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Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 1

warner - a new era of cooperation

Not many can, because most of them are atheistssmiley - eureka

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 3


are you trying to insult atheists or Christians?

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 4

Taff Agent of kaos

atheists are very rational

so by your argument

yes christians can be rational

what about the other religions

can they be rational??

can they be tolerant??

smiley - bat

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 5

Malabarista - now with added pony

If you want some good religious debate, go read "The Rabbi's Cat". Yes, I know it's a comic book. A brilliant one!

The cat debates religious law with the rabbi, because he wants to do his bar mitzvah...

Perhaps a better question would be: can human beings be rational? I think our response is always primarily emotional, even if we don't want it to be...

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 6

warner - a new era of cooperation

trunt smiley - smiley
I'm not trying to insult anybody. Certainly not Christians, because I am one. Sadly, I don't meet too many these days; the shopping centre seems more inviting than church to most people.

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 7

Malabarista - now with added pony

What does being a Christian have to do with going to church?

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 8

warner - a new era of cooperation

Malabarista smiley - smiley
Well, if one wants to keep their faith strong, they should attend a place of worship where they can meet others in the community, and listen to sermons and pray together.
Expressing ones praise and love of God can also be done by singing in congregation. I used to be a choir boy, so had to attend church services 4 or 5 times a week.

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 9


So, you're saying that most Christians don't believe in God? That seems like a bizarely omniscient statement for a human to make, unless you're suggesting that you've seen statistical evidence which shows that most Christians today are followers of Hamilton and Altizer.

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 10

Malabarista - now with added pony

Nope. Organised religion and religious belief are two entirely different things.

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 11


Better question for you, warner:

can Muslims be tolerant?

(Bigoted trolls like you drove me off this sight once before. I expect it is about to happen again)

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 12

Taff Agent of kaos

my belief was that islam was a personal religion and needed no external organization to support it

the mosque thing was just invented to influence and control the population

smiley - bat

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 13

warner - a new era of cooperation

trunt smiley - smiley
I'm not saying that Christians don't believe in God. What I am saying is that Christianity appears to be weakening considerably. Malabarista has just pointed out that faith and attending a place of worship have practically no connection and are separate issues.
I find that very sad, and I also think that it's one of the reasons why over the last couple of generations, many children from Christian parents are becoming atheists.

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 14

Malabarista - now with added pony

You find it sad that people don't need churches to tell them what to think and whom to worship?

Pardon me for asking, but have you ever heard of a little monk named Martin Luther, who threw out that idea a good 500 years ago?

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 15


' most of them are atheists'

'I'm not saying that Christians don't believe in God'

so, you take us for idiots?

well, you may not have demonstrated that Christians can be rational, but you've certainly demonstrated the irrational possibilities.

It seems to be true: you're a troll.

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 16

warner - a new era of cooperation

>>It seems to be true: you're a troll.<<
That's certainly very interesting. In fact, the subject title is not mine at all.
I copied it from the BBC Christian messageboard. It started as follows:

"When I were a Christian, I believed in the whole panoply of supernatural beings and magical dimensions (e.g. heaven and hell) without ever questioning their existence...
Then I realised that, in all other areas of my life, I hold no truck with crazy superstitions like ghosts and aliens or dubious quackery like homeopathy."

Yet nobody accused of him of being a troll, because the atheists outnumber the Christians on the board. Doesn't it seem strange to you that they enjoy such argument? What's their purpose, I wonder? I know what the believers reason for being there is, and it's not to accuse people of being trolls.

I suggest the hand that points has more figers pointing towards themselves. smiley - smiley

Don't feed the troll.

Post 17

Ivan the Terribly Average

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 18


yes, warner, you take us for idiots.

I did not take issue with your subject line, where ever you, as it turns out, spammed it from. That discussion might have been an interesting one. Then you started right off trolling with the crazy Christian/atheist statement. And then it amazingly became more insane.

I pointed out that you said that most Christians are atheists and then you (lied when you) said that you didn't say that Christians didn't believe in God. And then you bring in this stuff about the subject line, other message boards and then then accuse me of being the troll.

no, warner. You are a (bad) liar (which should perhaps lead one to question your Christianity).

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 19

Taff Agent of kaos


spot the difference

<<"When I were a Christian,>>


its subtle i know and you dont do subtle do yousmiley - winkeye

smiley - bat

Can "Christians" be Rational?

Post 20

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

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