A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Old peculiar...I'm so very tired....

Post 101



Always look on the bright side of life.

Post 102

Ioreth (on hiatus)

No problem.

Don't we hear angels anymore?

Post 103


I've just killed a bug. I feel really guilty.

Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die

Post 104

Ioreth (on hiatus)

Bad Possum.

I will not apologise for what I want!

Post 105


Yeah. Well, everybody has to die sometime, including bugs.

Come Hell or High Water.

Post 106

Ioreth (on hiatus)


Automatic Display Powerdown

Post 107


Well, it was trying to suck my blood...okay, I'm a bad person. Sorry.

Eat, drink and be Mary, for tomorrow we may diet

Post 108

Saint Silent Bob of the Silent Majority

These are a few of my favorite things.

Post 109

Ioreth (on hiatus)

Ok, forgiven.

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