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Good names for spaceships
ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish Posted Jan 23, 2003
HMS INVINCABLE, 'come on lads well sink that one, invincable is she? well soon sea about that'
Good names for spaceships
Wampus Posted Jan 23, 2003
If anyone's read the Robert Asprin books "Phule's Company," "Phule's Paradise," ("Phule" is pronounced "fool") then I have a good name for a ship for the main character: Ship of Phule's.
Or how about Phule's Errand? A Phule And His Ship?
Good names for spaceships
Xanatic Posted Jan 27, 2003
I think Enterprise is a silly name for a starship. It's a concept from economics isn't it, free enterprise. Why not just call it Marketing or Franchising. Spaceships should have names like Blackhawk and Swooosh. And imagine the confusion if you called a spaceship Jupiter 2. But the really big ones should probably have female names like ships. Complicated ones like Anastacia or The Lady Macbeth, no Jane or Suzie here.
Good names for spaceships
Chronicargonaut Posted Jan 27, 2003
Liberator was a good name for a ship owned by freedom fighters? They could hardly fight the Federation with a ship called Penelope?
Good names for spaceships
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Jan 27, 2003
Paint it pink and call it *Freud*
Beats *Heat Seeking Moisture Missile*
Always been partial to *Millenium Falcon* from SW though.
Good names for spaceships
Chronicargonaut Posted Jan 27, 2003
"Battlestar Galactica" Nice name, shame about the series....
Good names for spaceships
Chronicargonaut Posted Jan 27, 2003
Yeah, and all the actors and actresses looked as if they had walked off a 70's soft porn film...check out the hairstyles...only let down by lack of John Holmes moustaches
Good names for spaceships
Chronicargonaut Posted Jan 27, 2003
Except for Faceman Peck... what about the gorgeous lipglossed first lady of space, Wilma Deering from Buck Rogers...
Good names for spaceships
Chronicargonaut Posted Jan 27, 2003
No... but my wife, when she was a teenager went to see Flesh Gordon 2 at the cinema thinking it was the sequel to that otherwise splendid and worthwhile 1980s classic with Max Von Sydow...she was shocked, to say the least!
Good names for spaceships
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Jan 27, 2003
I can imagine. The prints of the original are hard to find, some specialty video stores have them. It really was a comedy though, with a lot of nudity thrown in. I mean, the monster was a giant penisaurus!
I have no idea what 2 was about, probably not as funny as per most sequels.
Good names for spaceships
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Jan 27, 2003
Cinema! Oh, we're talking cinema now!
I wish I could remember the name of Flesh's silver penis spaceship!
Good names for spaceships
Sho - employed again! Posted Jan 27, 2003
if I may ask a question that's bugging me here? In Andromeda, (nice name for a ship, imo) Beka's ship is called the Eureka Maru.
Now I've heard/read that somewhere else, can anyone help me out, because I can't remember where.
As for Flesh Gordon, I thought it was better than that other one... Flash...aaaahhhhhhh! (you can't have Flash without the aaahhhhh!)
Good names for spaceships
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Jan 27, 2003
In the harbour where I live there are lots of ...Marus. Japanese for sea so most of their ships are named that. Does that help?
Good names for spaceships
Chronicargonaut Posted Jan 27, 2003
Wasn't there something called the Koyabishi Maru manouvre from Star Trek 2?
Good names for spaceships
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Jan 27, 2003
I think it was Kobayashi. But like I said that would fit the ship thing. Although I doubt if they researched the names of Japanese *space* ships.
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Good names for spaceships
- 61: ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish (Jan 23, 2003)
- 62: Wampus (Jan 23, 2003)
- 63: Narapoia (Jan 26, 2003)
- 64: Xanatic (Jan 27, 2003)
- 65: Chronicargonaut (Jan 27, 2003)
- 66: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Jan 27, 2003)
- 67: Chronicargonaut (Jan 27, 2003)
- 68: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Jan 27, 2003)
- 69: Chronicargonaut (Jan 27, 2003)
- 70: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Jan 27, 2003)
- 71: Chronicargonaut (Jan 27, 2003)
- 72: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Jan 27, 2003)
- 73: Chronicargonaut (Jan 27, 2003)
- 74: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Jan 27, 2003)
- 75: Chronicargonaut (Jan 27, 2003)
- 76: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Jan 27, 2003)
- 77: Sho - employed again! (Jan 27, 2003)
- 78: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Jan 27, 2003)
- 79: Chronicargonaut (Jan 27, 2003)
- 80: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Jan 27, 2003)
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