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Why 360 degrees?

Post 21

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Not the pink one though unless you want to take evening classes in how to fix spaceships.

Why 360 degrees?

Post 22


factorise, split into its divisors.
for example,
60 divides by 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30.
12 divides by 2, 3, and 4
here endeth the lesson for today. smiley - tongueout

Why 360 degrees?

Post 23

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

remember everyone, "Factorising is your Friend"!

smiley - erm

Why 360 degrees?

Post 24

stupidgirl,notanace,possiblyathree (Keeper of thingummies, wotsits and oojamerflips)

*screams loudly and runs off from what she will never understand*

Why 360 degrees?

Post 25

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

You evil people talking about factorising. smiley - grr

Why 360 degrees?

Post 26

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

i dint start it! dont bame me!

*gets ready to run b4 u finish counting to 10*

Why 360 degrees?

Post 27

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

1 2 5 er um smiley - erm 6?

Why 360 degrees?

Post 28

ford sierra estate, blue, 1988

I've got an idea, why don't I go out into w w w land and look for an answer?
As it's starting to cause such distress, I don't feel I have any choice.
DON'T PANIC, I have an adequate supply of Lemon scented paper knapkins !!!!

Why 360 degrees?

Post 29

ford sierra estate, blue, 1988

I've got an idea, why don't I go out into w w w land and look for an answer?
As it's starting to cause such distress, I don't feel I have any choice.
DON'T PANIC, I have an adequate supply of Lemon scented paper knapkins !!!!

Why 360 degrees?

Post 30

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

what colour blue r u?

Why 360 degrees?

Post 31

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

A dark and mysterious blue.

Why 360 degrees?

Post 32

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"


*looks suitably impressed*

Why 360 degrees?

Post 33

ford sierra estate, blue, 1988

Hi mister omylouse.
If your "blue" question was to me, then I am a carefully maintained and polished light sort of blue, nearly but not quite a sky blue sort of blue.
There is also a nice dark blue on sierra's of my age, but I'm not that colour at all.
If you were unfortunate enough to see 2 sierras at the same time, and they were both blue, but different, then I would probably but not neccesserily (?) be similar in hue to the lighter blue.
Now I hope that's a lot clearer, assuming of course that you were refering to me. If you weren't, then please try to ignore the stuff I just wrote.
And by the way, remember that old 360 degree thing?
I can report that I had a look through science stuff last night on the internet, as I said I was going too and I can Report that there is a lot written, but not a lot explained. So I have no further input at present on that....
You are a very good listener, for an omnylouse, that is, see, I've even spelled it differently twice, and I still don't know what it is.
Perhaps you have revealed it on your homepage, what you are, or maybe I should look it up....
gotta go.

Why 360 degrees?

Post 34

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

All is explained on the 'space' of omylouse.

Why 360 degrees?

Post 35

Gnomon - time to move on

There are 360 degrees in a circle because there are 90 degrees in a right angle. 90 is a good number to choose because you can divide it in two or three without having to use fractions of a degree. If there were 100 degrees in a right angle, the equilateral triangle would have 66 and two thirds of a degree at its apex. It's much nicer to use 90. The 360 is just a consequence of this.

But it did fit in very nicely with the Babylonian number system, which was based on 60 because it is a nice number. The coincidence of the year being nearly exactly 360 days was the clincher.

The year was never only 360 days long. In fact, many millions of years ago, the earth would have rotated faster so there would have been more days in a year.

The Mayans independently calculated the length of the year as 365 and made up a calendar based on 360. Their number system should have been based on 20 by rights, with least significant digit representing 1's, the next digit 20's and the next 400's and so on, but the calendar was so important that they perverted their number system, making the third digit (counting from the bottom) as the number of 360's. The next digit represented 20x360 and so on, so their number system was rendered useless for doing complicated calculations.

Why 360 degrees?

Post 36

Xordin the curious

that's the prerogative of the guy who does it first. jez like the most frequently used number system is base ten coz the guy who did it first wuz tryin to keep track of his fingers...
also current flows from positive to negative for no reason except convention.

the early bird gets to be arbitrary...hmm...

Why 360 degrees?

Post 37

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

thank you ford sierra. & like Jon sed, the omylouse concept is displayed on my space which has the title 'omylice'. please take & look & then feel free 2 ask if any further info is required smiley - smiley
oh, & its miss omylouse! smiley - winkeye

Why 360 degrees?

Post 38


by the way, current flows the wrong way because they needed terminology long before they knew how it worked, so they guessed, and got it wrong. It is not a problem as long as everyone aggrees to keep using the mistaken terminology.

Electric current

Post 39

Gnomon - time to move on

Unfortunately, everbody does not agree on the direction the current flows. In America, it flows from minus to plus while in Europe, it flows from plus to minus.

Electric current

Post 40

Xordin the curious

see what i mean?
now suppose i invented zograsticases and then i decided (due to a warped brainwave) that a zograsticas must flutzombicate mutzominally, does any one have an argument against that?
speak now or forever hold your peace...

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