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100 Greatest Britons?

Post 21


the infamouse google comes to the rescue

JRR Tolkien born Bloemfontein, S. A., on 3 January 1892
But to English parents & thus was English. Just my memory playing tricks then.

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 22


Anyone need a superfluous 'e'?

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 23

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Look, it's the infasmiley - mouse! He's riding to the rescue of the infasmiley - panda!

smiley - ale

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 24


Nice to see that the Beeb wants to spell Austin with a B smiley - silly

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 25


Thankyou for that, KA

Does it count as revolutionary misspelt graffetttti?

smiley - cheers

smiley - ale

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 26

The Snockerty Friddle

Since when did you spell "Stan Laurel" R-o-b-b-i-e-W-i-l-l-i-a-m-s?

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 27


OK, I was going to put in a few of those already discussed so instead I put to you...

Guy Fawkes.

A man we celebrate the execution of each year.

A great Briton? smiley - erm

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 28


I was going to comment that King Edward the 1st's inclusion might offend the Scots (if not the Welsh) but they've included Robert the Bruce and William Wallace for balance smiley - biggrin

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 29


smiley - yikes

Who on earth voted for Cliff Richard? smiley - yuk

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 30


And don't forget Owen Glyndwr is in as well.

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 31


Yes, I was going to put him in but I forgot how to spell his name smiley - winkeye

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 32

The Snockerty Friddle

and no sign of Bluessmiley - shark ?
Someone didn't do their research properly

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 33


I think 2legs will be up in arms that George Formby is not anywhere to be seen smiley - winkeye

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 34


Somehow I doubt he'll notice due to his elation ofver the inclusion of Maggie T.

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 35

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Of course Orcus! He gives us an excuse to set fire to things, make lots of loud bangs and drink too much every year! What could be greater?

Oh and, Icotan? It might have done, but you missed the 'up the revoltoin!' bit off smiley - rainbow

smiley - ale

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 36

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

If it had been 101 Greatest Britons, then I'd have been a shoo-in, naturally. smiley - winkeye

I must admit that *not* including Stan Laurel seems a bit of an oversight, as does including Robbie Williams.

I think we are agreed that Rowling can go, and frankly, to my mind, so can Tolkien. Let's have, ohh, Moorcock and Leo Baxendale instead.

smiley - shark

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 37

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Personally, I'm a bit miffed about the lack of Tom Baker... We so *need* a sulk smiley!

smiley - ale

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 38


So are we writing our own HooToo list of Great Britons then?

And Tolkiens in, OK BS? Lets not be starting that one.

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 39

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Tom Baker? You mean Patrick Troughton, surely? Though if we must have an actor from Dr Who, surely Nicholas Courtney is the one who *really* deserves it? smiley - winkeye

smiley - shark

100 Greatest Britons?

Post 40

Researcher 188007

T******r's greatest (and, indeed, only) achievement is yet to come:


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