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i enjoy cheese?

Post 41

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I can't stand cheese - it makes me sick smiley - ill

i enjoy cheese?

Post 42

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

What, even Chedder?
I'me so sory, I don't know what I would do without;
Cheese, Cheese, Cheese, Cheese,
Cheese, Cheese, Cheese, Cheese,
Cheese, Cheese, Cheese, Cheese,
Cheese, Cheese, Cheese, Cheese,
Cheese, Cheese, Cheese, Cheese,

i enjoy cheese?

Post 43

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga


i enjoy cheese

Post 44


Make toast (don't use untoasted bread). Place sliced tomatoes and chopped onions on it. Top with slices of sharp cheddar. Broil slowly to heat tomatoes and onions thoroughly as well as to melt cheese.

Remove to plate. STOP!! Control yourself, lest you burn the roof of your mouth with molten cheese (this is the hardest step).

I think I could eat that for lunch every single day forever.

i enjoy cheese

Post 45


I'm in Milwaukee, and I know we're fortunate, but I surely would like to live among the renowned cheeses of Europe, wouldn't you? I mean, we really have to go out of our way to find something other than the big 4 - cheddar, swiss, colby, and jack - don't we? How sad, the blandification of the (midwestern) American diet.

i enjoy cheese

Post 46

Researcher shorty

Toasted cheese is definitely one of my favourite snacks, especially mature Cheddar. And where would we be without Parmasean, bliss, bliss. Blue cheese is another story altogether- AWFUL, and anyway I suppose it only appears at Christmas (Stliton anyway)!!!!!!

i enjoy cheese?

Post 47

Researcher shorty

Poor you smiley - hug. I'm sure you could get treatment for this awful problem.

i enjoy cheese

Post 48

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Whats rong with "lue Cheese", I like all cheese except really bland, processed gunk that is like, but nothing like cheddar, often called "mild cheeder", although the even worse stuff is even more processed and gunk, I mean, did I mention;
I Enjoy Cheese!!!
I Enjoy Cheese!!!
I Enjoy Cheese!!!
I Enjoy Cheese!!!
I Enjoy Cheese!!!
I Enjoy Cheese!!!
I Enjoy Cheese!!!
I Enjoy Cheese!!!
Cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, Beer, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, milk, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, bread, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, Red Wine, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese,
Oh, did I mention?; chese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese,
cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese,
cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese,
That will do for now(smile, s
leepy, teddy, cheese, bed)

i enjoy cheese

Post 49


marinated fetta cheese

AND add fetta cheese to your stirfry!

fetta fetta fetta

i enjoy cheese

Post 50

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

cheese cheese


i enjoy cheese

Post 51

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine


i enjoy cheese?

Post 52


Y Fenni is this weeks No.3, Stilton (Yeh, definitely Port) at No.2, but new in this week at No.1 is Shropshire Blue that's a week passed the sell by date and just about come to its prime.

i enjoy cheese?

Post 53

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Who compiles the top ten cheeses of the week? Neat idea, I just had stilton for breakfast!!!! yum, yum, maybe Bree for lunch, or mature cheddar on toast, just the thought makes me all..................

i enjoy cheese?

Post 54

Researcher 169208

Pleuch! Stilton for breakfast? You people make me sick.

i enjoy cheese?

Post 55

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I just had macaroni cheese for dinner. Novelty - haven't had it for years. Me - I live on rice. Proper Chinese girl. smiley - winkeye

i enjoy cheese?

Post 56

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I had a cheese and pickle french bread sandwich about two hours ago; for supper; its half past middnight here, how come you just had lunch/dinner?
I like cheese!!

i enjoy cheese?

Post 57

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I happen to have decidedly abnormal sleep patterns. smiley - winkeye

Cheese AND pickle? Eeeeerrgh. Hate them both. smiley - ill

i enjoy cheese?

Post 58

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

what; I can't even tell the time anymore; it was of course only 11.30 PM. Whats wrong with cheese and pickele? I'mehaving stilton, again for lunch probably.. Maybe with a bit of meaet in it, probably ham.

i enjoy cheese?

Post 59

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese pickle cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese bread cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese letice cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese tomato cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese Cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese pickle cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese bread cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese letice cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese tomato cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese

i enjoy cheese?

Post 60

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese pickle cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese bread cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese letice cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese tomato cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese Cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese pickle cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese bread cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese letice cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese tomato cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese

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