A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller Posted Aug 10, 2008
Monday 11th, 5.30 am, clear and sunny with a real bite to the air...brisk.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 11, 2008
South Ockendon, Thurrock, South-West Essex, South-East England, 11 August 2008 09:44
Partly cloudy skies with sunny spells increasing through the morning but with the occasional dull interval when the sun is covered with theclouds. The temperature is 17°C. The wind spedes are 13 mph WSW. The UV index is 1 low.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet Posted Aug 12, 2008
Nara Japan 3:40 pm Sorry to be so boring but another of those blue sky days 37 c ,I haven't bothered to go outside today yet but I think i'm going to have to go out soon if only to get the nice sunburnt washing in , doesn't it smell nice after being out in the nice sunshine all day
PS .
I keep hearing on the radio that you lot in england might be getting a bit of damp weather at the moment
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller Posted Aug 12, 2008
The washing does smell nice, dried quickly by Sol.
Blue here too Anold but cold at night but that should be changing over the next few weeks, springs just behind the garden fence and the mercury's about to creep up.
England wet, cloudy, damp?
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Ballynac Posted Aug 12, 2008
London, Tuesday 12th August, 08.45
It is p!ssing down!
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. Posted Aug 12, 2008
hi all.
its, rain,rain,rain, and yet more rain
now 9-30am, on tuesday the 12th of august,in wet,bradford uk, 2008 jim
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 12, 2008
South Ockendon, Thurrock, South-West Essex, South-East England, 12 August 2008 15:41
I woke up to a heavy downpour of rain at 6:00, it looked like it had been raining from the very early hours of the morning by 8:20 it had died down. O I overhead on the bus to Grays that it had been raining overnight. Variable cloud through out the day and it started to brightened up at 8:30 but clouded over soon after. It has been sunny since 13:00 and contrary to weather forecasts no more rain apart from one or two drops. The temperature is 18°C and earlier on it was a high of 20°. The wind speeds are 19 mph SW. The UV index is 4 moderate.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. Posted Aug 13, 2008
hi all
the sun keeps peeping through, so its possible no rain today.
its now 9-25am, on wednesday the 13th of august,in bradford uk, 2008 jim
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 13, 2008
South Ockendon, Thurrock, South-West Essex, South-East England, 12 August 2008 13:47
Variable cloud through out the day with plenty of sunshine in the morning but as the morning went on the sunny periods became less. There was a short shower around 12:30. The temperature is 19°C and the wind speeds are 24 mph SW, so it is quite a windy day. The UV index is 2 low.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
miz Posted Aug 13, 2008
It's been a nice day here in South Yorkshire. Not hot but pleasant enough to wear shorts and t-shirts. Though the rain has just started at 11.35 pm it would be great if it just rained in the night.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller Posted Aug 14, 2008
Sunny, blue, no cloud, little wind, a bit cool at night, a normal winters pattern (C'mon spring...2 weeks and we're there!)
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. Posted Aug 14, 2008
hi all
back to the rotten, cold, wet weather, its peeing down at the moment
now 9-35am, on thursday the 14th of august,in bradford uk, 2008 jim
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Ballynac Posted Aug 14, 2008
Hi from London on Thursday the 14th August.
It's sunny, no wwit it's raining, oh hang on, it's sunny, no wait it's raining ............... gotta love the English summer.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 14, 2008
South Ockendon, Thurrock, South-West Essex, South-East England, 14 August 2008 18:19
Clear skies early in the morning with light scattered clouds in the morning with plenty of sunshine. By lunch time the clouds had built and the sunny spells were less frequent. By 15:50 it became completely overcast and it has been dull ever since. The temperature is 18°C and the wind speeds are 9 mph. The UV index is 1 low.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. Posted Aug 15, 2008
hi all
the famous british weather is at it again, we are back to bright sunshine, but will it even last the day lol
time is now 9-30am,on friday the 15th of august,in bradford uk, 2008 jim
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 15, 2008
South Ockendon, Thurrock, South-West Essex, South-East England, 15 August 2008 12:30
Clear skies early in the morning but by 10:30 the clouds started to gather but they are very scattered. Plenty of sunshine with blue skies and fluffy white clouds. It won't last as by the weekend their will be rain/showers and Monday won't be that good. The temperature is 20°C and the wind speeds are 6 mph WSW. The UV index is 5 moderate.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet Posted Aug 15, 2008
Nara Japan 8 :35 pm We had another nice day but temp's dropped a bit 35 c and might get rain tomorrow , farmers hope it will we need it in the Tambo
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Whats the weather doing where you are?
- 5061: Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller (Aug 10, 2008)
- 5062: Reality Manipulator (Aug 11, 2008)
- 5063: Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet (Aug 12, 2008)
- 5064: Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller (Aug 12, 2008)
- 5065: Ballynac (Aug 12, 2008)
- 5066: Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet (Aug 12, 2008)
- 5067: Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. (Aug 12, 2008)
- 5068: Reality Manipulator (Aug 12, 2008)
- 5069: Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. (Aug 13, 2008)
- 5070: Reality Manipulator (Aug 13, 2008)
- 5071: miz (Aug 13, 2008)
- 5072: Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller (Aug 14, 2008)
- 5073: Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. (Aug 14, 2008)
- 5074: Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet (Aug 14, 2008)
- 5075: Ballynac (Aug 14, 2008)
- 5076: Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller (Aug 14, 2008)
- 5077: Reality Manipulator (Aug 14, 2008)
- 5078: Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. (Aug 15, 2008)
- 5079: Reality Manipulator (Aug 15, 2008)
- 5080: Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet (Aug 15, 2008)
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