A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Movie Prequel Game

Post 521

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Surely that would be Blunt Walker?

(The Stumbling Baby being wee Arnie trying to get from one side of the nursey to the other)

Movie Prequel Game

Post 522

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

(dammit your right where is my mind today?)

the wood ivory and strings on a instrument factorys floor.

Movie Prequel Game

Post 523

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

(Piahno! Piahno! It's not a f**king piahno, it's a clarinart!)

Willy Wonka and the Pick n' Mix Stand.

Movie Prequel Game

Post 524

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

officer murphy goes to a warehouse.

Movie Prequel Game

Post 525

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Back to the Present

Toddlers n' the Hood

Movie Prequel Game

Post 526

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

smart kindergartener

Movie Prequel Game

Post 527

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Three Men and an embryo.

Eleven Monkeys.

Playground Scrap Club.

Movie Prequel Game

Post 528

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

living boat

Movie Prequel Game

Post 529


The Stepford Fiancees

Movie Prequel Game

Post 530

A Super Furry Animal

Night of the living...er..living. smiley - erm

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Movie Prequel Game

Post 531


That's near enough! Don't get any...

The AV7R

My Plain Laundrette

Pre prequel - "How to buy a baby"
Prequel "The baby will cost me how much!?"

Movie Prequel Game

Post 532

The Groob

The day of the living living.

Movie Prequel Game

Post 533

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

wel i suppose i better finish the trilogy

the dawn of the alive

Movie Prequel Game

Post 534

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

Practice like Beckham

The Apple shack proposals [actually sounds like a plausible John Irving title!]

The Undressing Bow [featuring a mediaeval Frank Drebin]

Movie Prequel Game

Post 535

A Super Furry Animal


RFsmiley - evilgrin

Movie Prequel Game

Post 536

The Groob

The Fantastic Five walk into Alan Sugar's office.

Movie Prequel Game

Post 537

The Groob

Doctor approaching the house

Carry on shouting at the family because you can't find the tent

*please move thread to games thread*

Movie Prequel Game

Post 538


Sure, It's a Country for Young Boys
There Might Be Leukocytes
Eggplant, Tomatoes, Zucchini and Garlic

Movie Prequel Game

Post 539


Inner City Police School (under special measures)
2000 (A short excursion into the upper atmosphere)
A Clockwork Citrus Pip
Egg Run - or was that the sequel?

Movie Prequel Game

Post 540


Shaun of the really really ill.

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