A Conversation for Ask h2g2

H2G2 Articles, Organization of, The

Post 1

E'dalethni II

In encyclopedias and other compilations of information put the 'The's and 'A's at the end of the title, along with other similar changes, so that, when alphabetized, the articles don't all end up under 'T' and 'A', and articles with similar subjects end up next to each other. Why isn't H2G2 organized this way?

H2G2 Articles, Organization of, The

Post 2


what's 'organised'mean?

H2G2 Articles, Organization of, The

Post 3

E'dalethni II

According to Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition:

Organized 3a: to set up an administrative structure for

‘Organised’ is listed as the brittish variant of ‘organized’.

H2G2 Articles, Organization of, The

Post 4

Jim Lynn

There are lots of technical reasons, most of which boil down to the fact that we did the index in a hurry, and haven't yet got round to recoding it in a more efficient and more correct manner.

We're a bunch of lazy sods, really.

H2G2 Articles, Organization of, The

Post 5

Jim Lynn

Also, we are working on a classification system which will arrange articles in meaningful categories, which will not only make it easier to find the information you want, but also easier to see where information is missing if you're looking for something to write an article about.

H2G2 Articles, Organization of, The

Post 6

E'dalethni II



H2G2 Articles, Organization of, The

Post 7


Just wondering...
did they ever do this? smiley - winkeye

H2G2 Articles, Organization of, The

Post 8

Jim Lynn

Yes we did. <./>Browse</.> the categorisation, and browse the <./>index</.>.

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