A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 41


I've hit once. And lived to tell the tale.


Post 42


Hit the ground that is.

Not so easy to tell now that my reply is isolated on a page.


Post 43

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Did you have any reaction to it? I've never hit the ground when I fall.


Post 44


I woke up a few seconds after. Didn't hurt or anything, I was just surprised.

Other falling dreams I've always woken up before hitting.


Post 45

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Have you ever had dreams of plane crashes?

The ones I have had are really vivid. Fortunately I haven't had any for a few years but they are really frightening. I am not on the planes, but I see them crash.

They have all crashed in fields. The dreams stopped when my fella's granddad died.


Post 46


Never had plane crashes. Or any planes at all as far as I can remember.


Post 47


The plane thing is a sign of powerful feelings having been long buried in your mind, according to the dream dictionary.


Post 48

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

What's strange about them is that they are all completely different.

Different planes, different locations. The locations are strange ie my granddads cottage, but not in my granddads village. Don't understand that.


Post 49


I wish I did have dreams like that about flying. I hardly ever remember my dreams and I wish I did. Doesnt stop me having spent half my daydreams in life so far dreaming about flying.

Talking of dreams, the scariest I have ever had was when I had killed someone in a dream (I cant remember why, self-defence, attack, I dunno. I dont really remember my dreams.) I woke up sweating and s**ting myself that I had to go and dispose of a body. I slowly realised that it had been a dream. Now that *was* scary...


Post 50


Just out of interest, was it someone you knew that you killed?


Post 51

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Talking of death, I remember having a dream about my fella trapped upside down in his car. I remember me getting out turning round and seeing the car on fire. The screams were horrendous. I could see him on fire screaming in the car.

I woke up with a start and put my head on his chest to make sure he was still breathing. Didn't sleep much after that.


Post 52


Mmm, I've never dreamed of planes either.

I do the falling thing from time to time but always seem to wake up with a jolt on impact, so I end up wide awake and slightly shaken smiley - erm the whole bed feels like it's moving.

Does anyone else get the strange mixes of dreams and reality? What I mean is that it's stupid o'clock in the morning and a part of your brain knows your at home in bed but something else is telling you that you need to be awake and getting on with something, so you end up with a strange mix.

Most recently for me it was after a technical rehearsal for a big sound and light show. I'd got home very late and gone to bed. I then became aware that I was in the way and someone was trying to focus a light on a particular area of the stage and I needed to be out of the way. I started moving around the room trying to keep out of the way; wondering why the producer was focussing lights on my bed! The end result was I eventually woke up the next day huddled in a corner knowing exactly why I was there.

Not sure what's going on really, it can't be classed as full sleepwalking (which I have been known to do) because I can remember what's been going on. But I can't be fully awake either, there's no way I could confuse my room with the stage set in the castle. Whatever is going on I do it from time to time and find it a bit weird.


Post 53

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I have had two dreams where reality and dreams inter-mingle.

1. I have had a dream that the door bell has been ringing constantly. When I get up to answer the door, it is the phone ringing.

2. I have also had a dream that I have woken up out of my sleep and there has been a spider by my head on the pillow. I remember jumping out of bed and crouching by the bedroom door (to the amusement of my fella) and him asking me what on earth I was doing. I really did feel foolish after this dream.

smiley - erm


Post 54


The worst one I've had was when I was on teaching practice at Uni. I was convinced that the class was in the room with me and they were insisting I should be teaching them while I was trying to convince them that it was the middle of the night and they shouldn't be in my house, while trying to teach them at the same time.


Post 55


The closest crossover between dreams and reality I've had was after a very difficult and frustrating shift in a pub/restaurant. I went straight to bed and worked most of a shift as a dream.

Woke up totally shattered.


Post 56

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I feel sorry for both of you!!! Fortunately I have never had a dream about work!! It's bad enough having to go to work, never mind dreaming about it!!!

smiley - winkeye


Post 57


No I cant remember whether I knew them or not, but I dont think I did. The only thing I remember is that the body was in a bush at Ashton Court (Large estate left to the people of Bristol when the Smythes died.)


Post 58


Stressful jobs tend to get to me. After a shift I end up with customer orders and stuff rolling around my head.


Post 59

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

It is difficult to leave work at the front door when you go home. I fully understand, still thankful I don't have dreams about it though.


Post 60

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Bob. I hope you dug the grave deep enough!!

smiley - biggrin

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