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does anyone know how many films are made in America every year?

Post 1


Help, I desperately need to know how many films come out of America each year? A percentage would be good, but if you just know where to look, that would help. Please!!!

does anyone know how many films are made in America every year?

Post 2


Last year there were 1041 movies released from American producers.

To find out more check out the Internet Movie DataBase at


does anyone know how many films are made in America every year?

Post 3


Thank you, you have just saved my life.
I could kiss you!

does anyone know how many films are made in America every year?

Post 4


You're are most definitely welcome.

does anyone know how many films are made in America every year?

Post 5


It occured to me that I didn't give you a complete answer. There were 1041 movies released to theatres, 218 movies made for television, and 129 movies made for the direct to video market. And the IMDB has a UK site but I am not sure of the address. smiley - smiley

does anyone know how many films are made in America every year?

Post 6


How do you find this stuff out?
When I looked at IMDB I couldn't find a thing.

does anyone know how many films are made in America every year?

Post 7


Go into advanced search mode and put in the type of information you are looking for. The search engine will return a list of all the movies that match the criteria and tell you how many there are.

does anyone know how many films are made in India every year?

Post 8

F F Churchton

I heard somewhere that Bollywood films are much longer, better and more forfilling than there American counter parts. How many do they make a year!!!

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