ones too.

It is not a sin to watch those sorts of films. You are beginning to talk like someone from the Catholic religion! Christians don't watch the films etc., because the dirt principle in them militates against the holiness principle in themselves. The ways of the world are abhorrent to all that is in them. I don't live a rule based religious life, and neither does any Christian (real one). That is mere externally applied religion, and it is anti-Biblical, and anti-spiritual. It is completely demolished in the Scripture too.


A New Radicalism.....

Post 26

Researcher 195767


But this would be radicalism par excellence! There is no such thing as evolution. Human beings have not changed in the roughly 6,000 years that they have been on the Earth, and they never will change. There will no end to violence, famine, sin and evil until Christ return, so I would give up trying if I were you. You will not change the wicked state of men's hearts, which is the cause of all the suffering by projects, regulation, and battering the 'civilised world'.

But if the whole young generation suddenly turned from the putrid and profane so beloved of their parents, bar God's people, God would bless the land, as He did in the past. The whole country would be turned around, and things would markedly improve. The same is true in all the countries where starvation happens. But it is not going to happen, I understand that. However, this is a hypothesis.


A New Radicalism.....

Post 27

I am Donald Sutherland


You and me both it seems. I think it can be taken as some kind of badge of honour.

Justin reminds me of my Father. He was a fanatical Liverpool FC supporter, almost to the point of religious fervour. My Father had two sons, me and my Brother.

It is normal for sons to take after their Father when it comes to supporting a particular football team. Not in this instance. My Brother ended up and still is a Leeds Utd supporter. This was at a time when Liverpool and Leeds where on a par with each other and were bitter rivals. Me, I just got turned off by football altogether and took up other pursuits that my Father never dreamt of.

Not bad for a parable only this one is true.


A New Radicalism.....

Post 28

I am Donald Sutherland

>> Human beings have not changed in the roughly 6,000 years that they have been on the Earth, <<

That is demonstrably untrue. The human race has changed considerably in the 50 years or so I have been around, not to mention the 70 years or so my parents told me about. So what has happened in 6,000 years must be enormous. You are behaving like an ostrich Justin.


A New Radicalism.....

Post 29



Well, certainly not in your case, Justin me dear. smiley - winkeye


A New Radicalism.....

Post 30




Now, this seems very unfair to me. *You* got to fornicate all over the place and commit adultery and drink yourself blind constantly and yet you say others shouldn't be able to do this? Even if it doesn't matter a jot whether they do or not because it's a lottery ticket to heaven in the sense that you describe God?

Why would God suddenly bless the land when you have explicitely said time and time again that He only cares about the random chosen few that He pickes out of His Godly hat?


Why not? In most of those God-forsaken countries they are praying to God more than anywhere else. Why isn't He listening to them? Why does He prefer to talk to you?????


No sh*t!


A New Radicalism.....

Post 31

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I resemble that remark! smiley - cross

A New Radicalism.....

Post 32

I am Donald Sutherland

No offence Clive. You are a flying ostrich. Different species altogether. Far more evolved than the Justian version. smiley - smiley


A New Radicalism.....

Post 33

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Thank you for steering me toward that answer to my question, Clive. I was pretty sure that would be Justin's definition, although in response to my specualtion in the "marriage" conversation (which I can't find for the life of me right now) that he shared the view that women were men's "property", and that they were nothing more than slaves, he was pretty adamant that he'd never insinuated any such thing. Go figure.

A New Radicalism.....

Post 34



Now are you actually saying that our Justin is saying things that are contradictory??? You'll probably burn in the Lake of Fire for saying such a thing. Oh wait, you're going to burn anyhow. So, carry on!

smiley - smiley


A New Radicalism.....

Post 35

Noggin the Nog

Oh we're back on the mythic golden age kick are we, Justin?

Refresh my memory please. When was this, exactly? Since we're the same age I should be able to remember it too.


A New Radicalism.....

Post 36

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

smiley - biggrin

A New Radicalism.....

Post 37

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Well, I'm apparently going to burn anyway. I'm a woman after all, and if we're not completely subservient to men, we're evil, right? Especially pagan feminists like myself. smiley - winkeye So I might as well enjoy myself while I can.

Justin say something contradictory? It'd be hard for him to avoid it when in lieu of answers or explanations, he provides an endless stream of quotations from the bible, which is as filled with contradictions as any other collection of historical records and personal correspondence (such as Paul's many New Testament epistles) would be. But that's been covered quite thoroughly more than once, no sense in rehashing it when Justin's not likely to pay much heed and everyone else already seems to get it.

I'd like to know when this Golden Age in history took place, too. Seems to me that overall, society has evolved and become much more civilized and tolerant for the most part than in the past. We no longer boil people to death or stick them in the iron maiden, do we? It's only the fundamentalists that still stone their women to death for having a pretty face. Or maybe Satan has just tricked me into a false sense of security. smiley - winkeye

A New Radicalism.....

Post 38

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

"All people KNOW that God exists."

Really? Quick straw poll chaps- how many of you know there's a watchmaker up there?

I neither know nor not know whether there's a god. Hope not, because I don't fancy an eternity of burnin'. I don't fancy a lifetime of piety either, so I'll keep on drinkin' and whorin' and watching those evil films.

Razor Blade Smile, anyone? smiley - winkeye

smiley - ale

A New Radicalism.....

Post 39

I am Donald Sutherland

>> I'd like to know when this Golden Age in history took place <<

According to Justin I would guess around 1650. This is when Oliver Cromwell and others were their thing and consequenty driving thousands to seek something better on the other side of the Atlantic.

Perhaps Justin wants to emulate Oliver Cromwell and appoint a Witchfinder General. That really would make his day.


A New Radicalism.....

Post 40

Dark Side of the Goon

The adoption of such a perspective in any single nation would be amusing to watch.

As the radical generation came to power, it would create a Christian state. Legislation would take place to enforce standards of behaviour. Legislation would also take place to ensure that the nation were kept 'pure' from outside unChristian influences. There would need to be some forced reptriation of those who chose to follow other faiths, since cultural differences between Christianity and Islam (for example) make it unlikely that this radicalism would take place across all sections of society at the same time.

Since legislation already exists to ensure the freedom of people to live unpersecuted for religious beliefs, there would almost certainly be international censure of the nation in question. If the legislation of that nation and the methods used to ensure compliance were strict enough, one can assume that certain sections of the international community would set economic sanctions. Since a large proportion of the world's oil producing nations are not christian, there would be an energy crisis.

The energy starved nation would be forced down certain technological avenues to cope with said crisis.

Its manufactuing base would suffer, causing more local economic stress.

Depending on how the nation felt about dealing with 'ungodly' outsiders, the economy would eventually have to be come self-supporting or it would fail.

At worst, if you can be considered a good example of the way these new radicals will phrase their message, there would be increased international tension and probably warfare.

Since cultural differences exist that would prevent the propogation of this radicalism across all borders at the same time, you would see any single nation so affected beset by tribulations and strife until it either fostered another radicalism - towards secular humanism, most likely - or until external factors forced a regime and ideology change.

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