A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Opinions Please..........

Post 161

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

edited by men for the last 2000 years................

Opinions Please..........

Post 162

Random person

Not only that, edited largely by Justin's hated Roman Catholics for 2000 years...

Opinions Please..........

Post 163


Well, of course we are all forgetting that God actually SPOKE to Justin! While he was in the depths of despair and self-loathing. I'd actually call that something else, for example, a psychological and emotional breakdown.

Lots of people think they hear the voice of God under such circumstances.


Opinions Please..........

Post 164


Thats why I have been talking about my own time in the church, it was a place of shelter during the worst of the sexual abuse, and it was not long after my first breakdown, when I was so bad I ended up in hospital. It was good for a while, I spoke to god and received replies in a gentle, caring way. I am glad I am out of it now though!

So I cannot help wondering whether Justin is going through a breakdown himself, just like you said.

Opinions Please..........

Post 165



Justin used to have 'his story' posted on his home page - don't know if it is still there. About when and how he found God. It totally smacks of someone who had gone through a total breakdown.

He seems to have 'recovered' from dangling over the edge of the abyss (so to speak) but he still believes that it was the Voice of God that had saved him. And he seems to be holding onto that for all it's worth. (imho)


Opinions Please..........

Post 166


Don't you know its impolite to psychoanalyse someone on their own thread? smiley - winkeye

Opinions Please..........

Post 167


Whilst we all know he is wrong, we cannot break down his belief as that would end up in another breakdown, or a psychotic break or suchlike. If the voices in his head give him comfort and he isn't harming anyone (apart from the dreadful insults on here), then I guess he is welcome to his voices, because he maybe dead without them. smiley - erm

Opinions Please..........

Post 168


Oops sorry BouncyBit smiley - winkeye

Opinions Please..........

Post 169


hi Bouncy,

Oh, am I being impolite? smiley - biggrin If you knew the half of what I don't ever post to Justin you would say that I was showing extreme patience and understanding. Really!


Opinions Please..........

Post 170


Skipping right back to post number 1.


smiley - yawn

Find something constructive to do rather than continuing to try to drag people down to your tiny little Hell. You really are nothing but a bigotted little troll.

smiley - smiley

Opinions Please..........

Post 171

badger party tony party green party

smiley - book

Opinions Please..........

Post 172



The thing is, on his own theads that he has started, Justin only ends up trolling himself, which I suppose is his right.

I only get annoyed when, like recently, he started trolling on another thread I had started. But to Justin's credit, he did finally unsubscribe from my thread after I objected many times to him trying to hijack it. I suggested that he go and start his own thread - which he has done. In fact, he has started a few of them.

I don't think he *can* do anything else. This is what he lives for.


Opinions Please..........

Post 173


smiley - sadface

Opinions Please..........

Post 174


Happened upon your conversation having just posted this one

What do you think?

Opinions Please..........

Post 175


I wonder what has attracted Justin here? What does he get out of it? He doesn't seem to want discussion or to convert, merely keeps asserting his 'truth'.

In way he's a fascinating character & it's very tempting to tease him. However I can see how his attitude could be very hurtful or alarming to an unsuspecting researcher.

Opinions Please..........

Post 176



I never tease Justin, at least not seriously. I know he is 'deadly serious' and this is why I continue to post on his threads. Just in case someone shows up who doesn't know what Justin is all about. I gave an example awhile ago - either on this Justin thread or another one - about how he was telling a woman with small children that he fully expected them to become whoring/fornicators, etc (these kids are 1 and 3 years old). So I stepped in to let this woman know she was not to take anything this person said to heart.

I mean, imagine having that said to you, unsuspecting, on a thread here!

So, this is part of the reason I stay on his threads. A bit of a public service, if you like. Otherwise I find most of what he says highly offensive and intolerable, so I continue to 'debate' with him, even though I know he probably does not even read my postings (he told me once before he had stopped reading anything I posted).

A fascinating character? I think I would use a different adjective myself. <winkeye<


Opinions Please..........

Post 177


I was just being polite smiley - winkeye

Opinions Please..........

Post 178


Here's a funny story (well, sort of funny. It's kind of tough for the guy with the pipe-bomb):

I had a friend tell me once that she didn't believe in dinosaurs because they aren't in the Bible. That was twenty-five years ago. I still think of her statement regularly and I keep coming up with questions I should have asked her. The penultimate one is "do you believe in kangaroos?"

I just thought of another:

Her brother lost his eye to a rather foolish pipe-bomb accident. I should have asked her if her lack of belief in pipe-bombs (since they, like dinosaurs and kangaroos, are not in the Bible) had done her brother any good. Seems to me that if you're faithful enough to put your faith in Faith alone, then maybe you shouldn't have to lose an eye over it. But, of course, in the Real world of Real Followers of God, camels get tied no matter how much Faith their owners have. I'm sure even Justin ties his camel while pretending to have a pipeline to God.

Opinions Please..........

Post 179


Ah well, some of those with faith tend to say things like 'God works in mysterious ways' & consider that even tragedies & disasters are all part of God's plan.

Others who are not such fatalists but have faith presumably view the ompipotence of God differently & draw on their faith to give them strength to endure hardships.

I wonder how Sister Wendy would get on with Justin smiley - winkeye

Opinions Please..........

Post 180

Noggin the Nog

I was very impressed with Sister Wendy. But given that she's a Catholic (I think) Justin would take the view that she's an agent of the antichrist. smiley - sadface


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