A Conversation for Ask h2g2

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 41


But wasn't her promotion from the backbenches given by Thatcher? It was under Thatcher that she did the salmonella thing, wasn't it?

During Major's leadership, I think she was mostly kept out of the way. Although it's quite likely that John Major kept her out of the cabinet because he wanted as little to do with her as possible, it could also be argued that he left her out because she was deeply unpopular, and a bit of a loudmouth. Anyway, it certainly did nothing for her career.

Well, it did nothing for her political career, but it won't do any harm to her writing career.

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 42

McKay The Disorganised

I read in one of the reports that she put it into her book because she was upset she wasn't in the index of John Major's memoirs. smiley - steam

I also have a soft spot for Edwina Curry - I got salmonella poisoning at the time (of the scandal) and felt she was the only person not saying - no its nothing. At the time I was furious. smiley - grr Actually - I still am. smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - steam

Makes you wonder about all the talk about Ginny on Spitting Image.

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 43

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

smiley - laugh No, let's face it, who would buiy Edwina Currie's autobiography if it *didn't* have juicy gossip about affaris in it?

smiley - ale

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 44

Sitting on the stair

"John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!"


I respected Edwina for voicing her honest opinions on the eggs etc. Am I hypocritical to think less of her for voicing this truth, now, all these years on? I'd be more likely to buy her autobiography for the egg story than this.

This doesn't make Major more interesting to me. Four years of deception is ... distasteful. Not to mention that it gave leverage to anyone who knew. Great. Just what we need in our PMs.

Mrs T's comment is a classic. I'll memorise that for future use. 'I'm sorry, I don't recall if anyone might have mentioned such a thing to me' is so much better than 'I don't know'.

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 45


Remember in the early 90's. Didn't John Major have a lot to do with the Prince and Princess of Wales. I seem to remember he was acting in a kind of intermediary, marraige guidance kind of a role.

It seems that he was better qualified for it than I thought.smiley - smiley

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 46

a girl called Ben

A lot of people are better qualified for that than one might think.


John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 47

a girl called Ben

Afterthought: I wonder if he told them?


John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 48


Probably not outright, as talking about yourself is usually recomended to be avoided in such circumstances. Although I could well imagine him making oblique references to 'similar circumstances I have been involved in in the past', or somesuch.

smiley - ale

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 49

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Bugger, that was me, sorry chaps smiley - doh

smiley - ale

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 50

a girl called Ben

Ah ha! Another case of two people, one PC. I see we will have to pay close attention to who is who and saying what from now on. smiley - winkeye


John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 51

McKay The Disorganised

Does this mean I now oblidged to admit to my affairs with Princess Diana, Edwina Curry, and Geoffry Archer?

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 52


Yes, I'm afraid it does.

If Geoffrey Archer denies it, then we'll know it's true.

Edwina is already writing a new book about the passionate, but ultimately doomed love affair between her two latest characters. A famous, beautiful, mature but sexy writer named Elvira Chilli-con-Carne, and her youthful lover McCarthy the Unprepared.

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 53


I have to say when I heard this at 7am on Saturday morning, I sat bolt upright in bed.

Its like finding out your parents still have sex!

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 54

a girl called Ben

It's WORSE than finding out your parents have sex. You know your parents must have done it at least once for each child. But for the greater good of the party!

As I said, I am not in the least bit surprised about Edwina, but I guess I am a tad surprised about JM. Makes you wonder how stiff that upper lip really is.

smiley - run


John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 55


Did you hear Mary Archer's comment about 'being surprised not at Ms Currie's indiscretion but at John Major's temporary lack of taste'?

I loved the listener to Broadcasting House who pointed out that perhaps Mary Archer isn't the best person to comment on matters of taste where mates are concerned. smiley - laugh

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 56


*wanders through backlog*

*has to make SUPREME effort no to laugh long and hard at the "He's not the Prime Minister he's a very naughty boy!" remark. As I'm at work. And supposed to be doing some work*

Truth is - as they say - stranger than fiction.

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 57

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

What makes me laugh about this whole thing is the fact that the Tabloids completely failed to glean any information on it at all ... it seems something of a moot point considering how little he does these days.

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 58

a girl called Ben

Well, at least she only made one major mistake, even if she did end up with egg on her face.

smiley - run


John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 59

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

John Major?! and Edwina Currie!?!

Post 60


Knew there was a reason I was still subscribed to this thread.

And am fairly sure that horrendously bad joke from Ben was it.

Oh dear. Oh dear. Oh dear.


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