A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
I don't know what it is but it just won't quit
Saint Silent Bob of the Silent Majority Posted Mar 31, 2000
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Yes I Would If I Could If I Could I Surely Would
Ioreth (on hiatus) Posted Mar 31, 2000
Today, I apply for a job. Gasp. Oh no. W***!
It's a choice between the water ice place and the hardware store.
I Can Be Your Bodyguard and You Can Be My Long Lost Pal
Possum Posted Mar 31, 2000
Good luck - water ice place sounds a lot more interesting than a hardware store. But what do I know?
Tomorrow, I will be bored.
Energy equals matter times the speed of light squared.
Ioreth (on hiatus) Posted Mar 31, 2000
I too.
Have you got ICQ? I am 35307360.
Listened to Bridge Over Troubled Waters last night. Haven't heard that in a while.
Do You Know the Way to San Jose?
Possum Posted Apr 2, 2000
What is ICQ?
I am ignorant of all things technical.
I listen to Bridge Over Troubled Water all the time - it's very good for the soul.
Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Men? The Shadow Knows!
Ioreth (on hiatus) Posted Apr 5, 2000
ICQ - see http://www.mirabilis.com
A realtime chat program - somewhere there's a list of ICQing researchers, run by Mr. Cynic.
"The guy's got the bladder of an infant" "That's funny; he said you were hung like an infant"
Possum Posted Apr 11, 2000
Cheers. I'll check it out.
My friends from university came to visit over the weekend and now they've gone my life seems curiously empty.
I've decided to fill the emptiness with eating a lot.
Fear, Surprise, and Ruthless Efficiency
Ioreth (on hiatus) Posted Apr 12, 2000
Well that's not usually the best solution. But oh well.
I'm tired and I have work to do... but oh well.
As if by Magic, the Shopkeeper appeared...
Possum Posted Apr 13, 2000
You're probably right. I've stopped eating and moping about the house.
There is now a New Improved Me, who is ready to take on the world and make a name for himself, or something.
"But Oh Well"
So then I said, What next?
Ioreth (on hiatus) Posted Apr 15, 2000
Good for you.
I have just begun break and have two weeks do do whatever the hell I want. YAY.
Oh, the feeling of freedom.
Oh I Wish I Were an Oscar Meier Weiner
Ioreth (on hiatus) Posted Apr 18, 2000
I think you know what I mean.
Eat, drink, be merry; for tomorrow we may die.
Possum Posted Apr 18, 2000
Yes. I think so too.
"Happy Accidents"?
Mary, Mary, quite contrary - how does your garden grow?
Ioreth (on hiatus) Posted Apr 19, 2000
It's the title bestowed on me. I don't know...
So what's new in the life of Possum?
You can see a million miles tonight, but you can't get very far...
Possum Posted Apr 19, 2000
What's new in the life of Possum...? Good question. You'll *really* wish that you hadn't asked...
Today I opened a new bank account. Mainly this is because I lost all the details for the old one, so I had to go and cancel that one, and get a new one up and running. It was one of the worst mornings of my life. I get to the bank at 11, having had about 4 hours sleep, have to wait for, oh, just half an hour with a runny nose and no tissues. There was nothing for me to do so I just sat there and stared into space, sniffing every now and again. I was about to get up and leave, but just in time a woman came and took me into her office to arrange everything.
So I think to myself, great, at last something is happening. So, stupidly, I opened my mouth and said "I don't suppose you've got a tissue?" very politely. Immediately the woman disappears for another quarter of an hour.
Finally we get round to the task at hand and everything goes more or less smoothly. Well, that's if your definition of theword "smoothly" happens to mean "not very smoothly at all." The old account was cancelled; fair enough. Then the new one is created. All the while the woman is patronising me: telling me what a bank account is (well, duh) what it does and why I need one. I just sat there and smiled and nodded and made occaisional comment. To cut a very long story short I left the building at 12:30 with a new account full of money which I can't use because the woman said she "couldn't find a passbook" for me. Great. So I'm still broke effectively, and not happy.
It doesn't end there of course. There's still the hilarious episode where I got really bad toothache, rang the dentist to find that he's on holiday and that four other dentists in the local area are taking his patients, rang all of them and found that all four were either sick, on holiday aswell or, and I quote, were "unaware of this arrangement with Mr. Furness" (My dentist).
Sorry. As you can tell, I'm in a *very* bad mood. Do you wish you hadn't asked?.
ahem *coughs apologetically* Sorry again. I'm in a better mood now - just had a nice sip of tea; first of the day.
So what's new in the life of Ioreth?
Who gave us life and sustained us and brought us to this day.
Ioreth (on hiatus) Posted Apr 20, 2000
Well tonight is Passover and I had a really long and highly boring Seder just like I do every year and just like I will again tomorrow night but the chicken soup was damned good even though it had no chicken because I'm a vegetarian although actually now that you mention it it had a bit too much pepper for my taste but my mother taught me a little trick if you boil the soup again with a potato in it it absorbs some of the flavor but I wasn't about to get up in the middle fo the seder and do that now was I? Also my uncle came except he's actually my grandmother's uncle and he's 90 years old and he nevers shuts his mouth for one minute so he talked all the way through the whole thing but the problem is he only has two or three stories so he tells them over and over but they're a little different each time.
There I knew if I tried hard enough I could write a whole tome too - but mine is only two sentences. So there.
Oh, and of course, my definition of the word "smoothly" happens to mean "not very smoothly at all." Doesn't yours?
Beware of the Dog
Prosthethnic Vogon Jeltz (P.S of Poetic Liscence) Posted Apr 20, 2000
I'll bet you do. Muaaa!
Who gave us life and sustained us and brought us to this day.
Possum Posted Apr 20, 2000
Hey, of course my definition of "smoothly" means "not very smoothly at all". I think it's the same for everyone.
Old people generally have a couple of recycled stories. My nan has about 6 - they were entertaining once, I think.
Well done for fitting it all into two sentences though. It's a real talent. I would try to do the same but...erm...I don't want to.
Well, today was a lot better. How was yours?
Key: Complain about this post
I don't know what it is but it just won't quit
- 21: Saint Silent Bob of the Silent Majority (Mar 31, 2000)
- 22: Ioreth (on hiatus) (Mar 31, 2000)
- 23: Possum (Mar 31, 2000)
- 24: Ioreth (on hiatus) (Mar 31, 2000)
- 25: Possum (Apr 2, 2000)
- 26: Ioreth (on hiatus) (Apr 5, 2000)
- 27: Possum (Apr 11, 2000)
- 28: Ioreth (on hiatus) (Apr 12, 2000)
- 29: Possum (Apr 13, 2000)
- 30: Ioreth (on hiatus) (Apr 15, 2000)
- 31: Possum (Apr 16, 2000)
- 32: Ioreth (on hiatus) (Apr 17, 2000)
- 33: Possum (Apr 18, 2000)
- 34: Ioreth (on hiatus) (Apr 18, 2000)
- 35: Possum (Apr 18, 2000)
- 36: Ioreth (on hiatus) (Apr 19, 2000)
- 37: Possum (Apr 19, 2000)
- 38: Ioreth (on hiatus) (Apr 20, 2000)
- 39: Prosthethnic Vogon Jeltz (P.S of Poetic Liscence) (Apr 20, 2000)
- 40: Possum (Apr 20, 2000)
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