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Greater than god!!!

Post 1

Taff Agent of kaos

had what would be called by smiley - sheep for brains, a spiritual moment last evening, if i was a smiley - sheep for brains i would have called it that, i am not a smiley - sheepfor brains, and i rationalised it and i had what a smiley - sheep for brains would call a revelation, it was a moment of universal understanding

the smiley - biker was right, the sun was bright, the road was dry, it was awesome

everything came together for the perfect trip to worksmiley - biggrin

and i realised that a far more massive power than any god had brought about this event,

gods hand out wonders all the time if you listen to smiley - sheep for brains

what happend last night was beyond that

13.5 Billion Years of Random Chance, was all it took for me to have a perfect 5 mins.smiley - winkeye

and you know what, i see whatsmiley - sheep for brains, would call miracles nearly every day, and it didn't need anything as crass as a god

just 13.5 billion years of random chance

smiley - bat

Greater than god!!!

Post 2

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

smiley - biggrin

Greater than god!!!

Post 3


Not quite random, though...

Greater than god!!!

Post 4

MonkeyS- all revved up with no place to go

5 minutes pleasure out of 13.5 billion years sounds like a bum deal to me smiley - wah

As we've waited so long, d'ya think we might get 3 turn up at once?

Greater than god!!!

Post 5


Wouldn't be surprised... after all that time, 13.5 years between 'em will be in pretty short order, eh?

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