This is the Message Centre for Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Lang may yer lum reek

Post 1

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Happy New Year to you all,

Christmas was stressful and I am still recovering
so some things have suffered (sorry tav I'll get on-top of the art stuff asap)
despite the stress it was nice, I haven't quite taken the decorations down yet but I'm glad that it's over and done with

I picked up a new coat in the sales, I endeavour to donate some of my older ones to charity I feel they don't really suit me any more, perhaps they never have and people have been too kind to point it out smiley - blush
generally in shades of bright red, the new one is in neutral colours with a pattern... it looks better than my description,

I am going to apply to teaching school - primary - (if i ever write my personal statement)

Joe is doing well at his teaching course - 14+ - although hates some of his colleges at his placement

Charlie will be 6 months old soon (although I've had to get the 9 month clothes out) and he is starting to be able to sit up and can roll from tummy to back but not the other way smiley - laugh he is currently teething so can be a little grumpy (lack of sleep is adding to the stress slightly but I know it will pass eventually) he was weaning onto pureƩ but has decided of his own free will to try baby led weaning instead because mummy and daddy's food looks much better, especially bread, I will have to get a high chair

Ephraim is sprouting like a bean, he will be five this year and is having great fun at school although I'm never sure how many friends he has (he only talks about one) he seems well regarded by the other children, we are making our way through the adventures of biff chip and kipper (parents of young children may know who I mean) as school books but also reading Charlie and the chocolate factory (with mummy) and dr seuss (with daddy) he has picked up a slight pokemon obsession, but not to worry as both parents have a slightly background we have some things in storage to pass on smiley - laugh
also I had to email the Octonaught's people to ask about when they were making peso's gup (the penguin) as he would really like one, the answer apparently is summer... I'm surprised they answered

So may you all have a happy new year, may you be blessed with happiness and let not the sad moments cast a blight on what will otherwise hopefully be another year full of adventure, exploration and fun.

smiley - doctor Anthea

Lang may yer lum reek

Post 2


It does seem a bit odd that you can buy a Gup-X, but not a Gup-E. We got our oldest Gup-B and Gup-D for Christmas. Unsurprisingly he lets his little brother play with the D, but guards Kwarzi's Gup with his life.


Lang may yer lum reek

Post 3

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and


hope you had a good Hogmanay smiley - smileysmiley - hugsmiley - smooch

Lang may yer lum reek

Post 4

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Yes Kwarzi is a firm favourite but he was annoyed that peso didnt have his own gup, not to mention I felt very happy to track down a prof inkling figure on-line for only twice the rrp smiley - snork

sending Hogmanay wishes your way too Prof, smiley - smooch

Lang may yer lum reek

Post 5


Have you seen the New Amazon Adventure episode? Kwarzi finally manages to track down his grandfather, Calico Jack. Had to happen eventually. smiley - pirate


Lang may yer lum reek

Post 6

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Hohoho! Morning dear smiley - biggrin

Lang may yer lum reek

Post 7

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Happy New Year Anthea! smiley - hug And don't apologize, I had a stressful time, too, but not because of Christmas as such - our heating crisis cost us a lot of nerves but seems to be resolved now.

smiley - goodluck with your job application!

Lang may yer lum reek

Post 8

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - hug Thanks Tav,

smiley - smooch 'ello Jack

Yes the Amazon episode and how disappointed Kwarzi is that there isn't treasure

Lang may yer lum reek

Post 9


I am so glad that i came to your your journal before emailing or posting on hello thread, as I was going to cluck like a mother hen and then possibly do my chicken dance because that always gets response smiley - winkeyesmiley - erm

as i hadn't heard from you, for all of 6 days, smiley - rolleyes,*cluck*

hopes you are getting enough rest and everything

New coat eh, bet it is lovely and looks grand on you, give us a twirl smiley - kiss

I have new boots, waggles feet smiley - silly

love, best wishes and smiley - goodluck for you and yours for the year ahead

I know that you will make the most of it and the opportunities that it presents to you, that you are well grounded, and have the strength to face any challanges,a lot of love, understanding and good sense to appreciate and to see you through the good, the bad and the middling

enjoy the moments and the milestones of the year ahead

love Peanut ,smiley - peacesign

Lang may yer lum reek

Post 10


the chicken dance gets a load of responses in public, the kids used to make me do it when we were waiting for ages at train or bus stations, for delayed transport, or long waits between connections, when I spy, thumbsies, snap, 21's, slapsies had worn off

there was the time, when the train had stopped for a *very long time* between stations

but hey, at least they weren't whingey, whineing, fidgeity, flumfhing around

Lang may yer lum reek

Post 11

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - blush sorry peanut I've been looking at that email and wondering how to reply, I promise you haven't been forgotten.

I can just imagine you doing a strange chicken dance to keep the kids entertained though

I feel a bit better rested today, *big stretch*
and I've got some lovely mint tea,

Lang may yer lum reek

Post 12


don't be thinking love, just write when you feel like it smiley - hug
you know by now hopefully I'll nag you for a one line, if I haven't heard from from you in days, it is well meant, no pressure smiley - choc

*goes into overly dramatic cluck mode, want to see me act it out, in my intrepretations of what it is be a chicken*

re strange chicken dance, you should see my ostrich, swimming in slowmo impression, it was very good, *nods* when I started to do breast stroke instead of flapping while trying to multi-task with doing actions, talking to children, listening to an sudden announcement over the tannoys...

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